Thursday, May 10, 2012

Down in the Strawberry Patch - Rural Thursday

It's that time of year!  So we took our annual family excursion to the strawberry patch.  Oh how our family finds joy in picking those sweet red berries.  The boys munched worked diligently this year to get berries.  Pierce said he was going to get a Kajillion berries.  Sadly, he fell a little short.
The twins were slightly better contributers than last year, although some of their berries weren't quite ripe.  The berries weren't as plentiful because we'd had cool weather the previous couple of weeks.
With lots of rain too.

But they had ample straw so it wasn't as muddy as we'd expected.

When it came time to check out, the twins were terribly disgruntled.  They didn't want to combine buckets of berries.  MY STRAWBERRIES, MY STRAWBERRIES went the laments.  Note the worry on Reid's face during checkout.  And the little hand, inching out towards his bucket.  He really didn't want the lady to take his berries.  
On the way home, we stopped off at the local creamery for this:

Because that morning, in preparation, I'd baked this:

And so, the end to a perfect day?  This:

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up with myself and Nancy from A Rural Journal! Recipes, crafts, wildlife and gardening all make excellent contributions to Rural Thursday.  Just grab the code below the button and paste it into your blog post.  Come back and add your url to the linky below.  Please remember to visit at least 5 other contributing blogs and leave them some comment love!  I look forward to reading your posts!


Myya said...

Oh my goodness I love Reid's face in that picture. He was so ready to take that lady out if she messed with his berries. haaa!

I rememeber as a kid my sisters & I would go pick enough berries to pay for the pool & a candy bar for after our swim. Ohhh the memories.

I am wanting to plant some strawberry plants this year. Yuuum!

BlueShell said...

Good morning! They are adorable. I lihe the green boots...heheheh

And the desert....The cake...and the "other thing with strawberries...(I do not know the name you have for it)" yummy!It seems delicious... May I have a slice???

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Claire Justine said...

Ooh yummy lovely strawberry,lovey pictures thanks for hosting :)

Betty Manousos said...

omg, what cute little ones!!

a totally sweet post, lisa!
thanks for sharing these adorable shots.

Jill said...

What a terrific family outing. Your cake looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm a lover of berries. And a hog belly when it comes to angel food cake with strawberries. I use yogurt on top to keep the calories down a bit.... still, it's just delicious!

Anonymous said...

Your dessert looks awesome! What a fun outing!

Texan said...

Yummy!!! I need a pair of little green boots like that :O). Those are adorable :O).

Tanya Breese said...

oh that dessert looks so yummy! what a fun day....happy memories!!

I Am Woody said...

In 2010, work took us to California for a year. The area that we were located is the strawberry capital of California. They grow strawberries year round. When the fields were ripe, you could smell the strawberries while driving by. It was the best smell ever!

Amy Burzese said...

Yummy! The boys are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Fresh picked kajillion berries are always better in the tummy than the bucket! Love those shots... your little guys are SO precioius, brings back memories of mine. Love the delish looking shortcake!

Meggie said...

Hello...I've just signed on as a follower. Your desset looks wonderful!

Anne Payne said...

Yummy! That looks so delicious, and such cutie's picking strawberries.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your kids are so adorable. I love strawberry picking time and miss doing it with my girls. Our season doe not start till June 19th or at least near this. Your day end looks delicious. B

Debbie said...

could your kids be any cuter?? that desert looks yummy, the strawberries don't get any fresher then that!!

Katie said...

Lovely pics Lisa! I am jealous of that huge strawberry harvest. So beautiful and yummy! I'll have a post up later today for Rural Thursday!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

They are so incredibly cute! I want to bake that- yummy! Love strawberries!

Jill said...

One of my best memories....picking strawberries...

Anonymous said...

I love the cute rain boots!

TexWisGirl said...

that's awesome, lisa. love the kids' boots. and that cake!

Out on the prairie said...

Lots of work but the dessert made it very worthwhile

Anonymous said...

We have a LOT of blossoms this year so I have HIGH hopes for our bed of strawberry plants. I really hope I don't have to drive to a farm again this year!

Melanie said...

Loved the pictures!!!!! What a perfect ending to a perfect day, the cake looks yummy!
Thanks for hosting and visiting me!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

So yummy! And I just LOVE the look on Reid's face!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the enthusiasm kids bring to berry picking.

Nancy said...

I actually remember your trip last year! Looks like a good haul -- and I don't blame Reid -- I picked 'em, I get to eat 'em! :)

pembrokeshire lass said...

Hi lovely to see your kids picking. I well remember doing it with ours! It's far too early here for strawberries yet...can't wait! I'm visiting you as you visited me. I've also joined your followers as I want to see what happens next. We have identical twin grandsons who turned 5 last week! What a pair...but what joy! Have a lovely day. Joan

V and A said...

yo yum, that looks soooo good! That makes me laugh about not wanting to combine the strawberries. That is so my children... ha ha

Vision By Mila said...

those booties are so cute! I'd love some strawberries now, must buy..

Brian King said...

Well, in his defense, a kajillion is kind of a big number. LOL! The boots made me laugh - those are great!

andy said...

Looks like you and the boys had a blast! Happy picking

Michelle said...

Ooooh...this makes me hungry. Could you please pass me a piece of that cake? :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...strawberries. What a great family outing! Love those boots!

trump said...

I used to pick berry's, but now sadly ive become kind of lazy so i just buy them.........Id like to invite everyone to a post I've just published honoring the TV show "Big Valley", and also actor Peter Breck. Included with this post are 2 personal recipes that was sent to me by Peters wife Diane, so please stop by and say hello and share your memories of this classic TV show. Richard

Sandy said...

I think those green boots were a bit creepy for my Glad the boys had fun picking strawberries.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I loved this post--such great photos with the commentary (MY STRAWBERRIES)--LOL

We had a strawberry patch when I was growing up, and I ate quite a few while I was supposed to be picking. So tempting to just pop a beautiful on in my mouth!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my! I've certainly seen that face before. Looks like the day ended well though- that dessert looks scrumptious!

J.Rhoades said...

Cute! My mother-in-law grows strawberries every year and we benefit from it! Just had our first ones the other day and can't wait for more!

Liz Mays said...

You're a thinker having that cake ready and getting the ice cream! That probably took some of the sting of sharing away!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh now doesn't all that look good! YUM! And do the twins love the berries as much as Pierce? Believe it or not, every time I eat a strawberry, I think of him!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

I remember picking strawberries w/ my grandma when I was a kid, we had fun! =)

Eat To Live said...

I love fresh picked strawberries. They won't be local here until June sometime.

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos. Learning from small fruits of the earth. Greetings.

Candy C. said...

What a fun outing with the boys!! Love the light shining up through your cake! :)

Lin said...

Hahaha! I love them protecting "their" strawberries. My kids always did the same with the blueberries they'd pick.

Good thinking with the angelfood cake!

Judy said...

Now I can't wait until we can have fresh strawberries from our patch...Oh my goodness, almost the exact same frog boots that the grand kids fight over when they come here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I want some! What a fun trip. The boys look so cute picking strawberries.

Jen said...

Looks like fun! I just posted about strawberries from out own little garden. :)


Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Such cute little berry pickers! I'm not sure which is the cutest, them or the boots. There's nothing quite like fresh berries, YUM! Exactly how many is a kazillion anyway?

GardenOfDaisies said...

Now THAT is the way to pick strawberries! Get the short people in your life to do it so you don't have to bend over and ruin your back! May I please borrow your kids? ;-)
Seriously, what a fun family outing that was. You do such a great job of teaching your children where their food comes from (You mean it doesn't just magically appear in the refrigerator?) And berries are always the perfect treat at the end of a day.

Unknown said...

I can taste those strawberries right now! Berries won't be ready around here for another month. Could you send me some? : )

Happy Friday!

Becky Jane said...

Fresh strawberries...yum! And homemade strawberry short cake is my favorite spring dessert. Your kids looks so cute picking their ruby delights! Poor little guy has such a sad look on his face.

tiarastantrums said...

wow - already - this seems so early for picking strawberries!

Valerie Boersma said...

Fun and delicious! I love fresh strawberries!!

Jaime Leigh said...

Oh the memories...My best friends parents ran a strawberry patch when we where kids....It was the yummiest playground ever!

Eat To Live said...

Hmmmm I wonder what happened to my comment. I thought I left one on this post.

I love going to pick my own berries. Usually they let you eat as many as you want. MMMMMMm fresh strawberries.

Michaele said...

Oh what good helpers you had there. Love the reward at the end. Good moms are always thinking ahead. Happy Mother's Day Lisa.

Eat To Live said...

What the heck... I know I left a comment on this... I wonder what is going on with blogger.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love those pictures! So cute!