Tuesday, November 20, 2012

He's Not Wasting Any Time...

Are you ready for this?

Translation in case you can't read his handwriting:  Dear Santa, I am going to teil you what i want for Christmas.  I want first aid kit stuff except bandaids and gloves.  And I want a pretend computer to.  And I want some books. And i want a pretend kichin to. And i want a Harry Potter double decker bus to.  And i want a pretend camera to.  And that is all.  I have been nice. Love Pierce.

Soooo...we've already had the conversation that Santa doesn't bring everything you want.  I think in this case with our very limited budget, he's going to bring some first aid kit supplies (Pierce already has plenty of bandaids and gloves, which is why he didn't want those) and the Lego Harry Potter purple triple decker bus.  But I can say that Pierce HAS been nice ;-)

How about you, readers?  Are your kids and grandkids writing to Santa already?


Nancy said...

Not sure if my 31 and 28 year old boys still write to Santa...

I imagine they'd write for keeping their jobs if they did.

Cute list Pierce! I hope Santa is good to you and your brothers.

The Cranky said...

My daughter started early as well; usually before Halloween!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh how sweet! Maybe you have a premed student in the making :)

Are We There Yet! said...

Hahaha.... Smart kid!! I used to have to prod my kid to write to Santa. At least you know what he wants.

Anonymous said...

He is doing a wonderful job of sounding out words! I am impressed. JDaniel wants microscope and Hexbugs.

Jeanne said...

Such a cute list! I remember when I was little writing my list, but my favorite part of christmas was when my parents gave me $5 for each person to go shopping for my family members. I remember some pretty unusual things that I bought, but they were always loved. Such a fun time for the kids! Loved t his note

Barbara said...

I love that he asked for the first aid stuff. That is too cute. I agree, future doctor in the making.

Unknown said...

Lisa- that is awesome! how old is he again? I am so impressed!!!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

My kids are beyond the Santa stage, but I do miss buying "TOYS". I was able to read his letter, he's doing great! ....

Anonymous said...

I can tell Pierce is just sooo sweet. Reminds me of my nephew at that age, who is now in his twenties....Soft hearted and sweet. :-)

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is so sweet. My oldest grandchild has made a list. The rest are still a little young.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this is so cute. I think young Pierce is a very wise prepared boy. I am sure all your boys are nice.

Anonymous said...

No because I'm not letting them until after THanksgiving! If they want to write something, they have to write down something they're thankful for until THIS holiday is over! (I'm a really mean mom this year, but they're attitude of entitlement has become really awful and I've fed it for years.)

TexWisGirl said...

the 'first day' kit stuff is timely! :)

Andrea said...

Too adorable. :> Seriously. I love it!!

No letter here yet. I'm hoping this year she wants a pogo stick, she's asked Santa for two years and hasn't been big enough, this might be the one time I'm ready to get it for her!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such a sweet letter! He writes really well. I don't play Santa to any children, but I'm trying to get my husband to give me a wish list so I can start shopping.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That's so cute! I love that he asked for a first aid kit. Maybe you have a future doctor on your hands :)

Marie said...

your boys always bring back so many memories for me. :) My son did write to Santa, but his favorite was to go see him. He would ask him about all his helpers at the other stores. LOL
Pierce writes really well and he's so cute!

Chatty Crone said...

What a cute letter - you need to save that somewhere for him.

Andy knows about Santa - but we got this card where you can talk and leave Santa a message and mail it. We got it from the Hallmark giveaway I am hosting.


Gail Dixon said...

This just made my day. What a little sweetie. It's so great that you're recording this stuff on your blog. How awesome that he has medical aspirations in addition to being a chef or possibly a photographer. I love it. :)

Eat To Live said...

My Grandson is still a little young for lists, but I bet in a couple years he will be asking for things.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

How cute! I'm sure Pierce has been a wonderful little boy! (Your kiddos are adorable) :)

At least he isn't old enough to send you emails from the different stores on each and every item wanted! Or worse- text messages every time they see something fabulous on tv. (grands!) Sigh!

Michelle said...

My kids are older now, (15 and 11), and will get a couple of things from us. No letter writing anymore :(

Lin said...

I love that everything has to be "pretend"...and not the real thing. :) That is adorable. I miss buying for my kids when they were little. That was the only time of year when I would buy them what they wanted (within reason). I had so much fun surprising them with all those fun gifts. Now they just want money. :(

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Pierce is on a mission! I love how he wants first aid kit stuff!

Out on the prairie said...

Not seeing much on my family, we don't do a big exchange.

Sandra Tyler said...

Priceless. I wish my boys only wanted "pretend" computers and not real ones!

Vision By Mila said...

He has been nice, Santa!! :D

Michaele said...

Get that boy a kitchen! (lol) This was priceless.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

His letter is just so precious :)

An Apel a Day said...

So cute! I like that he wants first aid stuff!

Mica wrote a letter in the mall when we were waiting on getting pictures. Picture People had letter to Santa forms set out. He also helped Isaak write one.

Unknown said...

I'm still single, Lisa. Never thought I'd be this long, but I have Hope. Just the same, I got a kick out of this letter, as I recall writing Santa about specific toys I wanted. My parents were on a budget too, but they still made Christmas magical! And you will too!!! :)

jennohara said...

Okay, he's so cute...and what an awesome job he did!! I love how he ended everything he wanted with "to".
By the way, your stink bug posts always crack me up!