Monday, April 16, 2012

Space Rocket Ship Craft from Tissue Boxes for Earth Day - Tissue Box Challenge!

Every year I get pretty excited about trying to do some crafts out of supplies that would normally go in the recycling bin.  So for this year's Earth Day Tissue Box Challenge, I've been saving Kleenex boxes for ages. In fact, I feel kind of guilty as to how many we've amassed in the past year - do we really use that many tissues?!  I wanted to use as many as I could in a craft, to clear some space in my hall closet.  Since Pierce's biggest passion right now are all things space, we decided to create a rocket ship.

First, we glued together the tissue boxes.  I also cut off the end of a 2 liter soda bottle and glued/taped it on the top to make the nose of the space ship.  Pierce helped with all the glueing. 
 Then I took it out in the yard to paint it.  Pierce cut out the letters I drew on red foam and glued them on the rocket. 

The best part of this craft?  All your little friends can take a ride in the rocket ship!  The boys had fun filling it with some of their favorite stuffed animals.

 It took all 3 boys to get it launched, but finally we saw it zooming across our living room and headed towards space! 
This has been a fun craft for the boys and they've certainly enjoyed playing with it over the past couple of weeks!

Now is your chance to link up to the Annual Tissue Box Challenge for a chance to win fun prizes.  First, grab the code for the button and paste it into your blog post.
Two Bears Farm
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Two Bears Farm"><img src="" alt="Two Bears Farm" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Then come back and add your blog post all about the cool craft you've created with your kids to the linky:

Please be sure to visit the blogs of at least 3 other participants and leave them some comment love about their crafts!  Prizes include a $20 Amazon gift card for first place and a craft kit to make 2 monsters from plastic bags for second place:
Judging will be done by Red Ted Art.  Have fun!


Unknown said...

That is an awesome idea! My little Milo would love a rocket! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your rocket is awesome!

Jill said...

What a great idea! I love the way the boys were able to put their friends in it for the ride.

Sandi McBride said...

we love your space craft, how many cats will fit inside? I wish to send Caroline and Cher on a trip to the moon...
Batgirl (with sandi)

Eat To Live said...

How fun!!! I have found that you can buy really expensive toys, but the ones they seem to play with the most are things like boxes.... why is that?

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great idea!! Looks like the boys had a "blast" with the rocket ship!

Unknown said...

That's a really clever idea! Looks like the kids and their little stuffed animals are having a great time!

TexWisGirl said...

too cute, lisa! love all the space critters getting their rides!

Anonymous said...

Love this rocketship and hope it has a safe return journey through the living room... LOL

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's an awesome rocket! I love how the boys all had a hand in making it and launching it. And sending their little friends on the flight was so sweet!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This one looks really cool!!! It would even look good in a corner of his room as decor! And to store the animal friends.

V and A said...

What a great project! Such good ideas!

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-that is so clever! I think kids enjoy playing with toys they make themselves more that store bought toys sometimes. When Amy was little she loved to make things out of boxes.
Happy space travels to your three little astronauts! :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is so cute! boys and rocket!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu casa.

Saludo y un abrazo.

Sandy said...

Love it! Shoot, I think I used that many tissues with the nasty cold I had this

Tracy said...

What a cool rocket Lisa and the best thing to see? The look on all your boys' faces; total delight! Great job!

Dawn said...

SO MUCH FUN! It turned out well:)

Thank you for your comment on my post....and my foot injury is getting a lot better thanks. I am down to one day a week at Physio and am slowly coming back into distance. A race this weekend and next....and I'm hoping it stays well;)

Leontien said...

I love it!!!! first i didn't quite know what it was going to be (missed the title completely...) but i thought together you did a great job! and i love all the animails in the ship! Almost looks like the arch of Noah! haha

Big hugs and hope you are all doing ok!

Michelle said...

Cool rocket ship! You can tell they loved it!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a cute little rocket ship. I know that Pierce (and the twins) love it... SO CUTE...


Liz Mays said...

Whoa, you rocketed that challenge! lol I couldn't resist, but seriously....great job!

Katie said...

Love this challenge and I agree with other commenters, the faces of your boys are the best reward!

Nancy said...

Very creative. :)

My Mad World said...

Very cute rocket! The boys look like they enjoyed it!!

I tried to link up but it's not showing up. :( Then when I went and tried again it said that there was already a link made. IDK? :(

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a fun craft idea- looks like the boys really enjoyed playing with it.

OneMommy said...

I love your rocket! And it's to tall - fun, fun, fun!
I love that the animals can take a ride, too!

Hafsa said...

You’ve been featured on 30 Incredible Tissue Box Crafts – Thanks!