Monday, August 27, 2012

Mexican Pizza Man on Muffin Tin Monday

You know what is always a hit in my house?  Mexican Pizza Men.  Since I make the tortillas myself, they take 45 to put together, but aside from that this is a quick meal. 
Refried beans and cheddar cheese on a homemade tortilla with garden tomato, green olive, and avocado features, and a mushroom muffin tin cup body of corn.

Find more Muffin Tin Monday ideas here


Karen said...

I'd love this meal!....

Your boys are so lucky that you do this for them..good job, mom.

andy said...

Hey that looks good and cool! Very creative! Have a great day

Heather said...

We eat a lot of bean burritos here, but I never thought to make them open faced into little people! My kids would love this :-) Thanks for the idea!

McKenna said...

What a cute idea. I need to do things like this more often to make meal times fun.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! He looks deliciously like a fun(guy).

Anonymous said...

Just curious if your creatively designed foods make your boys eat more? I know how picky kids can be. Does this help them to love foods more? It would me! :-)

Barbara said...

He does look delicious! I can see why he is a hit!

Liz Mays said...

That is impossibly cute!

I Am Woody said...

Yum! We love tortilla 'pizzas'. Last night we had one with pesto, fresh spinach, grape tomatoes, and grilled chicken :)

Jill said...

So creative and yummy looking!

Eat To Live said...

Very cute Lisa!! I used to make my own tortillas too.

Sally said...

How cute and appetizing is that!

You come up with the greatest meals for those littles. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

A great idea--more fun to eat than a plan burrito!

The Cranky said...

It looks and sounds delicious Lisa; you are such a creative Mom!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa you always make meal time so much fun your boys are indeed lucky to have a creative Mom. B

Chicken Wrangler said...

Cute - and creative! Mealtime must be a blast at your house!

Valerie Boersma said...

This is too cute Lisa!! You are a totally fun mom!! :)

Gail Dixon said...

So clever! I wonder what your boys will think when they're adults and have to eat off a regular plate. Maybe they'll always want to have an artistic flair in their food and other areas. In any case, I'll bet they never complain about eating. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Forget kids! I'm into this one!....:)JP

Unknown said...

Why being a working mom just isn't for me.
Awesomely creative! Now to just get my kid to eat beans, tortillas, olives, and tomatoes.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Ha! How fun is that?!

Debbie said...

I would love to eat that and I'm all grown up!!!

Helene said...

Super cute, Lisa!!!!!

Are the tortillas easy to make??

An Apel a Day said...

So fun!

If you haven't seen these plates yet, you might like them: I bought them for all my nephews and niece last year for Christmas.

Andrea said...

Cute! AND yum looking! :) I think I just decided on tacos for dinner.

Meredith said...

Very cute!

Rohrerbot said...

I need to go home and have some supper:) Mexican always sounds great:)

Anonymous said...

Yum. I'd even love that meal!

Michelle said...

This is so cute. My daughter has requested one. Do you do Fed Ex?

Tracie said...

My kids love mexian pizza! I will have to try the face.

Anonymous said...

I would love this meal, Lisa!

Sandy said...

Sounds tasty, but pizza man is just little bit freaky

Nancy said...

Cute -- love the lips. :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Great idea. I have got to try that with Little Bug.