Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meet Jubal

A couple of weeks ago, Pierce turned six.  SIX.  How do these things happen so quickly?  Anyhow, he had a splendid get together with family which included a highly desired "Mario cake". 

What does a 6 year old little boy want for his birthday?  Well Pierce wanted Lego sets, a light saber, an ice cream maker, a Harry Potter magic wand, and Vibram barefoot running shoes.  Thanks to generous family, he either received or was able to purchase all of these items with birthday money!  And what did he want from Paul and I?  A hamster.  He's been begging for a hamster since last summer!  I thought maybe he'd forget about it by now, but nope.  He named her Jubal.

I have to confess - that furry, fat little body.  Those perky and curious little ears.  We're all just a little smitten by this cute creature.

Including this guy.  I see you Baxter.  Don't even think about it!


The Cranky said...

Awwww, just look at that smile! Happy belated SIXTH Birthday Pierce! Try not to grow up too fast, for your Mama's sake. appropriate, just look at the 'Jubal'ation on that wee face, hehe.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Jubal is very cute. We had hamsters when I was a kid and Guinea pigs.
Wow barefoot runners I am excited about them too. Yeah sounds like fun.
Happy belated birthday Pierce. B

Heather said...

Awww So cute! And I love a Mario cake, brings me back a bit :-) My kids really want a dog, but I am trying to use the "chickens as pets" part of our chicken experiment to hopefully put them off until it gets warm again!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a cute pet! I hope he remains in his cat free zone.

Cat said...

Hmmmm....didn't you get Baxter because he is supposed to be a good mouser? Maybe you should keep him in your car.

Barbara said...

I can see that Baxter is really excited! That picture was too funny! Happy 6th birthday Pierce!

Liz Mays said...

I'm glad he got what he wanted, but that's a little too mouse-like for my comfort!

Tanya Breese said...

happy birthday pierce!! he and jubal are just adorable!

Nancy said...

I think all kids have a hamster or want a hamster at some time or another -- I just remember they have a particular smell.... :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Happy birthday, Pierce! I'm so excited for him for getting Jubal. Such a sweet picture of the two of them. And I like the photo of watchful Baxter, too.

An Apel a Day said...

I bet all those gifts made his day! :) Yes 6 years goes by so fast.

My kids love Legos.

Happy Birthday to him!

Michaele said...

What a happy house for a hampster!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!! I had hamsters when I was young too, they are great pets.. but do keep him away from the cat! That happened at my house too... ugh.

Catches the Eye said...

I just Love their happy little faces, cute Gerbil to.

TexWisGirl said...

long may he or she live! :) adorable.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your boy! Looks like he and Jubal have bonded fast.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awe Happy birthday Pierce. Jubal is so cute and fuzzy. I can remeber all four of my children having a hamster at one time. Oh, how fun that was.

Out on the prairie said...

I was just looking at them at Petco remembering a first purchase.We had rabbits, cats,fish, and dogs also.

Andrea said...

Oh, poor Baxter!!! :P

How sweet! Happy birthday to your big boy, and omg, that first shot of him is JUST PRECIOUS. And? He looks so much like you there it's crazy!! Love!!

And happy special day to you, too, Mama! SIx!! :>

renae said...

Haaaaaaaa, your cat is named Baxter. I love it.

Oh Pierce's face is precious with joy. sooooooooo cute!

Marie said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Pierce! Jubal is so cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Holy moose~poops~ He cannot be SIX!!! I remember when you had HIM and walked/ran with him in the stroller!!! Oh, I forgot to comment about Jubal (tell Pierce "old" JP says COOL NAME!!!!)...:)JP

Unknown said...

Haha! Great photos and a nice story. Age 6 is special. I was into model cars that had to be glued together. Amazingly, I didn't create the mess you might expect! Happy Birthday!!!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awwww Jubal is so cute! Looks like Pierce had a very happy 6th birthday!

EG CameraGirl said...

Jubal is very sweet. Lucky Pierce, :))

Debbie said...

we always had hampsters and they always got out of their cages. they are little houdini's!!

good luck with that!!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe HAPPY BIRTHDAY - he is a cutie and don't they grow up fast. Love his new little pet and I bet your cat does too. Be careful. Sandie

Gail Dixon said...

Your son is adorable. And so is the hamster! Sweet shots of your precious one.

Anonymous said...

Jubal is pretty cute. Glad Pierce had a great birthday!

(Baxter looks a lot like my panda-girl Luna!)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Pierce! I love this picture of the cat staring at Jubal. When I was younger our bog dog would sit and stare at my hamster while it ran in it's wheel. :)

Are We There Yet! said...

Kitty looks like he want Jubal bad.... and not to befriend either. I think he has lunch in mind.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like he had a nice birthday.
Jubal is very cute!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Awwww! Pierce and Jubal are so cute!