Saturday, May 26, 2012

Using Floam to Make a Pencil Cup for Father's Day

Would you believe that way back in the early 90s, when Floam first came out, I bought some?  I was in high school, and thought it was cool stuff.  Today's formula is new and improved, so when I was contacted about using Nickelodeon's Floam to create a pencil cup craft for Father's Day, I was pretty excited to revisit the substance.  The pencil cup you see in this picture is made with Floam, but it was not made by us - it was sent for inspiration!

Pierce tests out the pencil up they sent with a pencil!  I dug into the recycling bin and found an old vinegar bottle to use for our pencil cup - it was just the right size.  I cut off the top and taped around the top edge before passing it over to Pierce.

Pierce was particularly fascinated with the consistency of Floam.  He kept asking how it was made - how they got all those tiny white balls in there.  While Floam is soft and pliable (plus nontoxic and washable), if you let it sit out it will eventually dry and harden.

Following the instructions we were sent, Pierce rolled out the Floam into a sheet long enough to wrap around our bottle.  He needed help for the actual wrapping process. 

We decided letters might be a little too tricky (and I did want this to be as much a Pierce-creation as possible).  So Pierce said he wanted to make a smiley-face heart and a sun instead of "#1 Dad". 

I did help him with the shape of the heart (using scissors to cut it out once the blue was rolled out).  I also helped him get the circle of the sun.  And I assisted him a bit with the piece on top - that was most difficult part for him.  I think it turned out cute, how about you?  Next up Pierce says he's going to make a Floam monster.
You can also find Floam on Facebook and Twitter.  So readers, if you had some Floam right now, what would you create?

Disclaimer: I received the products pictured on top in exchange for writing a review.  The opinions you have read are all my own.


Eat To Live said...

Sounds kind of like playdough with little balls in it. Cool.

What a neat gift for him to make for Dad.
Just yesterday, a man came to my Daughters yardsale carring this piece of ceramic that his daughter had made for him when she was little. He carries his change in it. LOL... he told us it was suppose to be an ash tray but was to tall, so he keeps change in his car in it.

Roan said...

That is really cool stuff! I think I've found a birthday present for the next grandson birthday. Pierce's creation is very nice. I can't wait to see the monster. ;)

If I had floam, well I think I would make a pencil holder for my desk at work. It would colorize the place.

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute project!

Valerie Boersma said...

How fun! I'd never heard of Floam!

Have a happy, wonderful three day weekend Lisa!!!

pam said...

I would make a gum bowl-parker. lol

I think you call it a pinch bowl.

I loe the colors, I am going to ask my DH if we could cast a finished one to turn it into metal at work. ( Investment Casting)

Great pictures, by the way,


Tracy said...

Lisa, that is absolutely adorable...Pierce did a fantastic job! I love the stuff too. My ADHD kids like to have it in their hand to fiddle with because it is quiet :)

TexWisGirl said...

that is really cute! guess paul knows what he's getting for one of his gifts. :)

Sally said...

I love how you spend time with Pierce, and of course all the boys. That pencil cup is PERFECT!! :)

Anonymous said...

I had not heard of Floam, so this was especially interesting to me!!! I think Pierce did a really good job and that his Dad will be very proud of his new pencilholder. Hope your weekend is lots of fun, Lisa.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It turned out wonderful!!!! But gosh, why have I never heard of this stuff? I'm in the kids craft section all the time and have never seen it either. And I practically live at Michael's.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a colorful, great pencil holder! Pierce did a really good job! I bet the monster will be very imaginative.

I've never heard of floam, but it looks fun. I think I would make a little bowl for us to put our change in at night.

Anonymous said...

That's wild stuff... I did a lot of crafting with me kids, but I've never heard of it!

Marie said...

That turned out so cute! It looks like a lot of fun! I would probably make a little flower vase. Fun stuff!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It would be fun to play with some of this! Just think of all you can create!

Cat said...

What an outstanding project! Pierce's Daddy is going to love this :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I love foam...almost as much as Mia does so we may try that idea!...:)JP

Karen said...

Enjoyed your blog and the ideas for crafts for the grandkids this summer! Have a great weekend.

Michaele said...

You are making me wish I had little kids around so I could go shopping for this. I miss the toy isle : )

Becky Jane said...

I've never heard of Floam. This looks like a fun addition to my Grandma closet.

Barbara said...

That looks like such fun. I love that it is non-toxic as mine always like to taste-test his toys. I bet the pencil holder will be a huge hit this Father's Day.

Kim said...

This is awesome! I love how you incorporate your family time with your reviews.