Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Teaching Pierce to Give Back with Members Unite

Just as my own parents taught me the importance of charities and giving back when possible, I hope to teach my own children why it is so critical that we help others in need.  So when I heard about the Members Unite website I was intrigued.  Each month, the website provides 9 different projects that you can read about, discuss, and vote upon.  At the end of the month, funds are pooled from participants and $5000 goes towards the most popular project. 

Pierce and I went through the 9 projects for the month of March.  We discussed each of them, and I explained in the simplest of terms (keep in mind Pierce is only 5) what each project would do.  I immediately had two I really liked, and although I was careful to remain neutral, it was interesting that Pierce chose the same projects that I did.

Our first choice was 'Giving the Healing Power of Man's Best Friend to Wounded Soldiers'.  This project would rescue and train dogs and put them into the homes of wounded soldiers.  Pierce and I discussed the PTSD that many soldiers face, and how dogs might help them.  Pierce really liked this project because he said that dogs make people happy, and it would be good for the dogs to have homes where they would be loved.  We rated this project 5 stars!

Our second favorite project was 'Giving Infants a Lease on Life' which would provide 20 infants in Guatemala milk for 500 days.  Pierce said he liked this because the babies would always have milk and would never run out.  He said if the babies ran out of milk they would be very sad.  Pierce doesn't like for babies to feel bad.
Pierce and I enjoyed navigating the Members Unite website together.  It was easy to register as a user, and sign on to participate.  For just $5 a month (plus a $25 initial registration fee) you get to be a part in every monthly project - having the chance to vote for your favorites.  100% of your monthly contribution goes towards the winning project.  It's a great way to open up discussion with your child about those less fortunate, and to contribute to a bigger cause than you might be able to do alone.  I'd encourage you to check it out with your own children.  Pierce and I look forward to officially voting later this month, and seeing which project wins the big prize come March 30th!

For a limited time, Members Unite is offering my community a 50% off discount on the annual membership fee of $25! Use code “WELOVEMOMS” when you sign up!


Clint Baker said...

Man! What an awesome way to give and teach your kids. I will have to check this out.

andy said...

Great way to give back and teach a good lessons to your boys way to go

Sally said...

Simply wonderful.

Jill said...

What a fantastic thing to do with Pierce. I will check the site out.

Anonymous said...

I love that you are teaching him to care for others at an early age.

Melodie said...

This is a terrific thing to do with Pierce! What a sweet little boy you have there.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

That is absolutely terrific! I will definitely check this out!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Ps- he is also so sweet!

Barbara said...

You are raising an amazing young man there!

TexWisGirl said...

what a great idea. expanding that little heart and mind. :)

Nancy said...

Great post. Love how you are teaching Pierce to be giving.

Tracie said...

That is so coool!!

Eat To Live said...

Growing up, I never thought of helping others like this. We did help our neighbors and they helped us if we needed it.

Kids today have so much access to bigger and broader things that years ago. What a GREAT thing you are doing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this, what a great idea! I bet I would have picked the same two projects. Pierce has a caring heart!!!

I Am Woody said...

I'm going to have to check that website out!

Valerie Boersma said...

What a wonderful lesson you are teaching Pierce! When Amy was in the 1st grade we chose to sponsor a little girl from India. That little girl is now a 16 year old-just like Amy! It's been fun to watch her grow up too:)

Michelle said...

What a wonderful thing to do. :)

camp and cottage living said...

Thanks Lisa, for sharing this site. I'll pass it on to my daughter, I know she'll want to check it out.
Bless little Pierce for his tender heart!

Sandra Orchard said...

Thanks for sharing info about this organization. I love how you're modeling for your son at a young age the importance of giving.

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

You are teaching marvelous lessons with this. Just marvelous!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You are such an awsome momma to teach your children these lessons.
And the lessons are so fun for them!

Mary said...

That's awesome! You can never start too early about teaching kids the importance of helping others.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a beautiful idea! Sounds like you and your son have compassionate hearts. A wonderful way to teach your children to be mindful of the needs of others.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the Members Unite team, Thank You for helping spread the message! We're glad that Members Unite can be an avenue for you and Pierce to have ongoing conversations about giving back and helping others ;)

laughwithusblog said...

What a unique site!

Chatty Crone said...

I do think that giving is CRITICAL for children to learn - my daughter does do a lot of things with Andy to show him. Sandie