Thursday, January 26, 2012

Treating IBS Naturally with Dragon's Blood (Sangre de Grado)

You probably read the title of this post and wondered, briefly, if I have fallen into some sort of January winter delusion in which I believe myself to be in medieval times, storming castles and hunting dragons.  No, indeed, it's not that kind of dragon.

Dragon's blood is a resin that comes from the fruit of a tree deep in the Amazon.  It gets the name dragon's blood because the color of the resin is a dark red hue.  It can be used externally to reduce stinging, itching, and pain (so it's great for things like wounds, eczema, and insect bites) and can be used internally for treatment of candida, ulcers, fevers, infections, and IBS.   I got mine from Homeopathic and Natural Health Paradise which offers a large variety of natural supplements and homeopathic medicines.
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is something I've suffered for years.  I remember the first attack, when I was just 13 years old.  The unexpected pain terrified me.  After it was over, I never even told anyone - not even my parents.  Over the years I've learned that stress and dairy products are my biggest triggers.  I have a difficult time avoiding Reeses cups dairy products completely (although I do buy many substitutions).  I'm fortunate, though, as I know some people suffer from this more severely than I do.   Still, I've been to the doctor, I've been prescribed meds, and none of it works for prevention.  Plus, I don't like to take prescription medication except as a last resort.
Dragon's Blood is a natural way to treat and prevent IBS.  You put 5 drops in a glass of water to drink once a day and can stay on it for up to 3 months at a time.  And although it doesn't taste great, it also doesn't taste like blood, so that's good!  I've been taking the supplement for two weeks now, and haven't had any episodes.  This doesn't mean I'm cured, but it does seem promising.  Indeed, if I make it a month without any issues, I'm going to be a firm believer.  I've had absolutely no side effects from the dragon's blood, which is excellent.  It's really like I'm not even taking it.  That's how natural medicines should be in my book! 
What about you readers?  Would you try a more natural solution to treat a long running, frustrating health issue?

Disclaimer:  I received Dragon's Blood from H&N Health Paradise in exchange for a review.  The opinions stated above are entirely my own. 


Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

If I could find something natural to treat the health struggles I am currently having, I would jump on it! I detest this medication I'm on and it is only halfway treating the problem!

Steve Surratt said...

Interesting. My daughter has had bouts of IBS so I might look into it. I see the company also has something knees too.

Jill said...

I do hope it continues to work for you! That is, until you start breathing fire. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found something that works!

Barbara said...

I'm really glad you found something that works. I will have to find out if I can find that here, it sounds like something handy to have in the medicine cabinet.

Nancy said...

I'm always amazed at how elements from nature can be used to treat our common ailments.

You will have to let us know if it continues to work... :)

andy said...

Hope it helps. Very interesting name! Have a good day

I Am Woody said...

I am going to forward your review on to a friend that suffers terribly from IBS. Hopefully she will get some relief as well:)

Eat To Live said...

With all the parasite cleanses and magnesium etc... I have been doing pretty well in that department. I do want to check into this dragon blood to read up on it some more.

Anonymous said...

Hope this continues helping your IBS.
I've used natural remedies and herbs for years. I tried for years to have a baby, I used black cohosh and it worked! That was 12 years ago ;)

Unknown said...

I am always on the hunt for something that treats eczema! I will have to give it a shot.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, fingers and toes crossed for you!!! i hope this relief continues!!!

TexWisGirl said...

i use fish oil to help with heart stuff (hereditary cholesterol / blood pressure stuff).

Anonymous said...

I've heard of dragon's blood, but never really knew where it was from. Glad it wasn't out of Pete's Dragon!

Tom Stewart said...

I collect Dragons and anything with a name like that has to be good! I have had "Acid Reflux" for over 20 years and the med the DR has me on is so expensive and if I for get to take one a day, I pay fore it for days!

Out on the prairie said...

Natural always sounds better, although there are no specific guidelines for purity with many supplements.

Cuby said...

I have a friend whose bloke suffers very badly from IBS so will pass on this tip. Thanks for this.

Unknown said...

yes, I love natural product too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So you have tasted blood? (hehe)
My husband suffers from this so I will pass this information on to him.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, I'm very surprised by this post!!! This is because I have I.B.S., too!!! I got it when I was 9, so we are so alike with this!!! I really never heard of other people getting it as young as me, but now there is you!! I still remember my first attack one night as a kid, I was shivering on the toilet, and my mom threw the bath mat over my legs. As a teenager, I had a prolonged stay in the hospital, at that time it was diagnosed as colitis. But very recent trips to the gastro specialist say it's more likely to be I.B.S., and finally she explained the difference to me! In the sixties, they gave me Phenobarbitol (am I remembering this name right?) then in later years it was the prescription drug Lomotil. But none of it prevented, only tried to stop it. In the last ten or fifteen years, I have just been taking Immodium, but only after an attack is underway. I am just amazed at how active you are with this!! How do you do it?? For the first few hours after I get up, I have to stay near the bathroom, so it has disrupted my life quite a bit. But of course it is all I have known, so I'm used to it.

Jane said...

Yes Lisa,I certainly would,I take caynne pepper every day three times a day,it is said to be beneficial for so many things,even cluster headaches,my niece eats peppers for this,and reports amazing results.I use 8 shakes of caynne powder,and one tbs of acv 1/2 cup warm water with just a pinch of bicarbonate of soda,stir and drink.I am not recomending this for everyone,just what I do. Blessings Jane

Inger said...

I'm so glad you found something that helps you. I'm a great believer in natural treatments. My dog, Angel, has been on homeopathic meds for years and is doing really well at 13 plus years of age.

Liz Mays said...

That does sound quite hopeful. I can imagine how IBS could cause a lot of worry when you're away from home.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

This is very interesting. I suffer from IBS- have been since 2008. I am going to look into it. I really appreciate it!

Michelle said...

IBS has been a problem for me and I might have to try this. I have used probiotics before and that has helped.

Kim said...

Hee! I had to laugh at this post, just because my twin girls have got it into their heads that they want to be dragons (?) They have been going on and on about it. I should make them drink this dragon's blood! They'd probably love it!

Michaele said...

Thanks for sharing this. I am always interested in alternative medicine. Hope it keeps working for you.

Angela said...

I used to have problems that felt worse than labor pains which I didn't know until I had my first baby that it was worse than labor pains! Then after I had my first baby I had to get my gallbladder out. After that I haven't had those problems. Do you still have your gallbladder? That could be play a role in it???? I used to couldn't eat dairy at all. I still avoid it though! lol

I hope the dragons blood works! I do know there are a few herbs and vitamins that I can't live without!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hope the magical medicine keeps working for you.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I appreciate your natural posts! I've never heard of this product. I'm all for trying natural solutions. I tried some natural teething tablets with my little guy. I just have to research them a lot before I try them.

Gail said...

I am so sick of doctors with their hunt and peck method of curing you!

I would love to find some natural aids. As it is, I just don't take anything and learn to live with it. I am lucky.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope it helps - not a fun disease there. sandie

Anonymous said...

nice work

jennohara said...

Very interesting.
Funny, because when I read the title of the post, I imiiediately thought of Pete's Dragon. :)
Is that weird?

CountryDew said...

My aunt tells me that drinking Slimfast, oddly enough, helps her IBS. I have also read that eating coconut, or more accurately Archway coconut macaroon cookies, can help.

I found relief with slippery elm and chiropractic care. I suspect help varies with individuals.

Kim said...

I know a few people who suffer from IBS. I'll have to mention the dragon's blood.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wonder how it would work for Crohn's? I'm taking big horse pills every day that help most of the time, but would sure love to get off of the meds.

RK said...

You've out done yourself this time on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Great job here. IBS Treatment in Homeopathy

Aura Homoeopathy Clinic & Research Centre said...
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Aura Homoeopathy Clinic & Research Centre said...
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