Tuesday, December 6, 2011

500 Followers Holiday GIVEAWAY!

I'm so thrilled to have 500 followers, and I wanted to celebrate by doing a holidays giveaway, to show my appreciation for so many of you who stop by regularly to read and comment.  I always love your thoughtful feedback.  So here is what is up for grabs:
 A Barnes and Noble cookie making set, that includes cutters, recipes, and more, a Martha Stewart tower of gift wrapping ribbon, a cute wooden country sled ornament, and a plush cat ornament.

I tried to get a picture of the ribbons, so you can see the colors better, but it was tricky since it's under that reflective plastic.  Even without a flash!  Anyhow, the colors are golds, silvers and black, very pretty.
To enter, you must be a follower (you can become one and enter, if you're not one already!) and you must leave a comment telling me one item that is on your holiday wish list this year, and be sure to leave a way to contact you (email address) if it is not already attached to your email. 

Winner to be chosen by Random.org and must respond within 48 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.  In the spirit of the holidays, I'm willing to ship anywhere.  Giveaway to end on 12/12/11 at noon.  Thanks for entering, and for following my blog!

And now to announce the winner of the Eco Natural Soaps giveaway - Random.org picked #23 - J.P. from Home in the Hollow!  Congratulations J.P!!  And thanks so much to all those who entered!


Unknown said...

My wish already came true - my boy is home for two weeks!

Cat said...

I love that Martha Stewart ribbon. Makes beautiful bows! So glad JP won all that great stuff on your last giveaway :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Cookie cutter set??? Hmmm...I think I could use that as well as that ribbon!!! Now please don't think I'm being greedy just because I WON, I WON the Eco!!!...:)JP

Jill said...

WooHoo! Congratulations on over 500 followers, Lisa. Well deserved.

Congrats to JP. She's a lucky girl.

And yes, please enter me in your drawing. You picked out some really nice treasures.

Gloria said...

I would love the cookie cutter set. Andrew would love for his Momma to actually 'make' cookies for a change :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! You have worked hard and I am so glad so many realize this is the place to start the day.

Nancy said...

Well-deserved congratulations on 500 followers, my friend!

Not entering the giveaway as I would like to see someone with children at home (or who actually decorates for Christmas) to receive your lovely gifts. :)

Melodie said...

Pick me,pick me! I like that ribbon!

Eat To Live said...

What a cute, timely giveaway.

The cookie cutter set is so adoreable!!

terrylee5151 at aol dot com

Andrea said...

Congrats!!! What a fun giveaway! :D

I'm a follower, of course, and on my wish list is a few quiet moments with my family. Honestly, no TV, computer, tablet, laptop, nada. Hopefully we'll get that this weekend when we go to get our tree! :>

Mary said...

What a great giveaway! Congrats on 500 followers.

Man I don't have much on my wish list. Maybe a Michaels gift card? Yeah I'm boring. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats to you Lisa. sandie

Sally said...

Congratulations, Lisa! Wow!

My wish came true already also. Don't enter me either, but good luck to someone. :)

Slamdunk said...

Congrats on the 500--that is a great achievement.

TexWisGirl said...

congrats to you for 500!!! and congrats to JP (i smell a giveaway rigging for a former neighbor!) :)

don't enter me in the giveaway as I want someone who bakes, wraps and decorates to get it! i'm none of the above! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on OVER 500 followers!!

My little cookie baker would love that cookie cutter set for sure. :)

My wishlist has one item and that is a new lens for my camera. If I get any money for gifts this year (gramma and my husbands family usually give $$) I hope to purchase that lens.

noone said...

love the color of those ribbons!!

Blue Cotton Memory said...

Congrats on 500 Followers! That is awesome!

Ashley said...

I'm a follower and I'd love some new boots.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Tracie said...

Yay for 500 followers! My wish list is a Hummingbird music box similar to one that was my grandma's. But the cookie cutters might be better for the kids!

Helene said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 followers!!! Yeah!!

Love that cookie cutter set!! Very cute!!

I have lots of things on my holiday wish list this year but I have a feeling I won't be getting #6, which is peace and quiet wrapped up in a box. So I'll just be happy if I get a new food processor since the one I've had for 10 years just broke.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Congratulations on 500! I've loved reading your blog! And very fun gift pack!

This year I'm hoping my husband is able to take a weekday off for Christmas! The weekend holidays foil us. :)

Anonymous said...

I never met a ribbon I didn't like.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Lisa... Even though the Giveaway looks great, please don't add me to your list...

Loved your Muffin Tin post yesterday.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, what fun! A Christmas gift for one of us! I love giveaways, and they are even better at Christmas! I will go one better and tell you TWO things that are on my Christmas wish list! The video "Life In A Day", and the magnet game "Jishaku".

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 500+ followers. One thing I wish for, a new winter coat. It's been 13 years....

trump said...

What a nice contest Lisa, and i wish everyone the best of luck. Richard

Prairie Girl said...

My wish for this year, would be to see a little bling under the tree for me!! :-)

Congrats on 500!! :-) Looks like you're up to 516 or so now!!

Betty Manousos said...

congrats on 500 followers!
that is so great!

Texan said...

Congrats on reaching 500 followers!

One item on my holiday wish list is having a wonderful time with our neice and nephew (the runners) who will be here with us!!! We are so excited! I just want them to have the best time!

If I win please send to Melodie at Laughing Duck Farm. I have so much ribbon and Christmas stuff :O). These are great give a ways for someone to win and use!

Out on the prairie said...

you are really cooking with memembship,congrats

Lindsay said...

Congrats on 500 followers!! I would love a new iPhone for Christmas. My 3GS is almost out of commission! Lol.


Sagittarian said...

Congratulations!:)Anything you wish if I was chosen...lols..:)) Thanks!:)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Yay! Congrats! (And congrats to JP for winning your other giveaway!)

I'd like to enter!

I have a couple books and a new pair of running shoes on my Christmas list.

Valerie Boersma said...

This year I asked Santa for one of those Kit Kat clocks-the kind that moves it's eyes and tail. Tacky, but so cute:)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Congratulations on the 500 followers!
This year I want a lightscoop for my camera. I heard it works great!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am a follower in GFC.
I want a cruiser bicycle.

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Super cute giveaway, how fun. I actually put a Cricut on my list this year, I want to get in touch with my inner crafter and think a cricut is just what I need :)