Friday, February 17, 2012

I Wish I Liked Bananas

I wish I liked bananas
And I can tell you why
I'd eat them before running
My legs would be so spry.

I wish I liked bananas
No more chocolate for me
I'd eat large doses of potassium
And lose 5 pounds you see.

If I liked bananas
I would laugh at all junk food
I'd say, I'll take the banana
in such a happy mood.

I think it would be very good
to have them every day.
$1.72 for 6 at Sam's
is all I'd have to pay.


I really cannot stand them.
The smell just makes me gag.
Don't peel one in my presence
I'd rather eat old rags.

Don't sneak them in my smoothies
I'd notice every chunk
Of gooey slimey nasties
that put me in a funk.


I guess I can't like bananas.
I'd like to but I won't.

Okay, Moms.  Which kids book is this poem modeled after?  Take a guess! 


Cuby said...

I am so sorry to hear about this sad dietry news and I don't know the book this came from! When my kids were little they chose a book from the library called "Little green balls of mushy poison"and and I had a real problem getting them to eat peas for a age after reading it!!

Steve Surratt said...

The last time I ate a banana was after the Star City 5K (when it was combined with the half marathon) in 2007. I was in such agony I could not stay long enough to get my award. Never again! Banana's are evil!

Cat said...

Gee, has to be Dr. Seuss. I Wish That I Had Duck Feet?

Clint Baker said...

Thats very cute Lisa! We just bought bananas from Sam's last night. lol

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Oh I have no idea which book it is modeled after!!! Do tell...

I only like bananas in smoothies or covered with PB.

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

It sounds pretty Dr. Suess-ish to me. Like maybe Green Eggs and Ham? Either way, you crack me up! And my babies would be mortified that you called their FAVORITE food "gooey, slimey, nasties'. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i would say Dr. Seuss "green eggs & ham" ... i feel sad that you don't like bananas. they need to be a certain stage for me ... not to ripe or not to green ... i prefer them in a smoothie or with other fruit. so does that mean you don't like banana bread or something else with bananas within the mix? (:

Anonymous said...

This is such fun to read! I happen to love bananas.

Anonymous said...

what about banana pudding? can you really be from the south and not like banana pudding?!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

Lisa, you still crack me up. :)

Jill said...

Great poem! I'd be so sad without bananas. I'm sorry you don't like them. :(

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

So cute and so happy. YOu have to link this up on the Sat laughs. I love bananas,lol

Kim said...

I wish I had duck feet:) Deaglan and I read this almost every night for six bloody months! I'm afraid Naveen will get his hands on it and demand to read it for another six. Great job on the poem. I love bananas so I can't relate. Every week we run out of bananas mid week even though we load up at the grocery store.

And this is weird...last night I had dreams about bananas. In my dream our grocery store was charging one price for all the bananas you could take home. It was bittersweet because they were all ripe.

Sagittarian said...

oh,.. i like the poem, nice.:) I love bananas here,:) about the book, hmmmm, I can't remember, what about the cartoons?? hehee, B1&B2? Yay!!:)

Valerie Boersma said...

I'm not a big banana fan, except for the small apple bananas you can get in Hawaii. Of course, maybe it isn't the apple bananas after all, but where I am eating them;)

Very cute poem, Lisa!!!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i'm so glad i DO like bananas. help keep the blood pressure lower, too! :)

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice verse, I eat mine often.

Eat To Live said...

I am a Sam, A Sam I am.... I do not like Green Eggs and Ham!!

I do love bananas though!! Did you write that poem? Good job if you did.

Karen said...

Bananas have so many benefits... you really can't stand them? I have banana Chocolate chip bread on the counter right now, would that help?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I haven't got a clue. I enjoyed the poem!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's a great tribute to bananas from someone who won't eat them.

I Am Woody said...

I wish I liked bananas too :(

Nancy said...

LOL. I just finished a banana right before pulling up your post. How did you know? The poem is reminiscent of Dr. Seuss.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, I'm sure it's Dr. Seuss... I love "Green Eggs and Ham"

I love bananas and eat 1/2 of one every day. They are so rich in potassium which we need....

Thanks for your thoughts on Word Verification... Why don't you publish a post on it also????


Helene said...

It kind of sounds like Green Eggs and Ham??

Very cute poem!!

Can bananas really help you lose weight? I'm not wild about them but I'd happily eat 10 a day if I thought it would help me lose some more weight..LOL

Deborah Ann said...

What a fun post! LOVE bananas...

Liz Mays said...

I'm not sure what it's modeled after, but I sure liked it! I like bananas a little bit, but just a little bit.

Becca said...

Awesome poem...great creativity! I love bananas...but according to my doctor they are one of the most unhealthy fruits out there. I don't think you're missing out too much. I also think kiwis have a ton of potassium but don't quote me on that ;)

Melodie said...

I don't know where it is from but it is pretty funny!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I wish I liked bananas more...I do like them occasionally

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, I can't guess the book, but I hate bananas, too!!! And just like you, I have tried to like them, they have so many good things in them. Phil will eat them in the car and the smell is not good, especially when he leaves the peel in the car for three days, GAG! I even have a post coming up about bananas.

Unknown said...

That is so cute! Love the post.

Michaele said...

I feel the same way about apples : (
Bananas have to be just the right amount of black spots on them. Very entertaining Lisa.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your poem sounds very Shel Silverstein-ish to me! (Where the Sidewalk Ends)
My daughter loved to make banana breakfast smoothies. My son was always picky about which part of the banana he would eat... he wouldn't eat what he called the "dead end". (the end where you can see the little tiny brown dot.)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love bananas

Michelle said...


Emily said...

Oh! I want to say Green Eggs and Ham, but it's in reverse. What is it? It's funny!

I go through phases with bananas. Sometimes I think they're delicious and then for no reason whatsoever I just can't stand them. The sight! The smell! Yuck!

Nancy said...

I don't know about the poem, but I'm surprised you don't like bananas. They are so good for you. Bad girl! :)

Jeremi said...

i love bananas -- wish i loved to run too : )
no idea which book .....

Sally said...

How cute is that! For myself, I used to love banana and peanut butter sandwiches.

Hope your weekend is going well!

laughwithusblog said...

Absolutely love this! My husband is always trying to sneak some in the smoothies. I can smell a dime size piece in a whole blender full a mile away! I had to share this on Facebook! :)

Chatty Crone said...

Very Clever - I think Dr. Seuss! sandie

Angela said...

Cute poem Lisa! I don't like bananas either but because they give me serious heart burn! Even if I eat it at 10am I'm feeling the pain 12 hours later.

Andrea said...

Oh, Lisa - one dislike we have in common, because I developed an aversion to them when I was pregnant and never outgrew it! :( There are so many smoothie recipes I have to avoid because of them, blech! I don't know what book it is but I feel like I should. The "tune" and tone sound right! when my kiddo started eating them it was BAD around here!

Unknown said...

I'm not a Mom, nor a Mr. Mom. But I do like bananas. Have you tried chopping up some in a blender with other friut and juice? ;)

Anonymous said...

They do smell kind of gaggy, but taste great in a milkshake.... otherwise I don't care for them much, Mrs. Seuss.

Tracy said...

ummm, I love bananas...remind me if I'm ever with you NOT to peel it in your presence...

Sally said...

Hey Lisa, just wanted to tell you, my reader says you posted this morning, but the link isn't working.

Lou Belcher said...

I don't have a clue about the book, but I love bananas...cute poem. Have a great day.


Robyn said...

Cute poem! I eat them with peanut butter ... yummy!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Lisa, belas Bananas...Espectacular....

Michelle said... old rags? Ha.

I like bananas, but they have to be a certain ripeness before I'll touch them. It's the only food I'm picky about. :)

My Mad World said...

Very cute! Sorry bananas make you want to run away... lol If we ever meet I will make sure I don't peel one in your presence. :)

I'd say it sounds pretty Dr. Suessy... Green Eggs and Ham?

The Pepperrific Life said...

I like how you're getting all "Seussical" there :)

Oh, I love bananas! I love those banana popsicles covered in chocolate.