Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Day at Busch Gardens

Last week the boys had their Spring Break.  I had some hotel points still from a job I held some 9 years ago, that required a lot of travel.  I decided to book a hotel room for a few nights and take the boys to Williamsburg.  On my own.  I know, I must've lost my mind, right?  We mostly did just fine though.  We got an early start and had beautiful weather for our day at Busch Gardens.

The boys and I rode Prince Elmo's Spire.  This is not us in the pic - I took it while we were waiting in line.  Which we did a lot of - turns out there were a lot of folks on Spring Break that decided to hit Busch Gardens.  It was packed.

Pierce really wanted to ride Escape from Pompeii, but the twins weren't big enough yet.  We spent some time watching it though, and hopefully next time everyone will be big enough to ride.

The Little Balloons:

Pretending to stomp grapes in "Italy" - 

Pierce picking on his brother while waiting for the swings to start -

Poor Cort and Reid.  They never did figure out how to pull the lever to get their plane off the ground.

Riding the train around the park -

View from the train - we'd hoped to take a boat ride but never got around to it.

The boys talked to an elderly couple sitting behind us nonstop the whole train ride.  They were delighted.

Pierce went up in the treehouse in The Land of the Dragons, while the twins and I stayed on lower ground.

The carousel-
We finished the day with a ride on Grover's Alpine Express - a kiddie rollercoaster.  I was worried they wouldn't let the twins on, and although they balked a bit in the end they did (thank goodness, considering how long we'd waited in line).  The boys LOVED their first roller coaster ride.  Sadly, we came off it and discovered that our stroller had been stolen.  Fortunately, I had rented a stroller (not wanting to risk having our double BOB stroller being stolen), however, our drinks were in the stroller and it had our name on it!  Plus, we were really far from the car, the twins were exhausted, and they sobbed the whole walk.  I certainly called it a day at that point, and we headed back to the hotel, just stopping long enough to pick up a pizza on the way. 

Would you brave 3 boys age 5 and under at an amusement park for the day?  LOL, it wasn't so bad.  The biggest part was constantly being on alert - not wanting to get separated for even a second, especially since it was so crowded all day!


Emily said...

Looks like fun, but you're a brave woman! I can't believe someone stole your stroller though. That's just SO wrong!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sounds like an exciting day- you are making memories with the boys!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

We love Busch gardens! This looks like so much fun!!

Jill said...

Bless your heart! You are brave but you gave your boys some wonderful memories.

Gone Country said...

You are quite the brave woman!

What a fun place! I love Busch Gardens. One year (before the economy went south), Hubby & I had a yearly pass to Busch Gardens. The one in Tampa is only about 45 minutes from us and SO much fun!

I'm glad the trip went well and everyone had a good time.

Judy said...

Oh wow you are one brave momma...and how bad is that to get your stroller stolen. I love your shot of the thumb sucking, I brought back lots of memories of my kids doing that.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

You are DEFINITELY a brave woman to take 3 young boys to an amusement park alone! But it seems like it was well worth it! Looks like the boys had a great time, aside from the long walk back to the car.

I hope that the next time you go to Busch Gardens, everyone will be big enough to "Escape from Pompeii." (I'm giggling at the name of that ride - so dramatic!)

And I love the "I Love Lucy"-like stomping grapes photo.

Valerie Boersma said...

I can't believe someone stole your stroller either! What a rotten thing to do-by obviously a rotten person.

I admire what you did-but then again, your boys are great kids, too, and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun and not too many tears. (Though it breaks my heart that the twins got so tired from walking because of the stroller thief!) My biggest fear would have been getting separated too.

Yes Lisa-once again you show just how much you rock as a mom:)

V and A said...

I can't believe you took them alone, good for you!! You are a brave, brave woman :)

Sally said...

No, I wouldn't! :)

I'm so glad everyone had fun; poo on the people stealing the stroller. I don't know what people are thinking sometimes.

Love the pics!!

TexWisGirl said...

wow, you're a brave woman! glad the only thing 'lost' was a rented stroller!

Nancy said...

I really can't say I would have undertaken that adventure, Lisa -- but it looks like the boys had a great time.

About the stroller -- karma is a b*tch, so I hope that person that took it reaps what they sowed.

Chris said...

Please can I come next time Lisa!!

I'd be on my best behaviour...

I Am Woody said...

I love amusement parks! I really am just a big kid! And I totally would brave the park with 3 little ones. But people have been known to call me crazy;)

Dawn said...

Woohoo! I love it! The fact you did that and went it alone....(not the stroller part).
What awesome memory making:)

Anonymous said...

Being an airplane pilot is HARD. I doubt I could have gotten it off the ground either. Still lots of fun to go round and round though. Your boys are so cute!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot believe it!! Who would be so mean to steal an in use baby stroller at a big park? Your boys must be fearless, gosh that first ride picture, it scares even me!! I know quite a few kids who get to these parks then are too scared to go on ANY of the rides!! Anne Marie is one of them, I couldn't even get her on a merry-go-round. And our son wouldn't when he was little. I love that you posted so many pictures and I can go along with you and see it all!!!! The little balloons are sweet, did the boys get on them? In your pictures today, I can really see how the twins seem to be in a growth spurt! Boo hoo, they won't be babies much longer, you will have to have another!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would have your stamina. It would be hard for me to keep up with them.

Cuby said...

You all had a busy day and survived now that's what I call success! Well done all!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You are a very brave person! I don't think I would have even attempted it. :-)

The photos are great--it looks like the boys had fun. I'm glad they had rides they could all enjoy.

That is really sad that someone would steal a baby stroller.

Glad y'all had a good time.

Out on the prairie said...

a fun day to enjoy.

Eat To Live said...

What the heck is up with stealing someones stroller. Must of thought they needed it more than you did.

All in all, it sounds like you had a really fun day.

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post to see.. you have brought back some wonderful memories for me.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I think Pierce likes people who are "old"...like he used to tell me! I'm glad you went and had a great time! You must have been pooped!...:)JP

Lin said...

I'm guessing you were probably more tired than the 3 of them!! But, what a nice day!!

:) I miss those days, but not all the tired crabby kids. Hahaha!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Glad you all had a good time despite the theft of the stroller. You are braver than I would ever be.

Little Mommy Kim said...

My favorite place! If you can, try to get your boys there for Christmastown.. it's absolutely magical and breathtaking!

Unknown said...

What a blast you had to have!!! WOW!!! Loved the photos!

Michelle said...

I have to say I would! Crazy, but true. I have been taking my kids (since they were tiny) to my parent's house in Florida each summer for many years. I drive down with them, getting an early start just like you! We have managed the beach, parks, etc.. by ourselves while on summer break! Gives you confidence as a parent! Looks like you guys had a great time.

Liz Mays said...

What a blast you all had! I think I'm going to head there later this year!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, I'm sure the boys loved that experience. Glad you could go.. I've been to Busch Gardens --but the one I've been to is in Tampa. AND--that was YEARS ago...

Great pictures.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I know you all had a good time, but that is so sad someone stole the stroller!

Katie said...

You are a brave super mom, Lisa! And don't you love those work travel points? I took our family to Disney World on frequent flier miles. One bonus of a former crazy travel life! Fun to see how the boys are growing and their memories will be awesome.

Slamdunk said...

Wow, that sounds like fun.

The MRs. always wants to stop at Colonial Williamsburg and we have never made it to BG--it is right down the road right?

Becky Jane said...

Sounds like it would be such a fun adventure. But, I must say that you ARE so brave. i don't know if I could have done it alone. I would be like you...on the watch out to make sure no one strayed!

Heather McCurdy said...

3 Boys at the B Gardens is cahrazy!! Brave brave woman! Who steals strollers? Following all from UBP blog hop! Stop by www.RockStew.com :)

Sandy said...

Oh Heck No!! I can't even brave amusement parks on my own, no way could I keep track of 3 young children. I commend you and all 3 look like they had a wonderful time.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like you had a great trip. I think that is awesome that you took off for a mini vacation with the boys. Way to go!

laughwithusblog said...

I would. I would. Looks like a blast! I can't wait to go to Six Flags this year and actually be able to ride! http://www.laughwithusblog.com/

Pepper said...

Wow, looks like fun! I wish I could bring my daughter there someday...

Mary said...

That place looks awesome! Looks like everyone had a blast :)

Kim said...

I'm in awe Lisa. I can't believe you braved this alone. Looks like so much fun!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like they had a great time! I've never been there, but would love to go one day!