Thursday, March 8, 2012

Someone Motivate My Husband - Rural Thursday

My husband can procrastinate with the best of them.  If there was a procrastination Guiness category, I'd enter him.  And yes, it drives me crazy.  Now if I tried to write about all the things he procrastinates, I'd have to start an entirely new blog.  But instead I'm honing in on just one thing, in an effort to guilt him into taking care of it:

Our farm truck.  It's an old beater.  Which my husband still drives around.  Even though the inspection expired over a year and a half ago. 
How he hasn't gotten pulled over yet is beyond me.  The thing is, we have a little inspection garage just TWO miles from our house.  He could drive it over, drop it off, and run back.  Or I'd be happy to drive behind and give him a ride home. 

No excuses Paul!  This is a plea from your wife to go get the truck inspected this week.  Sheesh!

P.S - while I'm already nagging, your car needs an oil change too....

How about you reader?  Anyone driving you crazy in your house with procrastination?

This post is part of the Rural Thursday blog hop, hosted by A Rural Journal and myself.  Everyone is welcome, just link up a post with a rural mindset - pictures from a drive in the country, your best fried chicken recipe, your goats or your blooming spring flowers.  Grab the code below the button, paste it into your blog post, and then add your link to your blog post in the linky.  Be sure to visit at least 5 others who have linked up and leave them some comment love.  I can't wait to read what you post!


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Oh, my, I'm the one who procrastinates in this house! I drive my husband crazy sometimes with this! :-(

Jaclyn M said...

My husband is the king of procrastination. He has it mastered.... One of his favorite saying is "You could have married the man who invented the tire, but instead you married the man who invented the excuse." He always has an excuse for why things never get done :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, Phil is the SAME way!!! Thing is, sometimes his procrastination works out to his advantage, just enough to keep him doing it. I guess you could say that I nag a bit when he has things he need to do. But it's for his own good!

Brian King said...

LOL! I'm staying out of it and refraining from commenting. But I am laughing!

Clint Baker said...

Thats just in out DNA to put things off!

Chris said...

I'll tell you tomorrow Lisa.

Tanya Breese said...'s me...i'm the guilty procrastinator and my husband drives me crazy because he's so on the ball....i guess it is true about opposites attract :)

Anonymous said...

I would like the cradle taken down. We have taken down the crib but, the cradle is still up and I can't loosen the bolts in it.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I'm gonna have to plead the 5th, otherwise I may be divorced if I tell all (all about my world class procrastinating husband)... suffice it to say I'm lucky I'm still in my right mind after 28 years! But then I'm sure I have things that drive him nuts too, but we won't go there either.. tee.he.he! Hope your hubby gets to current tags before a ticket! Thanks too Lisa, for co-hosting 'Rural Thursday Blog Hop,' I look forward to it each week!

Melodie said...

The Hubby-drive-me-crazy thing here is the jumping from project to project with out finishing any of them! My man is classic ADHD I think!

Jill said...

You poor girl! My daughter is the same way. It's always "I will, later!" UGH!

Nancy said...

I'm the big procrastinator in our house. I'm always saying "tomorrow would be a good day to do that." :)

Mere said...

Oh my! I'm the procrastinator in the family, although, given a deadline, I usually complete the task by then...for example: I needed my car inspected in the month of January and I waited until the last week to take my car in :-) It probably drives your brother crazy :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm holding out that you might someday agree with me that we need to put farm tags on it and get a truck that will actually pull the horse trailer. Then we can get livestock too and I can continue to use it for hay.

But if you want to abandon your running routine this weekend I'll weld the muffler back on, replace the taillight, glue back on the rear view mirror, fix the breaks and take it down the road for an inspection.

I could sell it and get $500 for it but it's basically become a really great wheelbarrow for the farm.

Not procrastinating. Everything has a purpose.

TexWisGirl said...

oh dear! loaded question, that one!

Teresa said...

I so love my ex-brother-in-law and nephew, but they do have their own view of time~it doesn't exist to them. Since they are hired to do a lot of the farm work for me, it drives me absolutely crazy. Hope your hubby gets the hint. :-)

Sally said...

I used to not be, but now in my older age, I am a procrastinator. But, reading this I'm gonna jump in the shower and head to the drivers license bureau. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You described my Hubs so well...I nag and nag but it is no good, He does not change

Cuby said...

A few years ago a young friend noticed that the tax disc on my husband's car was 6 months out of date. He hadn't noticed, is that the same as procrastinating?! He did deal with it a.s.a.p!!

Eat To Live said...

Men!! They can drive you to drink. My Hubs does not pick up after himself. Makes me so mad!!

Becky Jane said...

My husband let our registration expire just once...I was the one that got pulled over and reprimanded. I was in tears...I think it cured him! Good luck!

Anne Payne said...

I'm with you, Lisa! I'd have to start a whole new blog, but I think that procrastination tends to happen when there's so many things that need to be done and it's easy to put the blinders on. Even on a small piece of land we have so many unfinished projects :)

Anonymous said...

MEN! God help em, help us all! LoL! =)

Out on the prairie said...

Putting off today what one can also put off tomorrow travels around my family a lot.

Candy C. said...

My hubby doesn't procrastinate but he has been saying for weeks that he is going to stop going to town EVERY day...where do you suppose he is now?!? ;-)

gtyyup said...

I'm the procrastinator in our house!!! My Man's on top of everything! I try to be more like him ;~)

Carrie said...

Unfortunately for my husband I am the procrastinator. I'm sure he'd have a few things to say about me. :)

camp and cottage living said...

I had to laugh! I just followed my husband down our backroads to the garage to get some work done on his old 'plow' truck. He won't license it because he only uses it to move snow.
Be careful what you ask for! It might cost a fortune to bring his oldie up to inspect standards!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Are ya kiddin'. I usually just do most projects's just the way I fly!!! :o)

EG CameraGirl said...

I can see your point about wanting the truck inspected. I'd nag your husband for you but I'm too busy trying to get mine to finish the tiles in the bathroom. :)) (Yeah, well, I have some unfinished projects he's nagging me about too.)

Michelle said...

Living on a farm I can say that there is always something to procrastinate about. We have a farm truck just like yours :)

Anonymous said...

I'm procrastinating, not learning how to do a blog hop!

Michaele said...

I am just taken by your truck. I want one just like it for the farm
: )

MarmePurl said...

Hub is a procrastinator, or so I say. I am impatient, or so he says.

Alicia@ Eco friendly homemaking said...

This is such a cute post!! Maybe this will get him motivated to get it done!!

Myya said...

You are preachin to the choir! Last year we had a couple water spots on the ceiling in a few rooms. I had a couple contractors come out & got some quotes. My hubs went into the attic & sprayed some foam . He thinks that is the fix. I noticed a new spot last week & it didn't even phase him. I'm like SERIOUSLY what is it going to take. He actually said to me... drops coming from the ceiling. Ummmm REALLY???

Part of his being so unreasonable is that our roof is only 7 years old. That is what we get for having a friend do it for us, even if he was a contractor. Grrrr.

Anonymous said...

I married the same type of guy. He's got tax stuff ALL OVER OUR BEDROOM and it's making me crazay.

Chatty Crone said...

We have had a squirrel in our attic for a year - need I say more? sandie

Michelle said... husband can relate to this. I used to be on top of things, but after I discovered photography there are a lot of things I put off until the last minute.

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh. Our Christmas lights and wreath are still up ... this is the husband's domain.
If you find a motivator, let me know.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I am the biggest procrastinator going. Take for tonight, I am supposed to be working on my sons birthday party, and instead I am blog hoping:) Lol- my husband would do the same!

Andrea said...

Holy wow! A ton of participants! How cool. :) Congrats on such a successful meme!

And how funny. Did he bring it in yet? I feel like you might be jinxing him and he's going to wind up with a ticket now ...