Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Cort and Reid!

The twins are turning 3 today.  THREE.  How did this happen?  Seems like just yesterday they were infants.  We had some family over this past weekend to celebrate.  The twins had been going on and on about how they wanted boat cake.  No clue where they got that idea.  You may remember I posted last year that the store bought cakes had gotten so expensive that I planned to start making my own.  Well I drove all over town to find two plastic boats and took the easy way out on "boat cake".  I made my grandmother's recipe for Indiana Chocolate cake and turned the cream cheese frosting blue.  I was scared the twins would be disappointed, but they were delighted.

We did candles on individual pieces of cake again.  The twins had just had a cold, so we didn't want to spread germs.

Afterwards, there was the added bonus of licking cream cheese frosting off the bottom of the boats. 

A little time on the porch swing blowing bubbles and hanging out with the grandparents.  The baby my mom has is Dean, the newest cousin! 

Cort hangs out with his special buddy, Pop Pop, who made Cort potato salad special, because it is one of Cort's favorite things.  And Pop Pop does make the best potato salad for the past 20+ years - if you remember Justin Wilson it is one of his recipes.

For their birthday, the twins got to break out of their cribs!  We went straight from cribs to big boy beds.  They are delighted with their new bunk bed.

So far so good, although I have had to separate them at times for nap.  Cort climbs down and gets into bed with Reid.  So I have started putting him in Pierce's room to nap.  They do well at night at least.

So happy 3 years to Cort and Reid!  If you missed their original birth story, you can find it here.  These two bring me so much joy.  They are just growing up too fast!  Special thanks to those who visited and/or sent wonderful gifts for the twins' birthday!  We are thankful for all you do for them. 


The Cranky said...

Happy Birthday to two delightful boys. Yay for big boy beds!

Cat said...

Love the pictures! Can't believe those little boys are so big already :-) I think it is sweet that they want to sleep in the same bed.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Happy Birthday Cort and Reid I love your new big boy beds very cool.
Nice cake Mom well done. It looks like everyone had a great time. B

Steve Surratt said...

Wow, hard to believe they are 3! Happy birthday to them both!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday, Boys!.... what very cool beds you have!

..and the cake was adorable, great idea!

andy said...

Happy birthday boys! !!! Love the cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Guys! I love the boat cake. Licking frosting of a boat has to be wonderful!

Melodie said...

Happy birthday boys! The time dose fly when they are little. It looks like they had a terrific day!

Jeanne said...

Oh Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid. They are so cute. Don't 3 years go by in a hurry??

An Apel a Day said...

Happy Birthday to them!!! I love their names. The photos with them on their beds are so cute!

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday, sweet boys! i like those bunk beds! glad the boat cake was a hit, too!

Mary said...

happy birthday twinners...cort and reid. Very happy for parents and gp's too. Cute.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday Cord and Reid and many more. Lisa you did good on that cake! sandie

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to these big boys and their big beds! Those are some pretty cool beds!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Cort & Reid! Your boat birthday cake is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your precious twins. I love these photos. You are certainly blessed! What a great idea with the boat cake.

Out on the prairie said...

Happy B Day boys, what a delight to share the fun.

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

It was just my birthday too! And my sisters. And my brothers. AND my moms. We call it birthday week! I just read your birth story and enjoyed it ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like a fun celebration and the cake is so cute. Hope they enjoy their new bunk beds. I will have to come back and read their birth story.
Happy Birthday Cort and Reid!!!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Happy Third Birthday, Cort and Reid! Looks like you two had a fantastic birthday! I love the bunkbeds!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday guys! I can't believe they're 3. It looks like they love their bunk beds! :)

Liz Mays said...

They're growing up way too fast! Cuties and the cake came out so nicely. :)

Jen said...

Happy Birthday to your boys!! I love those bunk beds! Glad they're doing well at night :)

renae said...

They are so dang cute. I am dense or slow, but I didn't know they were twins til now, please excuse my dumness.

So you like caramel on ice cream huh?

Is that what that picture is? hmmmm?

(I love their names)

Eat To Live said...

Oh My... they grow up so fast don't they. Cool Beds!!

Amy Burzese said...

Happy birthday boys! Love your cake and your big boy beds!

Debbie said...

happy birthday boys!!

beautiful cake, i'll bet it was delish!!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday Cort & Reid!! Wow, I can't believe they are 3 either. Of course they weren't disappointed in the

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such sweet boys--happy birthday to them! I love the cake--it really looks like water with boats on it!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy Birthday to the two cutie pies- they are growing up so fast!

Angela said...

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Cort,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Reid,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Holy moose-poops! I can't believe they're three already, Baby Girl! They look so grown up in the pix with their new beds!...:)JP

Sally said...

The cake is adorable; you did real good, girl. Happy Birthday to the sweet twins. Time is flying by for all of us! Enjoyed the pics!!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Happy Birthday to a couple of cute boys! The cake is really cute too.

Molly Jo said...

Happy birthday to your boys! Looks like a fun, wonderful family. And congrats on the cake, it looks delicious!

Gail Dixon said...

Happy birthday to your little cutie patooties!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday Cort and Reid!
We love your big boy beds!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

Happy birthday to your sweet boys! They do grow up fast!

Labay Family said...

Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid!!!! Cannot believe we have been following them for almost 3 years now!!!! It's been fun! And they are just adorable!!!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Happy birthday to Cort and Reid! How exciting to have a boat cake, time with grandparents AND big boy bunk beds!!
I always made the birthday cakes for my children too. Sometimes I didn't quite think it through enough... like the time I made icecream cake and forgot to put it in a pan that was small enough to fit into my side by side freezer. As you can imagine, I wasn't nominated for the " mother of the year" award that year....either.

Valerie Boersma said...

Happy Birthday from me too! I am loving being able to be part of these milestones too-I love you blog so much Lisa:)

Barbara said...

Aww, Happy Belated Birthday to the Twins!! I think your cake turned out beautiful!!

warren said...

Your kids will turn out ok if they eat enough of those red fish! I ate them all the time as a kid and still love them. Well, on second thought...

Kim said...

Love the cake!! And the bunkbeds. They are so cute Lisa. Happy birthday to your babies!!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Happy 3rd birthday, boys!!!