Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Case of the Missing Hermit

You may remember that when we were at the beach we let Pierce use part of his spending money to purchase a small hermit crab with a yellow angry bird painted on her back.  Even though it has been well over a month, Pierce continues to take excellent care of the crab, whom he named Misty.  He takes her out daily, gives her special treats, and mists her with a special spray that she enjoys.  He tells her how much he loves her, and it's been quite endearing to watch.

In fact, we've only run into one small problem with Misty.  One Sunday morning we got up and Pierce wandered over to the table and said, "Hey Mom.  I forgot to put Misty up last night.  She was right here on the table!".  Uh oh.  Our hermit crab was on a great escapade!

Hermit crabs don't move very quickly, but ours is quite small, the size of a giant grape.  We all started looking around the house for her.  Couches were searched under, corners were peeked in, every little space a hermit crab could be holed up was examined.  We looked, and looked, and looked.
Finally, Misty was located in the corner by the stairs, on the other side of the room, under a bag of running gear that Paul had left out.  She didn't come to any harm during her tumble off the table, or wanderings about the house, which is good since we have two cats.  Hopefully, Pierce will be more attentive in the future to making sure that Misty is always in her cage before bedtime! 


Anonymous said...

I'm happy that Misty was found unharmed. Hope you guys have a great day.

The Cranky said...

So glad Misty didn't come to any harm; what a wonderful way for Pierce to learn about how to care for another living being responsibly!

andy said...

Very cool! Bet pierce is excited! !!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found her. It sounds like quite a search!

Jill said...

Whew! Disaster avoided!

Heather said...

What a riot! Glad you were able to find her though!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am glad that turned out well. I am reminded of my nephew who being thoughtful locked our goat in my car just before a snowstorm and we looked for her for hours. Yes she was found safe and sound. I can not say that about my car seats. B

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Maybe it went in search of a larger shell, maybe he will want to put some in with misty just in case.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Glad you found Misty!

TexWisGirl said...

poor baby. glad she was found unharmed. :)

Unknown said...

Good you found her...I know how it is when you lose something and frantically look for it! This search had all on their toes! Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

My first thought was ... oh Lord, hope they didn't step on it!

Glad you found her. :)

Liz Mays said...

I don't know why, but this is completely cracking me up! I need you to write a children's book about Misty!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm glad Misty was found unharmed. She must have wanted to go on an adventure! :-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- that's a hardy crab- glad y'all found it- she could have ended up anywhere!

Tiggeriffic said...

Crabs like warm places.. If one of the kids were napping I'm sure the crab would of found a warm spot next to where they were sleeping.
So happy he was found safe~!
Better get a bigger home he is going to get bigger and require a bigger house to carry around..they sell them at pet stores..
Have fun~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Sandy said...

Awwww, how sweet that he takes such good care of her. I am shocked you were able to find her though after "Misty's Big Adventure".

Michelle said...

Glad your missing hermit has been found. I think Misty is a cute name for it. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Glad Misty was unharmed, and poor little Pierce! I hope he wasn't too upset by the incident.

I'll never forget the day a neighbor dropped off her rat terrier, and left. We put the dog outside, where he promptly squeezed through our back gate and took off running down the street. Luckily her just ran back home, where we found him sitting on his front porch waiting for his master to return. We recaptured him, took him back to our place and made the gate escape proof, but it sure just about gave me heart failure when I thought I'd lost that dog!

Betty Manousos said...

hi lisa,
so glad she was found unharmed.
i really love your narrative skill!
great post!


Grandma Bonnie said...

I am so glad you found him unharmed. Pets are so important for children. They help them learn responsibility. Hope you are having a great day.

Are We There Yet! said...

A hermit crab on the loose is not a good thing. I bet he was so worried that it will never happen again.

Becky Jane said...

Loosing a special friend is no fun. So glad she wasn't crushed or hurt.

Sally said...

Oh goodness! Well, so glad Misty was found. I'm sure Pierce will remember from now on. That's how we all learn! :)

Texan said...

She is a lucky hermit crab with you having two cats! Glad she was ok.

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, I'm glad Misty made it through the adventure! Sounds like she had a wild night!

Gail Dixon said...

Misty had quite the adventure! Poor Pierce. I'll bet he was really worried.

Debbie said...

yikes....that could have ended badly!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So glad you found her. We had a turtle do that when I was a young child.

Chatty Crone said...

So glad you found her!!!!!!!!!

Lin said...

Ugh. That is a scary lesson.

My kids always had hamsters. And I don't care what kind of cage you have, those suckers have a way of getting out.

One particular hamster got out and chewed up everything TeleTubbies (which was in at the time) in my kid's closet. Boy, was THAT a lesson! Put the dang hamster cage in the bathroom EVERY night for safe keeping, for goodness sake!

I'm glad your hermit crab friend was okay. ;)

Barbara said...

Yikes, I'm glad she was okay. I would hate to have heard what happened had the cats gotten a hold of her.

An Apel a Day said...

The tale of the missing crab. It could totally be a story in a book.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I'm glad you found her!!!

Kerri Farley said...

A Great pet for a youngster!!

OneMommy said...

I have fond memories of my own hermit crab pets -- they can be quite the escape artists, too, be warned! Glad you found her!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Whew! Glad you found Misty...I was afraid it was going to be curtains for the old my red-bellied newt!...:)JP