Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An Early Christmas Gift for My Boys

You all are going to think I'm really obnoxious, but I've pretty much finished my Christmas shopping.  In fact, I've already shipped several packages to family out of state, with their wrapped gifts.  I like to do things early.  I'm early for everything.  Do you know what else I like to do?  I like to give holiday themed gifts with notes for people to open them on December 1st.

I blame my Mom.  When I was 12 years old, she handed me a wrapped box just after Thanksgiving, and told me to open it.  I got to open a gift early?!?  What was this?  I opened it to find a beautiful glass nativity - one I still have today (although I haven't displayed it in 6 years, because of the boys).  I was able to enjoy the new nativity all through the holiday season, and for many years since.  I always remember this, and try to pass this joy on to at least one person each Christmas, with a little note for them to open the gift early.  This year both my sister-in-law and my nephew have 'open-early' gifts.  I hope they will enjoy them.

If you're looking for a gift for a child that would be perfect for opening early, I have a suggestion!  VeggieTales has released The Ultimate Christmas Collection on DVD.  It's a Veggie Christmas marathon!  The collection includes It's a Meaningful Life, Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving, The Star of Christmas, The Little Drummer Boy, The Toy that Saved Christmas, and Christmas Singalong Songs.  Plus, it includes a 25 favorite Christmas songs cd! 

 Yes, Cort and Reid are wearing costumes, while watching their Veggies Tales Christmas Collection.  Somehow, it makes it even more fun!
Their favorite?  The Toy that Saved Christmas.  This particular episode teaches that Christmas isn't about getting - it's about giving!  As with all of the Veggie Tales movies, I love that it portrays kindness of character and small moral lessons with each episode, in simple ways that even small children can understand. 

So if you're looking for a special gift for a little one that he or she can enjoy throughout the holiday season, be sure to look for the VeggieTales Ultimate Christmas Collection!  It has been very popular with my boys, who love the catchy songs and the humorous vegetables.  I know they'll enjoy watching it all the way through the Christmas season.

Disclaimer:  I was sent the VeggieTales Ultimate Christmas Collection on DVD for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own.


The Cranky said...

What sweet faces!

I love the idea of giving an 'open early' gift, methinks I shall have to give it a go.

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I've got most of my stuff wrapped too... I also like to get it done early so I can enjoy the other aspects of the holiday!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa that is the perfect gift to open early. Love those costumes. You are such an awesome Mom. B

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a wonderful video to share with JDaniel.

Barbara said...

This is a great gift idea indeed. How cute are they watching the video in their costumes!

Unknown said...

Oh how fun! My kids love Veggitales! Looks like they are enjoying it!

Michaele said...

My girls grew up with Veggie Tales and I just LOVE them. What neat ideas you have in this post.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh How Fun! some of my best childhood memories are of my Mom, Dad, me and my siblings watching the Christmas specials! Thanks for a walk down memory lane :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love your tradition of "open early" gifts. What joy that must bring to the those receiving the gifts.

Chatty Crone said...

Lisa - that is the best thing money can buy. Andy is kind of old now, but as they came out when he was younger - we bought each and every one. Still have them. Love, sandie

Mary said...

We're shopping early this year! Mostly because our little one is due around Christmas and we want to focus on that. That's great you're almost done with your shopping. :)

Donna Heber said...

My hats off to you for finishing up your Christmas shopping already. Your two boys look adorable in their costumes watching Veggies Tales Christmas. Thank you so much for stopping to visit me.

TexWisGirl said...

you are an inspiration for christmas spirit. :)

Catches the Eye said...

What a great pair of happy engrossed little faces, love their outfits. Sounds like a Fab set of DVD's .
Best Wishes Sheila

Andrea said...

Oh no way! Chanukah is December NINTH and I'm not even done with that. I'm awful this year!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good idea. I've been known to start buying gifts in July (mainly because Christmas time stretches our budget beyond our means if I don't get a jump start on it)

I actually purchased 5 Veggie Tales dvd's for my nephew for Christmas a few months ago - 2 of them were Christmas episodes. Reminds me, I need to get them wrapped. :)

Out on the prairie said...

I give a lot of early gifts. I found poinsettas on sale and bought a half dozen to share with friends and neighbors.Yesterday I got a van load of food for the food bank and filled their empty shelves again.

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are adorable in their costumes. Made me smile which I definitely needed today. And what a wonderful tradition with the early gift giving. Love that.

Anonymous said...

That is a sweet tradition.

Debbie said...

I think it's wonderful that you have your shopping done. I read on Marissa's blog that you made many of your gifts, that's great!

I enjoyed the story about your special nativity, thanks for sharing!

We do very little gift giving any more, I really only buy gifts for my 2 sons.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, that's impressive! I haven't made my lists yet. I do normally wait until the last minute though haha. Trying to get better! :)

I love the idea of a present to open early. My mom gives us stockings to open early :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I think the giving of an early gift is a great idea too! Those lucky recipients!

This year I bought a vintage silver candelabra that holds 5 candles, that will stand in for a traditional Advent wreath, and Amy and I are going to try to celebrate the Advent season every day until Christmas. I haven't done that since I was a kid, but it always felt like an early gift, and I remember that the anticipation for the big day-and the opening of all of my other gifts was almost more than I could stand:)

Your boys are just too darn cute Lisa!!

Stephanie said...

You're done! Yep, I kinda hate you:) LOL but seriously, my DDs used to love those veggie tales movies!

Grandma Bonnie said...

My grandchildren love watching VeggieTales. I need to check this new colledtion out. I like giving early gifts. Most of my family do not agree on early gifts.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow! you are on the ball...nice to pass on Christmas traditions to your boys too

Liz Mays said...

I think everyone should theme dress according to their viewing. So darn cute, and I love your early holiday gift idea. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Done? Are you kidding me? Good gravy we won't even get the "lists" until Thanksgiving!...:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like a great gift, Lisa. I love the message from Veggie Tales. Kids can enjoy it--but they also learn something important during their enjoyment....

I never ever opened a gift early--until George and I got married. We started a new tradition just for us. We exchange one gift on Christmas Eve with a glass of wine (or eggnog)...


Sunnybrook Farm said...

No, it is too early for me to think about Christmas shopping, my head will hurt.

Marie said...

Wow! I'm really impressed! I have a few gifts, but I usually shop til the last minute...it can be fun! lol

Angela said...

I'm almost finished with Christmas for the kids. Just need a few little things. Mine are getting older and don't need the toys type stage. It does make it harder but in some ways easier to buy for them. It's been awhile since we watched Veggie Tales. They loved them. The boys look cute! You gotta love they have their own little minds and know what they want to do!

renae said...

Oh, that is so fun. I want to do open early gifts for my grands! Thanks Lisa!

Veggie Tales are so cool! I love how they teach morals and entertain all at the same time.

Linda said...

The boys look adorable in those outfits!

Nancy said...

I know what I'm getting, but waiting for black thursday or friday -- those outfits are too much! ;0

An Apel a Day said...

Those costumes crack me up.

Unknown said...

Cort and Reid are really in the spirit! I'm sure they can't wait for December 25th!!! :)

Are We There Yet! said...

Those outfits are really cute.

I make a big basket up for my Daughter, Step Daughter and Grandson. Each day after Thanksgiving, they are allowed to open one gift untill all the gifts are gone. This is the last year I am doing that because it takes up so much space in the house.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on your shopping. I'm working on it. After 24 years of buying wrapping and shipping I now do all gift cards to everyone out of town. Other than the six of use everyone is out of town. So most shopping and wrapping will be here at home. Waiting for the wish lists from our adult kids!!! Most will be done online. I do get them other gifts of my choice which I have already bought. Sounds like your mom started a fun tradition. Veggie tales are awesome.