Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Spy the Virginia Fall

I've been meaning to take some pictures to share of how beautiful fall is around here.  Unfortunately, time got away from me, and what you're getting are a bunch of pics from almost two weeks past peak leaf season.  They were all taken around Two Bears Farm, and even if it's past peak, there is still plenty of color to be found.

 Most of our chickens are looking kind of pitiful this time of year, coming off a molt, but this big guy doesn't look any worse for the wear.
I spy one fat rooster, who's been stealing all the food.

Remember last year, during leaf jumping pics, when a tremendously huge spider crawled right on Pierce's head?  Yeah, I haven't forgotten that either.  No spiders so far this year, thankfully.
I spy a jumping boy.

The twins were big enough to join in the fun.
I spy Thing 1.

I spy Thing 2.

We have many nuts on the ground.  I wish we had one of those things to process the walnuts - as we have tons and they are so good for you.  But the nutcracker deals that are very efficient are also very expensive. So for now, our squirrels enjoy them.
I spy little hands full of protein....if only we had the tools to crack some shells!

I spy a child in the leaves!

I spy a big nest in the tree!

I spy dew on the leaves, even though it's well into afternoon.

I spy a little spiderweb in the sun.

I spy a tractor, taking a rest.  At least until the snows come.

What do you spy where you live?

This post linked with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop where the prompt was to take pictures of Fall.


E @ Act Fast Chef said...

I love fall! Your pictures are gorgeous. I love the one of the fat rooster :)

Jill said...

This was a delightful post! Your boys are so cute and look like they are enjoying the best fall has to offer!

Samantha said...

GREAT photos :)
You've still got a ton of color..our trees are almost bare.

Melodie said...

I just love fall! It looks like your boys do too! Those are some great ,fun picts!

Anonymous said...

The twins looks so happy! You get to spy such wonderful things where you live.

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Looks like those kiddos of yours are having a blast in the fall on a farm. Very cute and beautiful photos of fall!

stopping by from mama kat's

Steve Surratt said...

Hope you don't have to rake all those leaves. This year has been a good color year.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics. I love Virginia in the fall. I was just there a couple of weeks ago. I grew up in the mountains of VA. In Nelson County. Which area do you live?

Stopping by from Mama Kat's. I posted pics of GA Fall... that's where I call home now.

TexWisGirl said...

that was fun. no fall leaves here yet. oaks are holding on tight to their leaves.

Jessica Nunemaker from little Indiana said...

Sure seems that Fall was here--and gone!

It's so fun to take pics of the kids in the leaves. Too bad we hardly had a chance to rake them! :)

Slamdunk said...

The kids love leaf piles here as well. Now, if I can keep our big dog from peeing in the leaf piles, I'd have it made.

Arnebya said...

Is it weird that that leaf pile is beckoning me? They look so happy and your pictures seem like where you live is so peaceful.

Mere said...

Fall around here is so beautiful. Great pictures!

What is this fancy nutcracker you speak of that costs so much money? I've only seen the hand held ones that are less than $20.

Debbie said...

it's so pretty there lisa. i have wonderful memories of playing in the leaves with my boys!!

Valerie Boersma said...

Great post Lisa-I love all of your wonderful pictures. And I'm glad there were no spiders this year!!

Jackie @ Real Coupon Housewife said...

Love the post.I am folowing you, I hope you will follow me back

Ginny Hartzler said...

Right now I'm spying your joy filled blog! Wonderful pictures, my favorite is the one right after the nuts, a little boy buried in leaves in front of a fence and shed. I LOVE it!!

Anonymous said...

I spy snow:(

Dvr Dame said...

Very cute pics! And I'm following you from MBS or MBC...I can't remember.


Unknown said...

As a fellow mother of twins, and owner of a backyard slackline, your blog makes me a bit giddy. I confess, I want to be your BFF! Love it.


Liz Mays said...

I'm so glad this year was spider-free! Jumping in the leaves is such a childhood joy.

By the way, here's hoping your get your walnut machine someday!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It is beautiful there!

Anonymous said...

I saw you on MBC and am in love with your blog! I also love running, small children, fall, and I totally want chickens in my backyard! Unfortunately, chickens will have to wait a least I can have the rest!

Carla @ Jansen Family Adventures

Eat To Live said...

I just love blac walnuts. We used to have a lot of black walnut trees when we live on 100 acres... now we live on less than an acre with no walnut trees... In fact we only have a couple of trees of any kind.

Jen said...

Awesome pictures! I love how you did the "I Spy" version of it.

Ginny Marie said...

Such a wonderful post for autumn! You have some wonderful pictures! This morning, I spied some snowflakes in the air...but now they are gone, thank goodness!

Kim@Made in a Day said...

Love the Blog I am your newest follower from MBC!


Misty said...

You make every day look FUN! seriously...

Some leaves changing here, and unbelievably huge skied sunsets...

One Million Words said...

Autumn is such a beautiful season! Great post! It was absolutely gorgeous here today {NC}.
I'm stopping by from! I'm your newest follwer!
Visit me back over at!

xo -S

camp and cottage living said...

Your home is surrounded by such beauty! I love seeing the little guys having a good time in the leaves too. They must have had so much fun!

Peggy Damon said...

beautiful pics
newest follower from MBC (good luck reaching 500)

Lindsay said...

What a beautiful fall scene. I love Fall weather!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful Fall pictures from around your home, Lisa.... SO gorgeous!!! I love Fall---and love seeing children playing in the leaves.

Little Mommy Kim said...

Love these great fall pictures - adorable kiddies too!

MyVintageBliss said...

Love the pics and your blog! Can't wait to see what's to come! Following you from MBC... hope you follow me too!

Chris said...

V. glad I missed the spider post.

Can I have a go on your lovely blue tractor please Lisa?

Dawn said...

Snow. I spy snow. Which is why I'm in Arizona;)
Your place looks beautiful...fall is my favorite season....wish it would last til spring!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Where you live is just gorgeous!!! I'm glad the boys had so much playing in the leaves. And so happy there have been no more large spider incidents--Yikes!

Mary said...

The pictures are beautiful! I love the ones of them playing in the leaves.

Thanks for telling me about your soup recipe by the way. Have a great weekend :)

Tiffany said...

My Oh My! What a houseful of "handsome" you're gonna have on your hands one day!!! My Grandmother handed down a little handheld metal nut cracker, that if you can find, I can't imagine it costing more than $5 at the very most. If I ever find a link to one, I'll shoot it to you. Can't believe you have so many nuts on the ground!!!

Kerry said...

Great pics!! I love all those leaves and I'm glad you didn't come across a big spider again eewww scary!!
Your kids must love playing outdoors where you live :)

Chatty Crone said...

Every time I read you posts I think what a great life you are giving these kids. sandie

laughwithusblog said...

I'm so jealous of all your Fall beauty. We haven't even played in leaves around here!

Tina L. Hook said...

You must have some pretty happy squirrels...

Our pretty leaves are gone now. We are trying to embrace what is left of Fall before Winter arrives.

Unknown said...

I adore all these pictures and I'm so glad I found your blog through the Hop at Mom Loop! I also have horses, toddlers, and love the outdoors. I'm looking forward to reading and I'm now following. I hope you'll head over to my site too at