Thursday, February 16, 2012

Getting My Chickens All in a Row - Rural Thursday Blog Hop

It's Rural Thursday again!  I'm happy to report that my ducks chickens were all in a row for this week's photo shoot.

Our 5 hens haven't been laying much lately, but I did discover a sneaky hiding spot in the barn/shed this week -

After having to buy eggs the previous week at the grocery store, I was happy to discover their stash.  Now if only I could figure out where/if our Americauna, Natasha, is laying.  We haven't found a blue egg since last summer :-(  She's only 2 years old, so she should still be laying.  Any suggestions?

We had a brief moment of heavy snow flurries last weekend.  The boys got all sorts of excited about it, but alas, it didn't stick. 

And finally, earlier this week I had some onions, garlic, and celery in butter to saute.  As it began to cook, I realized it was one of my favorite smells on earth.  Probably even better than homemade baked bread.  Or even brownies.  What's your favorite smell in the kitchen, readers?

I hope you'll jump in to the Rural Thursday blog hop, hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal and myself.  Everyone is invited, and any topic about the country life, recipes, crafts, nature photos, or pretty much anything that fits in with a rural mindset is perfect!  Just grab our button, and add the url to your post in the linky.  After that, be sure to hop around visiting and commenting on at least 5 posts.  Happy visiting!


Anonymous said...

favorite smells in kitchen...interestingly, for both my wife and me, it is when I am making potato soup and recipe calls of onions, garlic and celery sautéed in butter prior to adding to the chopped eggs, potatoes (diced with the peelings), and milk

Lou Belcher said...

And bacon....? Another favorite scent. Nice post for Rural Thursday. Enjoyed it.


Steve Surratt said...

I think its time to go high tech with the chickens. RFID chips to track them and have a live feed to Google maps and, of course, live streaming video straight from the Chicken coop!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Love the picture of the chickens! Glad you found the eggs. I didn't realize that a chicken could lay a blue egg (obviously I am not in a rural place!).

I love the smell of homemade marinara sauce, my mom's pork roast, brownies . . . I could go on and on!

Jill said...

Oh I really like all of your photos! The chickens and the eggs are so homey feeling. The boys watching the snowfall..priceless. I can feel their joy.

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

That picture of all three of your boys looking longingly out the window is precious! My kids feel their pain!!

Betty Manousos said...

what a delightful post, lisa!

that sauce looks so yummy! i can smell it from here.
now i'm hungry!

andy said...

Its priceless. To see kids faces when its snowing

Samantha said...

Cooking onions, once the sugars are being released..yummm
I love to smell beef stew simmering away. My all-time favorite smell is fresh peaches, warm from the sun.

Nancy said...

Loving those polish crested chickens, Lisa. I had one rooster, but he disappeared a couple of years ago.

Janet said...

What a wonderful week! We have twin boys too, but they are grown now. Enjoy!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ah~ha...I see Elvis is still with you...that happy wanderer. As for Natasha...she might be hanging out with Vladamir somewhere...perhaps a quiet corner...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

yup, onions frying are one of my faves, too. :)

cute hens!

Out on the prairie said...

Homemade bread is good, but I like the sautee veggies also.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Interesting, they don't lay their eggs in the same place all the time? I LOVE that smell, too. But it would be a close second to homemade bread for me.

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

I love the comment from Steve Surrat about going high tech with the chickens! Ha! We have that problem here too, those chickens can be such stinkers about hiding their eggs! Thank goodness we have neighbors with an abundance of eggs from their (apparently) well-trained chickens! Gotta love the smell of Kuchen warm from the oven! A german girl's fav!!!

Eat To Live said...

I too love the smell of onions and garlic cooking. I know I can make my Hubs sit up and take notice of what I am doing when I am cooking onions and garlic.

camp and cottage living said...

Hi Lisa
Your egg gathering reminds me of my times spent on my grandparents homested gathering eggs. they were free range chicken, so it was like an Easter egg hunt finding them!
Oh, there are too many yummy kitchen smells for me to pick just one.
I'm trying to join your rural patry-we'll see what happens!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Livie will enjoy the part with the chickens and the eggs. I'll have to show her this post when we're both home from school this afternoon.

Mmm, that kitchen scent is yummy! For me it would be in the top-three "tasty scents" list behind my grandmother's Mexican food and chocolate chip cookies.

Sandy said...

I agree, onions and butter....nothing smells better.

Robyn said...

Those darn chickens. We wait until at least noon before letting them out.

The Hens keep laying. They are inconsistent, but laying. 13 eggs several times this week! If I was a gambler, I would guess we will get 5 today.

I have to say I love the smell of sautéed veggies too, but fresh bread and roast beef rank very high.

Anonymous said...

Love that shot of the boys at the slider... reminds me of when my kids were young. Although I won't talk about me standing at our slider even now and watching the snow fall when it does! I just followed you on G+...

Chatty Crone said...

Are they cool? lol sandie

Valerie Boersma said...

I like that those chickens of yours are all in a row-and that one even put on a wig for the picture! Very stylish!

Onions, garlic and celery is right up there for me too:)

Talk to you very soon!!

Costin Comba said...

First picture is so funny! Have a nice week. Greetings from Romania.

Tanya Breese said...

oh yes, that is one of my favorite kitchen smells too....yes, the "snow" has been quite disappointing this winter huh? cute pic of the chickies!

w said...

it's been so long. idk who elvis is anymore. lemme guess. white fro, black suit?

the real elvis was the complete opposite with his black wave and white suit.

just an observation.


Nancy said...

Favorite smell in the kitchen? Chocolate Chip Cookies, followed by onions in butter. (But not in the same dish. Hah). Love those chickens and the photo of your boys is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets me happy in the kitchen like the smell of bacon.
Sneaky chickens!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Yummy and now I am hungry!

Jen said...

Better than brownies?! Oh my, I must try this combination! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the smell of french toast & my mom's Mexican Casserole! YuMmMmMmY! =)

We got about 3" of snow Monday, but it was completely gone Tuesday... that's my kind of snow, I love to watch it fall, but glad it's gone by the next day! LoL!

Sally said...

Adorable pic of the boys!! :)

My favorite kitchen smell would be bacon since I'm a PIG. Okay, I'm kidding!!

I love to smell anything with garlic!

Anonymous said...

We so want snow too. I love the smell of chicken and roasted potatoes.

patty said...

that is one of my favorite smells, too~ i also love pot roast... yes, fills the whole house!

Michaele said...

Love the country photos Lisa. The boys looking at the snow was my favorite.

Michelle said...

I agree with Lou...bacon!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Lisa, Glad your chickens are all in a row!!!!! Glad also that you found the 'hidden' eggs....

Coffee perking in the mornings is one of my favorite smells. BUT--I love smelling fresh bread cooking and I love smelling onions and celery being sauted.... YUM..

Angela said...

Your hens are very sneaky Lisa! I wonder of the other hen has found another place in the hay to lay her eggs?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love the photos of things at your farm.Your chickys are sooo pretty.
I like the smell of apple pie! But your right- onions in butter smell sooo good.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Baking cinnamon rolls is one of favorite smells! I think I need to make those--soon! I love the chicken photo shoot. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Love the photos! My favorite smells in the kitchen? Tomato sauce simmering on the stove. From childhood, my mother's barbecue chicken. I'm a vegetarian now, but if my mother was still able to cook and made that barbecue chicken, I would eat it!

Barbara said...

That is also one of my favorite smells in the kitchen! Yum!!

Kim said...

OH me too, I just love that smell, well that and bacon.