Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beach Pics from Assateague Island

The ocean is good for the soul. 

Unless you're 2 years old.  Then it involves many tears and a few screams.  And you warily watch your dad and your older brother go play in the waves.

And your older brother has the time of his life playing in the waves.  But you won't even get your feet wet.

Mom tries to help.  Both you and your twin brother.  But neither one of you is a willing participant.  No way no how, get me away from those waves!

You'll keep your feet safely on land, thank you very much.  Although you will start to finally enjoy the sand between your toes.

And soon you realize that your older brother is having a grand time driving his truck around.  So you start driving your truck too.

And then there is much contented truck driving, and motor-sound making, and once in a while you double check to make sure those blasted waves aren't getting too close.
Oooooh, big hole!  A most excellent truck driving find!

Maybe, in the end, this beach thing IS kind of fun after all.  Although not the water.  Not gonna go there.


Anonymous said...

What a cute post, Lisa! I felt much the same way about the waves when I was little! So happy they found a way to enjoy the sand and their trucks.

The Cranky said...

Beautiful pictures and oh, the memories! Just give it a year or two, you won't be able to drag them away from the water.

Cat said...

Awwwww...such gorgeous pictures! And what great memories you all made :-)

Heather said...

Love this post! When I first brought my oldest to the beach, she was just over two, but I couldn't get her out of the water...and considering we live in Maine...it was very cold! Luckily she has a very involved uncle who would splash around with her all day long :-)

Anonymous said...

I bet they will dip their toes in next year. It looks like they had a great time in the sand.

andy said...

Looks like a great time! !! Have a great day

Linda O'Connell said...

Lisa, it looks like they had fun anyway. Next year they'll be right in there with the big guys. Cute pics.

Jill said...

Very sweet post. The last pholto is adorable.

Gail Dixon said...

Awww! This was so cute. Hopefully in time he can learn to enjoy the waves. Once the competition phase with his brother sets in, he'll be hard to stop!

Liz Mays said...

I guess he knows what he likes and doesn't like, that's for sure!

Barbara said...

Such cuties!! I was so sad the first time I took my oldest to the beach and he HATED it. It must be a two year old thing.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

What gorgeous pictures!! It looks like you guys had so much fun and I am jealous- I need a vacation!

Anonymous said...

I love that you got away to the beach and TOTALLY enjoyed watching the boys dig it too! This is a beach I have always wanted to see. :-))

Did you see the wild ponies??

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Good family memories!

Cami said...

The ocean is TOTALLY good for the soul!! I'm glad you had a great time :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a great photo essay! Sooooo cute--I enjoyed it! In a couple of years the twins will love the water as much as Pierce. Thank goodness for the sand!

renae said...

What cutie-pa-tooties. A term learned from Rosie O'Donnell. I love little kids and the older I get I think little boys are so much like little men. You are blessed!

An Apel a Day said...

I'm all familiar with the motor making sound effect! My kids are all about sound effects.

It's great you got to visit the beach. I live in Omaha, Nebraska; it's no where near the beach or mountains. That's one thing I miss about living in Georgia. We had Stone Mountain and beaches not too far away.

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

LOL.. you know? It's safer that way! My son has always wanted to DIVE RIGHT IN. And that makes for a lot of mommy-running.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute.

Mary said...

What a great time. I love the beach..miss it, since we are land lubbers. We have water, but I need those waves, to wave at me, occasionally. I thine we are due for some ocean time.

Valerie Boersma said...

When Amy was about 7 months old we drove from New York to Oregon, and she dabbled her toes in the Pacific ocean-and screamed! She was much more interested in trying to eat pieces of burned wood from beach fires than going near the water again after that. But now she is a regular fish:)

Glad you guys got to take this trip! Lots of fun, and so many great memories too:)

Jill said...

Awww...what fun!!! Such sweet little beach goers.

Mere said...

Grady had the exact same reaction when we went to the beach last year. Every time the water got close to him he'd request to be picked up. Finally on the last day we were there he warmed up to the ocean and threw a big fit when it was time to leave. Your vacation looks like it was a lot of fun!

Berto Garcia said...

Ohhh nice pictures for us islanders would be happy without the sea

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Fun! One of these days, maybe, they'll get in the ocean!

Sandy said...

I used to have many pictures of my Mom carrying me into the ocean crying. I always hated the ocean and I still do. I don't want that water above my ankles and the sand...ewwww. Sand gets into everything! Looks like the boys all had a wonderful time in their own way though.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Don't fret, Baby Girl, they'll get in...all the kids did...eventually!...:)JP

Debbie said...

they are so cute lisa. i have the same tan lines on my feet ;)))

Eat To Live said...

Look how cute you are in your little swim suit. You are tiny!

Marie said...

These are such fun and happy pics! Your boys are so cute! We were at the beach quite a bit when my son was little. He has always loved the water! I guess that's why he's a swimmer. :)

Michelle said...

Good family times!

Chatty Crone said...

They look like they are having a fantastic time with the water and the sand. Sandie

Angela said...

At least they enjoyed the sand! I seen a toddler at the spray park that wouldn't have anything to do with it whatsoever. He was terrified of it all. His dad tried and tried and so did the mother. They gave up and left.

Look at you in that bikini! You hottie you! With your famers tan legs! hehehe Sigh... I've got my farmer's tan going on for me too! lol

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, WELL---just wait a few years and all three of them will be water-dogs... You'll be hollering at them telling them not to go out too far!!!!!! ha

Cute pictures...You have the sweetest little family.

BlueShell said...

here the nearest beach we have is about...80 miles from home...
This year we won't go to see the ocean...because my husband can't have sun (he had cancer and did quimo - so for 2 years he can't go to the beach, or travel log distances..)

Mom is sick - she is having insulin, now.
I'll try to come here more often...I promise!

Jen said...

Love those beach pics!! What fun...even though the twins wouldn't go in the water. ;)

Kim said...

First of all how stunning are you!!! And yes, this sounds just like Naveen. He needs to first see Deaglan thoroughly immersed in something before jumping in.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I was just getting caught up on all your posts! It looks like you had a fun trip! Cute pictures!