Monday, March 12, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Flopped Muffin Tin Monday

Sometimes my Muffin Tin Monday posts are all cute and awesome in my head.  I get all excited and just know I'm going to create something wonderful for my child.  And then I actually make them and...well....they don't turn out.  But food is food and I guess (hope) that Pierce isn't too disappointed when he opens up his lunch to find some strange alien creation that was supposed to be a four leaf clover in the grass.

Uh huh.  So for Pierce's "St. Patrick's Day" lunch he had an egg that most definitely DID NOT look like a four leaf clover in roasted seaweed that most definitely DID NOT resemble a field of grass.  Strawberries in a heart cup, a mint Yoplait yogurt parfait, and a mini cheese sandwich that DID NOT resemble white clover.  He did eat it all except the roasted seaweed.

Can you say MOM FAIL?

For more successful and way cuter lunch ideas for kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Jill said...

Out of the million adorable, creative lunches you make, you are entitled to one not stellar lunch. Any child would LOVE to have you packing their lunches! I think it's a great attempt and I quite like the white clover!

Emily said...

You're so funny! I think he'll probably just remember that his mom took the time to pack him awesome lunches though, and he'll forget all about the not-so-clover-like eggs. His lunch looks healthy and tasty. And yum! Strawberries!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Well, you SUCCEEDED in making me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

I love your abstract interpretation of Irish symbols. It sounds like Pierce did too.

Sugary Flower said...

Hee hee - I think we all have days like that! But you know what? He ate it all - that's no fail at all!

Tonya Hache said...

You did not fail! Your child still ate and still appreciated :) Roasted seaweed sounds interesting, never tried it!

I Am Woody said...

Teehee! I thought the roasted seaweed was a bat:)

Michaele said...

I am sure he really didn't notice imperfection.

Sally said...

Thanks for the smile! And, I'm sure Pierce was a happy guy to see what you'd done for him. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I cannot say Mom Fail here...Your kids get the most fun meals!

Eat To Live said...

Even if it didn't resemble what it was suppose to resemble, it still looks good to me and I bet Pierce loved it.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's not failure. That's adaptation!

I agree with commenter above. Your son will remember the time and creativity you put into his lunches and the yummy food you provided.

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha. too cute, lisa.

Robyn said...

Dont feel bad, Lisa! I have the same issues. Most of the time my food tastes good, but it does not always look good.

I tried a crock pot potato recipe last Saurday that was a flop. Funny think is I think it is a good recipe and I am willing to try again. Just with a little different angle.

Good Luck with your next cooking project!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your failures are still better than most people's successes!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

There's always Easter...

I'm just kidding Lisa;)

I am so impressed with your creativity and imagination and I think you are a roaring success!

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

It was a good effort at creativity though!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

HAHA- YOU MADE ME LAUGH! I needed that this morning! Those tins are just so cute. How the heck can you think of such creative ideas. I am envious!

Helene said...

That is most definitely NOT a mom fail!!

You made the effort and, for that, you deserve a gold star!!!!

Misty said...

Not even close to a fail! goodness gracious... you are AWESOME...

Tracy said...

Hey, don't think you failed...did the kids like your creations? THAT is all that matters and the thought that they know you love them so oh goes on!

Jen said...

Hahaha!! I don't think this is a mom fail at all!! And the sandwich totally looks like a clover :)

Jill said...

Not a fail...just great creativity!

Anonymous said...

I hope he likes it because it's really just all about the time and the love you put into it for him. :-))

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Mom, don't be hard on yourself. I think the St. Patrick's Day Muffin Tin lunch turned out GREAT... I loved the four-leaf clover egg and the clover cheese sandwich... I think you did GREAT...

We are home from our 2nd trip is a month--and both of us have colds.. Yuk! Guess it will be REST for this upcoming week for both of us.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I think it's cute! Not a fail at all!

andy said...

Just mark another mark in the awesome mom board! ! Great lunch

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You won after all, cause he ate it all up!

Angela said...

You know Lisa, you've got me now wondering if Pierce's teachers are always waiting eagerly to see what you have packed for him to eat everyday! roflol I can just see them now! lol At least you tried! It's still cute anyway though. Love the bear head container it was in!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This was so cute! These post always make me smile because you are so creative!

Sharla said...

I would say that the fact that he ate most of it makes this a mom success!!!

Myya said...

Does he normally eat seaweed? I think anything that looks somewhat like something other then what it actually is is fun for a kid. No mommy fail, I think by how much he ate you won! :)

Jaime Leigh said...

Hey it was still fun for the kids, even if it wasn't what you invisioned. I would still give you an A =)....Your such a good little Mommy!

laughwithusblog said...

I love it! lol

Nancy said...

It's really the thought that counts, dearie! Looks great to me!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm sure this one will go down in the annals of motherhood!...:)JP