Friday, November 11, 2011

Natural Bridge Zoo

Recently we met up with my brother, sister-in-law and nephew for a day at the Natural Bridge Zoo.  I always have mixed feelings about zoos, even though we belong to the local zoo and visit frequently.  Part of me feels badly for the animals behind bars, but the kids enjoy it and the animals appear to be healthy.  At any rate, aside from my guilt we had a pleasant fall day!

Cousin Grady checked out the goats.  Pierce and Reid enjoyed feeding the goats but Cort wasn't going to go there.

Smack in the middle of the zoo...a statue designed to torment small children and leave them with nightmares for months to come?  Yes folks, right there in the bushes...statues gone wild.

Pierce liked the baby camel.

And the turtle shell was a big hit.

 We discovered with surprise that Cort suffers from ornithophobia.
Ornithophobia - an abnormal, irrational fear of birds.  Particularly large rhea type birds.

Giraffes have got to be one of the prettiest animals in existence.  



Hanging in there:

Look at the nice camel.
 Then look directly up.
Uh oh.  Speaking of ornithophobia - or rather, fear of being pooped on by massive amounts of birds tweeting, "Ready, aim, fire!"
 Just one last picture, then I'll move!

Reid and Grady enjoyed shaking this fence.

And lastly, how many kids can fit in the belly of a snake?
So it turns out four, but no one is fast enough to catch that picture before one takes off!

Do you visit zoos?


Jill said...

Great pictures! It looks like the boys had a great time.

andy said...

looks like fun we have the big north carolina zoo in ashboro but we love our local zoo the natural science center. Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

What a great outing! You have such a variety of animals. Love the snake!

Melodie said...

That looks like a wonderful day! Well,except for the unfortunate bird incidents!

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Haven't been to the zoo in years. Going to have to get back there one of these days...

I Am Woody said...

I may have to visit that zoo just so I can take a picture with that great hippo statue:)

Texan said...

I totally get what your saying about enjoying the zoo but feeling a bit bad for the animals as well.

Looks like your crew had a good time!

The running has been so nice since its cooled off some here!! I actually had to wear my long running leggings yesterday!

Tiggeriffic said...

You are so brave taking your children to the zoo. Congratulations for the award for mom of the year in my book. I love zoos and try to go to each one that I can.. I was in the Bahamas and I visited the zoo there.. STINK-0~!~!
IT was really dirty and I felt sorry for the animals because they didn't look like they were being well taken care of like the zoos here in the U.S.A.
Glad you had a great time ~ my favorite animal to go see is the Giraffes..They are so cool~!
Have a Tiggeriffic Day ` ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Shell said...

That "lunch" pic is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

We have a wonderful zoo in Green Bay...we haven't been in over a year though. I guess you do outgrow them a little after a point.

Samantha said...

I consider zoos a necessary evil, but I rarely do more than donate from afar.
I hate watching people try to interact with animals that have no interest in them.

Valerie Boersma said...

We used to go to the Rochester zoo when we lived in New York. Parts of it still had the horrible old fashioned round cages where all the animal could do was lay there. They were working on upgrading it though. We've been to the Seattle zoo a few times-and it's a pretty good one. It looks like you guys had a fun day!

Nancy said...

I used to take my boys to the zoo when they were little. It's there -- not going away -- enjoy it right?

Looks like your kids had a great day. Have fun this weekend, Lisa. Catch up with you on Monday. xoxo

laughwithusblog said...

This is a perfect time to go when it's not blazing hot out there. I bet the animals were out more! I love the turtle!

Anonymous said...

I will take two of those gorillas in my yard please to hide amongst the bushes and scare any unwanted critters from the yard, cuz I mean... wouldn't any critter be scared of the king of the jungle?

Dawn said...

I haven't been to the zoo in years! The Giraffe is my absolute favorite!!
And yes...I would Love to run the race WITH you;)) Good luck...can't wait to hear how it goes!!

camp and cottage living said...

What adorable photos of your 3 Musketeers. It looks like cousin Grady falls right in their age bracket too.
You and your DH are doing such a great job of making memories for your little guys. They are blessed to have you both as parents!

Inger said...

I share your mixed feelings about zoos, but you are right, it's such a wonderful experience for kids. But that statue.....

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Such cute pictures! Love the zoo pictures. Your family is adorable.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are great pictures!!! I have actually been in the zoo's gift shop, but not the zoo itself. I need to go. My daughter-in-law doesn't like it, what do you think? Instead, we go to the drive through safari, I can't remember if you have been there or not? You take the boys so many fun places, I'm sure you have. In fact, we are planning on going again tomorrow to show a friend. I don't blame the boys, those rheas and ostriches are crazy and scary looking!!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

That last picture is so cute--those kid move fast! I love the zoo. I could stare at the gorillas and orangutans all day. Though I also feel worse about them having to be locked up.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great set of pictures, Lisa... Looks like the boys had a great time.

I like zoos ---and know how much kids love them. I think, for the most part, that the animals are treated fairly well.

Eat To Live said...

I used to love going to the zoo when the kids were little. I have not been to one in years. Great pictures by the way.

Amy said...

Looks like a fun time!

MiaB said...

Zoos are so much fun. And your pictures look great. I'm your newest follower from Mom Loop. Hope you visit my blog and follow me back :)

MiaB from

Judith said...

I haven't been to the zoo in years. Always a great outing when the boys were younger. I think a well run zoo that has animal enrichment programs in place are ok. I know our zoo is involved in breeding programs to help preserve threatened species so I think they do a good job.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

I don't blame that baby, that bird is huge! lol. They are having a ball!

Rebecca Dunning said...

Looks like the kids had a blast!!!!!! Great pics

I'm visiting from MOMLOOP follow. I've also followed. Please visit and comment and follow:)
Have a great night.

One Million Words said...

Looks like you all had a really great time! I can't wait until my little ones get older so that I can take them to the zoo! I'm sure they'll love it.

xo -S

Leontien said...

Hi Lisa,
it sure looked like the boys had a good time. And yes if the animals look healthy it is not too bad, right?

Hugs from Indiana

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I haven't been to a zoo in ages. My children are grown and there are no grandchildren yet. Looks like a fun day. The giraffes are always my favorite.

Chatty Crone said...

You're right can't hold four down to get a picture all at one time.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I do not visit zoos anymore since kids are grown....but these pics are so cute...the nice giraffe, the natural fears...and yes the animals caged is sad but maybe they are used to it?

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Looks like you all had such a great time. The pictures are so adorable. Your boys are just so photogenic and always have the sweetest smiles!!

Michelle My Bell said...

Beautiful pictures! I thought of you as I did my newest blog... Where you able to participate in the half marathon?
Hope all is well :)

Lindsay said...

I always have mixed feelings about the zoo as well, but my son always seems to enjoy it!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Looks like loads of fun! I have mixed feelings about zoos also, but it does give children a chance to learn to appreciate different animals.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Great zoo pics! Looks like a fun day!