Friday, March 9, 2012

Signs You're Dating a Serial Killer

I haven't dated in a long time.  I've been married for over 15 years, and before that my husband and I were engaged.  And before that we were dating.  So it's been a long time since I've been on a date, although I do, vaguely, remember what it was like.

Needless to say, as I was perusing the Cabela's Home & Cabin Spring 2012 catalog, I stumbled upon something that raised my hackles, just a bit.  It made me wonder, were I in the dating world, how I would feel about dating someone who decorated his home in The Bone Collector collection.  It has an image of a deer skull, in the midst of which is an image of a human skull, and it says The Bone Collector.  Right there.  On the throw pillows/comforters/light switches/waste baskets/toothbrush holders/shower curtains.  Can you say creepy?  Okay, you have to go take a look at this decor HERE.  Go peek.  I'll wait here until you get back!

Oh good, you're back.  So, I know this is some hunting thing.  But seriously, ladies, if you go over to a guy's house for the first time and he has a Bone Collector throw pillow, do you really want to stay?  What do you think, readers?  Can you hear a little horror theme music in the background?

Google Image

I don't think I'd be sticking around....


Steve Surratt said...

I can't confirm it....because I was afraid to...but I'll betcha a few ladies I dated had that decor....I ran fast....

Nancy said...

But, but... it's 20% off and there's free shipping! Lol.

Karen said...

That's hideous. Who came up with that idea, I wanna know. Seriously... it's... serial material.

Shame on Cabelas... who the heck was sitting in the board room when they OK'd that design.

Anonymous said...

That is just plain creepy!

andy said...

That's crazy! "" have a great weekend

Katie said...

Ugh and it says it on the sheets. FREAKY. No way. Happy non bone collector weekend!

Sagittarian said...

oh, i don't think I can stay there for a longer time, for sure my eyes and mind would be flying, thinking of something else that will scare me more,hahaha.. Thanks for sharing..:)

Charade said...

What WERE they thinking? This is crazy and not worthy of Cabela's. ????

I Am Woody said...

If you come across someone with this decor, find out if he also has a stock of fava beans and chianti. If so, run! Run for your life!!

Valerie Boersma said...

I'm a firm believer that bones and decorative pillows are NOT a good combination! Creepy is right!

Anonymous said...

The Bone Collector is that movie w/ Angelina Jolie & Denzel Washington, right? Am I on the right page?
Yes, I'd say that's pretty creepy, but what I'm trying to figure out is why they have sheets & all that sporting a movie that old... it wasn't even that good of a movie, in my opinion!
But, yeah, I completely agree... too creepy of a guy to date w/ all that death & what-not decor!

Find someone else, Ladies, it's in your best interest!!! =)

Emily said...

Yikes! This post makes me really glad I'm married!

TexWisGirl said...

i'm laughing, but because my yard is often riddled with various skeletal pieces of unknown origin, i'd have to say it wouldn't put me off much... :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not the kind of guy I would choose to date... icky decor!

Barbara said...

Oh glad my dating days are over. Too many crazies out there.

Chatty Crone said...

HECK NO! sandie

Jill said...

It's been over 30 years since I've had a date...maybe this is why! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

As a man, if I had a guy friend who had that kind of stuff, I'd only want to hang out with him in public places.

Tracie said...

Did anyone else read the customer review? Now we know how serial killers are raised. JK. But seriously what are they thinking?

Joe said...

I'm a hunter but that is creepy. Snakes and misc. other dead animals in the fridge or freezer is genarally O.K. but I'm pretty sure my wife isn't going to be letting any of the collection in our house anytime soon. I've seen other Bone Collector series but don't recall seeing the human skull before.

Clint Baker said...


Eat To Live said...

Thank goodness I don't have to do the dating scene any longer... but my Hubs is big into deer heads and things he has hunted. I am not thrilled with it but I accept it and he only has it in his den.

Pat M said... me from whoever likes that stuff! LOL! Glad I am married to a guy who isn't into bones!
New Follower on G+. GFC, Twitter & f/b. Growing Old With Grace
Hugs, GraceinAZ

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I can't say I'd like it in my house, and if I saw it in someone's house, I'd wonder . . .

Putting the words "Bone Collector" on the materials just makes it worse.

I do have to say that the animal skull seemed kind of Georgia O'Keefe'ish. I like her flowers better!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm thinking no thanks. I didn't like looking at a dead trophy fish on the wall that my DH caught, and I surely wouldn't go for a bone collector motif!

Sally said...

Oh man! I may be old(er) but I'd be trippin' over myself to get the heck outta there!! :)

Michaele said... didn't say how good looking the guy was.

Debbie said...

it's been 40 years since i've been on a was shocking to type that!!

and no thanks...too creepy for me!

Tiffany said...

Ok, so you had me creeped out with your Jason mask on the page and I had visions of blood dripping sheets that were black. Those sheets weren't that bad. As long as the guy had deer heads, some fox, maybe a moose antler or two, I'd be ok with his decor saying that.
As long as he was an animal hunter. The furry kind.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Oh my goodness... Heck no!!!

Myya said...

I definitely wouldn't be staying either! Isn't it so weird some of the things people make that think will sell?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It sounds to creepy to me!

laughwithusblog said...

Eww! Reminds me of the time when I was a kid that I went to some people's house in Mexico and the kids were playing with a human skull!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I would not stick around either...I have not been in the dating scene forever now too

momto8 said...

oh dear!! When my husband and I go out for a drink on a Friday night I invariably say i am glad i am so over this scene..but now after seeing this post..i am REALLY glad!!
i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

Ginny Hartzler said...

HORRORS!!!! Strictly for male hunters who are never getting married. But then again, how many of them will shop and look at catalogs. So all that leaves is the serial killers...perhaps this is a ruse to draw Hannibal Lector out of hiding...

Unknown said...


New follower from Mom to 8 blog. Looking to connect with other blogger mamas. You have a beautiful family!


Out on the prairie said...

I will have to screen them a bit more.Like whay is that room all padalocked.

fromsophiesview said...

and it comes in 2 colours...oh the choice...which one will I choose...drat!
PS Thanks for joining my doodle to go and fine Jackie, maybe!!!

Anonymous said...

A smart girl should wear sneakers nor heels on her first date...

Tracy said...

EEEGads....I haven't dated in a long time either, but I do know if I came across someone who I WAS dating and he had that in his collection, well, I'd be sneaking out the door quietly and NOT looking back!

Cyndy Bush said...

I am dating right now (at 38, *shudder* it's awful.

Anyhoo, if I saw that bedding I would at the very least text my BFF and say "if I go missing, here's the address where you will find my body...."

Cat said...

Well, it was a really good book :-)

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

No! Anyone who decorates with a "death" theme is an automatic cast asunder!

Lin said...

What makes me wonder about this is the fact that most men don't buy pillow shams and comforters to "decorate", so who is buying this stuff???? WOMEN??? For the men in their life???


Helene said...

Uh, no....there is no way I'd be sticking around after that.


Jill said...

Too funny...I think that I would run. But wait....I do have cow skulls in my vegetable garden...Oh well. Oh and there is that deer skull that Zippy just found. ha ha ha..