Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some of My Favorites of YOUR Blog Posts!

I've been blogging for over two years.  I've read a ton of blog posts during that time.  Thousands, no doubt.  And sometimes I come across a blog post that not only sticks in my head, but in some way defines the author.  I thought I would showcase a few of those today.  I'm only going to pick five, because anymore than that gets kind of overwhelming for the reader (in my opinion) but if you didn't get picked this time, don't worry!  I will certainly do this again in a few weeks, because there are so many great posts I could pick from!

1.  Do you know TexWisGirl from Run A Round Ranch?  She stands out through her animal photos, birds in particular.  But last summer she went through a stretch of blogging about the wily squirrels in her yard.  She caught some truly fantastic photos of squirrels hanging off her feeders.  But above all, my favorite squirrel post is this.  Take heed - if you don't want R rated squirrel pics, don't scroll past the point where she tells you to stop!  I think the post really captures both TexWisGirl's skill behind the camera, her love of nature, and her sense of humor.

2. JDaniel4sMom has long been a blogging friend of mine, and she has a wonderful blog full of exciting activities for children.  There is one post, though, that will forever stand out in my mind when I think of her.  It's about a playdate that went wrong once.  I think her response to what happened is so beautiful, and such a true display of her kind heart.  You can read about it here.

3. Helene from I'm Living Proof that God Has a Sense of Humor won my heart when she emailed me with concern and sympathy back in the early days of my having twins.  She's been through it, having two sets of twins herself.  Through ups and downs, she blogs with her heart, and with her humor.  Plus, she makes the coolest cakes on earth.  Her guest blog post from her disgruntled cat was so funny that it will always be in my mind as one of my favorite humorous blog posts.  Go check it out here!

4.  Ordinary Life Magic is one of the first blogs I started following.  I really loved reading of the daily activities of her extremely creative kids, and I also loved this sense of serenity (from her breezy yet poignant style of writing) I got whenever I visited her blog.  Plus, as I've mentioned before, she creates such beautiful headers.  Almost two years ago, she did a post where she allowed her children to paint their footprints all down the hallway....on her hardwood floors.  Wow!  Talk about cool mom of the year award!  You can read about it and check out the awesomely fun pictures here.

5.  Chillin' with Jill hasn't been blogging as long as the others, but she is a devoted commenter and has a sweetness to her that I love.  She wrote a post last August about her two children, who she adopted, and who both have special needs.  It's a simple, tender post that captures the unbiased love of a mother.  Read about it here.

I hope you'll take the time to swing by a couple of these blogs and read their posts - posts that I loved so much that I still remember fondly years later!  Tell them I sent you, and stick around some - no doubt if you explore these blogs you'll find that you enjoy them as much as I have.  And I will try to do this again in the near future, so if you didn't get picked this time, you very well may be soon!

What's a blog post that you've read that really stood out in your mind?  Do you have posts you've encountered that stay with you too?


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the mention. I really love your series on Granny stories although the Redneck Pool post stands out in my mind the most.

Jill said...

Thank you so much for the shout out, Lisa. You are so sweet!

Eat To Live said...

I love reading new blogs,.... Thanks Lisa, I am going to stop by and visit them.

Sagittarian said...

Congratulations to all of you! :) Thanks Lisa for sharing us some of your favorite post. I'll be glad to visit them too!:) Have a nice day! :)

Sally said...

I know a couple, and will visit the others. You're very sweet to do this, Lisa!!

Have a great day! :)

Slamdunk said...

Some of these are familiar bloggers and some are not. Thanks for the recommendations Lisa, I'll check them out.

I read several police bloggers that are fantastic. A poet, photographer and officer who works on the West Coast named "Raindog" can offer more wisdom in 50 words than I can in 100 pages. Also, police officer "MommaFargo" offers lots of humorous exchanges from her job.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Thanks for these blogs...I like finding new blogs.
Your creative Muffin Tins, the marathons stick out to have a full life

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It's hard to believe it's been 2 yrs, Baby Girl but did you ever stip to think about all those you inspired?...:)JP

Tiggeriffic said...

I have several blogs that I visit and enjoy so much.. Jdaniels4 is one and you are right along side to hear all about your adventures with raising twins, running marathons, hearing Pierce going to Pre-School for his first day. Jdaniel4 has so many ideas of how to entertain children and getting children and parents to know how important it is read books. Ben still loves the Halloween book that I won from you and it's one of his favorite reads.
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

TexWisGirl said...

oh lisa, you are so sweet! thank you for choosing me and the others to highlight!!!

Hayley said...

Your Ambien/ketchup story. Makes me think of my MIL! hahahaha

Helene said...

Wow, thanks Lisa! What a nice surprise! Thank you for the shout-out!!!

I'll definitely be visiting the other blogs to check them out!

Valerie Boersma said...

What a treat Lisa! I always love finding other blogs to read and follow! I'm looking forward to getting the chance to spend some time visiting these blogs today:) Thanks!

Barbara said...

I read two out of your five! I love them too, and now I'm off to read your other 3!

Liz Mays said...

I think I've been to three of those, and your words about each of them were right on the money, and D from JDaniels4sMom is a lovely, sweet, and wonderful person in real life too. :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What wonderful gals you have selected out here. I read most faithfully but there is one I have to go visit!!!


God bless ya and have a magnificent day sweetie!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like this post idea! And I have seen TexWisGirl commenting on a lot of the blogs I follow, she kind of interests me, especially with the animals and squirrels. So I think I will finally check her out!

Unknown said...

Thanks! Always looking for another good blog to read.

Unknown said...

The blog that really has been sticking with me...
I just discovered this blog while hopping from one to the next and next.
Lil Blue Boo.
She is going through chemo therapy at the moment.
I read about her loosing her hair.
And how she commented... "I have let go of other things and now I have to let go of vanity".
After years and years of having really short boyish hair... Afro everything that comes with the boy look. I finally have (for only 6 years now) really long, healthy, wavy hair. - People tend to think it is not my own hair.
And for 2 days now I have been walking around thinking... It is only HAIR. Don't be so in love with my HAIR.

and then there is the blog Tea Rose Home. I love that blog. It is so sharing.
She gives tips, ideas, secrets and tutorials galore of everything she makes. Instead of keeping it all to herself like so many do.

And I like your blog too Lisa,
I so like how sincere you are.
you came back to visit me. You sweetly started commenting and following too. I love it when it is a give and sincere traffic in blog.
That is why I always try send a thank you or answer to every comment I receive. They mean so much.

Michelle said...

I am already a fan of Texwisgirl! I will have to check out these others!

Anonymous said...

I know TexWis' blog but the other names are new to me... I'll run check them out though. :-)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I read some of them. I need to check out the rest. Thank you! Great post to honor some bloggers:)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

These all sound wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the links!!

Unknown said... reading new blogs. Thanks for the lists :)

Myya said...

What a great idea! How sweet of you to take the time to showcase things you love about another blog so that we can enjoy then as well!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Yesterday started out crazy and continued that way all day. Good crazy, though!! Anyway, I missed this post. I hope to get some time today to check out some of these blogs!

Kim said...

I'm always tickled when I recognize blogs from my own Reader list—I already read Helene's and JDaniel's blogs, and will check out the others!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

What a great idea for a post! I just read JDaniel4sMom's post. I think it was exactly what I needed to read. I'll have to check out the other posts later.

Anonymous said...

I'm always looking for great new blogs, and love suggestions. Off to read now, thanks!