Friday, November 2, 2012

Roanoke Go Outside Festival

Roanoke Go Outside Festival is a new name for the outdoor festival that we went to last year, and we returned again because it's great (free!) fun for the boys.
 My favorite thing was the pool jumping dogs.  I think our border collie would've enjoyed this.  He likes water.  We watched the pool jumping dogs for quite a while.  Next time we'll have to take Scooter, so he can have a chance.  GoFest is very dog-friendly.

The boys did the slacklines again this year.  It's still pretty tricky for them to stay up for more than 1 second without holding someone's hand.

Pierce made a first aid kit.  Then the rest of the day he asked if anyone was bleeding or hurt.  He really wanted the opportunity to bandage us up. 

The boys went their minds, anyhow.

Perhaps one day they'll go downriver on water.

These are sumo wrestling tubes.  Like a redneck version of sumo wrestling - you each wear these tubes and then tackle each other.  As much as Paul and I wanted to sumo tube wrestle each other, the line was sadly too long.

Pierce rode the bull.  He did great - he hung on for quite a long while!  He was nervous about trying it, but I think he had fun.

Well, you know if big brother does it, littlest brother has to give bull riding a shot too.

And you know if littlest brother rides a bull, you can be sure that the middle brother is going to get up there too. 

After that, Pierce rode through the bike maze.  He was a little top heavy.  When you're a little top heavy, it makes negotiating corners kind of tricky.

But he sure had a good time.  As we all did!
I can't wait to see what they come up with for next year!


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I indeed had a great time. Thank you bringing me along. I love the flying dogs and those smiling faces full of adventures that will last forever in their minds. Awesome pics and great moments.

The Cranky said...

Flying dogs and bull riding, they'll remember this forever!

Eat To Live said...

What fun for the boys. I have never seen anything like this in our town.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

They look like they had such a good time! Look at those dogs jumping-awesome!

Are We There Yet! said...

They sure have lots of activities to keep the kids busy. Love the Bull.

Anonymous said...

This festival looks like so much fun! There was so much to do!

Anonymous said...

Love the pretend 'going down river'. HA HA what fun for the boys.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I am very impressed with the activities available. They don't have anything like that around Lynchburg that I know of. Love the pics!

Out on the prairie said...

What a fun time, looks like a fun one to look forward to.

Lin said...

How fun!! Looks like there was tons of hands-on stuff to do for the kids--which is always a hit.

Bummer about the sumo-wrestling--I would have loved that too!

TexWisGirl said...

sounds like a lot of fun stuff for young boys.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How neat, Lisa... As I've said to you many times, your photos and stories about your boys remind me so much of my three when they were little. We did so many of the same kinds of things with them...

Great photos... Love the look on Pierce's face when riding the bull.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Gail Dixon said...

So sweet! How funny that Pierce was hoping for a bleeder. lol Maybe he'll be a doctor or paramedic one day.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

How wonderful to have such a fun event for families and for free too! Looks like everyone had a fabulous time.

Anonymous said...

These are the cutest photos, Lisa. What a fun event for the boys. Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh my gosh, those pool jumping photos are hilarious! Never seen dogs in pool jumping before but I want to now! Looks like you all had a great time.

renae said...

Your little guys are so dang cute! I bet they did have a blast there. I love home town gathering things like that! Super.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Fun times with the kiddos!

Liz Mays said...

Wow, they really had a ton of fun activities for people to do. The kids clearly loved it!

I think I would have enjoyed those dogs as well, not so much the bull riding!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh my it looks like some awesome fun for boys. I would have loved to try the bull ride. I hope you have a great weekend.

Linda said...

I would have liked to see those jumping dogs! Glad to see the boys had so much fun.

Sally said...

Oh, I LOVE seeing those sweet boys having fun! So precious. :)


Karen said...

What a great event for kids! Your pics are cute too....

Sandy said...

I like to watch those water jumping dogs too. Looks like the boys had a great day.

Cipriano said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Those pool-jumping dogs are CRAZY!

Chatty Crone said...

You all have the most wonderful things there and you go to them all and expose those cuties! sandie

Marie said...

Looks like a blast for your boys! I bet your doggy would have enjoyed it as time. :)

Betty Manousos said...

wow, looks and sounds like a lot of fun!
what a great event for kids...flying dogs and bull riding the kids clearly loved it!

happy sunday~

Michaele said...

I am just amazed at how the twins are growing! They must be easier to take places like this now. Looks like such a fun day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like the boys had a great time and I love the dogs! That had to be fun to watch.

Kerri Farley said...

That just sound like an AMAZING Amount of FUN!

Nancy said...

Impressed with their bull riding skills. I know I wouldn't have done as well. :)

Barbara said...

This event looks like it is perfect for little boys!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a blast!!!

Kim said...

Free??? That looks like a lot of fun!

Jeremi said...

these looks like an amazing place!!!! my girls would go crazy there .....

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

So much fun! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

What a fun festival - those dogs are awesome!