Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blizzards and Name Changes

See this picture?  This is Cort and Lisa watching Little House on the Prairie, the latest obsession in our house.  Cort and....Lisa, you ask?  Why, yes.  Reid has informed us all that his name is now Lisa.  He gets mad if you don't call him that.  Even his twin brother, Cort, has taken to calling him Lisa. 
So they sit, side by side and sharing a blankie, watching the Survivor episode.  It's the one where the Ingalls are traveling and a surprise blizzard hits.  Most of the commentary as Cort and Lisa watch the show consists of Cort yelling over and over, "The ALIEN!  I want to see the ALIEN!"  Now I know what you're thinking.  You think there are no aliens on Little House on the Prairie, don't you?  Technically, that would be correct.  "Alien" is Cort's way of saying "Indian" which he apparently can't pronounce yet.  This episode has a Sioux Indian that saves Pa's life when he gets stranded in the blizzard while hunting for food. 

I so secretly love when Cort and Lisa can't pronounce words right. 

And now, I guess it's time for Ma to go switch out some laundry, thankfully in a machine, not in a bucket... 

If you want to enter a fun giveaway, I have one for a Zombie Cupcake Kit running through Friday on my Facebook page! 


The Cranky said...

'Lisa' loves his 'Ma', that's for sure! So sweet!

Heather said...

That is a riot! And I'm jealous you have Little House to watch. Is it a DVD?

andy said...

Great show! !! We have all of them (seasons) ! Have a great day

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that is so cute. I love Little House on the Prairie I can't believed I lived it for four years in the old farmhouse:)
You are funny Lisa:) B

Jill said...

This is adorable! Made me laugh and get teary eyed all at once. I love the way kids pronounce stuff! Cort and Lisa look so nice and cozy!

Liz Mays said...

That was my favorite show as a child! Cort and Lisa have great taste in tv. Your house is endless entertainment. :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

THat is one of our favorite shows too!

Sally said...

Well, Ma, this is hilarious! Love the name changes. :)

Eat To Live said...

Oh my Gosh.... When Reid gets older, your other two boys will tease him so bad because he wanted to be called Lisa. How funny that he wants to be called Lisa.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel wants to change his name too. Danny think Rufus would be a good name change.

Mary said...

That's cute they sit and watch together, Cort and Lisa :)

Hope you're having a great week!

I Am Woody said...

I love those mispronounced words as well. That is how I got my nickname of Woody :)

Pita went through a stage where she wanted to be called Boy Ryan :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This gave me my big smile for the day. So sweet!

TexWisGirl said...

what a funny kid! hopefully it is just a phase, but rather flattering he chose your name instead of paul's. :)

Sandy said...

Cute. Lisa...hmmmmmm, wonder where he got that from ;)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

This is so funny! You never know what kids will say next ;)

Marie said...

the name change is so funny and cute! My son loved watching The Andy Griffith Show. He says he would like to live somewhere like Mayberry. :)

An Apel a Day said...

I love that show! I wish I had cable to watch that show.

"Lisa" that's too funny!

At first I thought, "Lisa" was a imaginary friend.

Isaak's nickname is, "Zeek" and "Zeeky". I've called him that from birth. My Dad always gives all the kids nicknames. I bet him to the punch with Isaak's.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How funny... Lisa, huh???? Reminds me of the old song, "A Boy Named SUE"... Remember that??????

I used to enjoy Little House also...

Cold here this week... We've had a fire in the fireplace all week... LOVE it.

camp and cottage living said...

Ahh...Kids say the cutest things!
I love that little Cort likes to watch the Little House shows!
Sorry I meant to say Lisa!

Grandma Bonnie said...

They must be so adorable. I had a friend whos daughter insisted we call her pony. We played along but I was not so sure when they stopped calling her pony. We moved away when she was 12 and still being called pony. Lol, life with children has lots of ups and downs.

Gail Dixon said...

Too cute! I used to love Little House...glad to know it still has appeal with the newest generation. :)

Nancy said...

I'd be laughing all day long with your crew.

My oldest son used to call tornados, "tormadoes." :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that is so cute - wonder how long it will last????

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hahaha! So funny!

Michelle said...

Kudos to Lisa for being an original! lol Love it!!!!!

Mary said...

Hoooray for washing machines! LHonP really helps with that technology awarness.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

so adorable the name change- tee hee hee!

Sofia said...

Cort and Lisa are so darn cute!!

Sofia @ From PDX with Love

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! It's almost "sad" when they learn the correct way to pronounce some things!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do enjoy that family of yours. Such a funny bunch!
Years ago G insisted I refer to him as "Bruce" as in "Wayne."

Barbara said...

I love that he wants to be called "Lisa"! That is too funny.

Lin said...

LOVE Little House reruns. Every now and then I catch it on some channel on cable...with The Waltons right after! Hog heaven, I tell ya.

I'm glad Cort and Lisa like it too. I wish there was more like that on TV now.

Criminy, I sound like my grandma.

Anne Payne said...

Too cute! But you know, my 15 yr old said the other day he wanted us to call him Daniel, then the 18 yr old said if brother got a name change he wanted to be called Henry. Maybe it's a boy thing :) This post definitely made me laugh!

Cuby said...

Oh my goodness how this takes me back to when I was 8 or 9 and I read all this series through again and again, they were my favourites and I thought this life sounded fantastic. I wished I could go there. It is great you are sharing them with your twins.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lisa....that's too funny. Where did that come fun? How sweet of them to sit and share the blanket.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - how cute!
