Monday, May 21, 2012

A Puzzling Lunch on Muffin Tin Monday

I confess that as the school year draws to a close I'm becoming lazy about creative lunches for Pierce.  This past week Pierce found himself with a puzzling lunch combination:
He has a Trader Joe's Apple/Carrot crusher, some yogurt covered raisins, animal crackers that were not animals but letters/numbers, and a puzzle shaped cheese and mustard sandwich.  I found the puzzle sandwich cutter in Walmart, in the baby section - next to the sippy cups.  They are new from Munchkin, and there were other designs as well.  Cute, huh?

For more fun kids' lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom


Anonymous said...

You find the best food gadgets! I love the puzzle sandwich!

Jill said...

The puzzle sandwich is fantastic. What a fun idea. Looks like a great lunch to me.

andy said...

Love the puzzel sandwich my little one would love them. I also love yogurt covered raisins. Have a great day

Unknown said...

That puzzle sandwich is cool. My middle son officially gave up sandwiches. We send fruit and veggies and dip now instead.

Anonymous said...

Very cute sandwich. My neighbor's little great granddaughter would love this!

Angela said...

That is cute Lisa! I will have to look for the puzzle cookie cutter because that would be a big hit at my house too! Do you think my soon to the high school daughter would want to have her lunch to look like that? lol I know my 8 year old would love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that puzzle cutter is just da bomb! Made the bread so cute that anyone would want to eat it. Fun!!

Unknown said...

This is SO cute...and not at all lacking creativity. I really want one of those sandwich cutters. :)

Thanks for sharing!


V and A said...

oh how fun is that puzzle sandwich. You are so creative

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the puzzle sandwich--so creative and fun! The rest of the lunch looks quite good.

I like cheese and mustard together too. . . .

I Am Woody said...

Lazy? Never! I love that puzzle cutter! I think I need one for my toast :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I love the puzzle sandwich too-and the letter and number animal crackers. Amy is so tired of making her lunch she's been buying it more often. Luckily-she makes pretty good choices in the cafeteria in spite of what kids can buy.

Happy Monday Lisa!

Liz Mays said...

Every child would love that puzzle sandwich. So neat!

TexWisGirl said...

as a big fan of picture puzzles, i'm lovin' the sandwich!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love the Puzzling Lunch, Lisa.... That's neat---finding a puzzle sandwich cutter.... Love it!!!

Have a great day.

Sally said...

How cute is that puzzle? I'll have to look for it for Hunter; she'll love it!


Michelle P. said...

I love the puzzle sandwich!

Angela said...

Cute idea! I really like your blog and am your new follower! :)

Michelle said...

The puzzle shapes are just the cutest!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the puzzle sandwich! Too cute!

Emily said...

Oh! I need to run out and get a puzzle sandwich cutter right this minute. That's so cute!

Misty said...

Ohhhh.... I NEED puzzle shaped cookie cutters.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I LOVE the puzzle cutter for sandwiches! I happen to be heading there tomorrow so I'm going to look! Keep the great ideas coming for this Nana!!!...:)JP

Sandi McBride said...

Love that luncb! How lucky your Pierce is to have such an inventive Mum to prepare his lunches...looks better than school fare for sure! Still recovering from surgery, so not as active lately, but taking this hour to post and visit friends...glad I did! This is worth sharing if you don't mind!

Nancy said...

I saw a couple of sandwich cutters at my grocery store for $1.00 and almost bought them for my hubby's lunch! Love the puzzle sammy! :)

Lin said...

I love the last day of school when we don't have to make lunches anymore. I love summers for the little things like that. :)

Eat To Live said...

What a fun lunch. I love that idea. I bet it is getting hard to think of new things. You have done so many creative lunches that ... what is left?

Michaele said...

Oh I have this overwhelming urge to make one of these just so I can smoosh the puzzle pieces together. You bring out the kid in all of us I think.

Tracy said...

Love the puzzle cut you think Nicholas would flip out in middle school if I cut his PBJ into puzzle pieces? He'd actuallythink it was cool :)

Chatty Crone said...

Got to say - I love the puzzle! sandie

Debbie said...

haha, great title and a super fun lunch!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Too cute- my grands would love it.

Vision By Mila said...

very cute those cutters, I should buy something fun as well.. we don't have kids, so we'd have fun sandwiches just for us :D

MichelleM said...

I have to get the puzzle cutters! Thanks so much for the idea! :)

Sandy said...

I love the puzzle sandwich cutter. How cool!

Jen said...

SO cool! My 5 year old will need to bring his lunch to school almost every day next year because he's such a picky eater, so I'm going to be using your ideas...I love them :)

Jo said...

SO CUTE. I totally ordered these sandwich cutters. One question: Do you know if they are dishwasher safe? I already threw away the packaging and now I don't know. :)