Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Morning Sunshine

Good morning, Sunshine!

While I don't care for winter much, I do think it offers the best sunrises, at least for my side of the world.  Have you caught the sunrise lately, readers?


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Such a pretty photo. Wishing you a very nice week.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sky! The photo is really pretty.

Eat To Live said...

I just peeked out the window to see and it is still dark here..... and FREEZING COLD!!!

Beautiful picture!

andy said...

That's gorgeous !!! Have a great Monday

Buttons Thoughts said...

Morning Lisa yes worth the view. Incredible. B

Heather said...

Beautiful! I have to say I agree, watching the sun rise in the winter is an amazing sight to behold!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Gorgeous!! We had a really pretty sunset last night, but my camera wasn't handy.

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful picture of the sunrise :) Enjoy your week!


Gail Dixon said...

Well, good morning! What a gorgeous sunset! I miss the fiery ones we'd get in Texas. I haven't seen that since moving to Louisiana.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Beautiful photo! You must get up early.

Liz Mays said...

Wow, that is just phenomenal!

Tanya Breese said...

that is one beautiful sunrise!

Michaele said...

That really is a photo to stare at awhile isn't it? One to get lost in.

Jill said...

WOW! That is stunning!

Sandy said...

Beautiful photo. I am not a fan of winter either....I just can't take the cold. As one who gets up at 3 am every day I see lots of sunrises....but very few

Rosemary said...

Hello Lisa, so nice to meet you :) I'm coming to visit you from Jill's blog. You did a wonderful thing sending her a Valentine package, giving her back some of the good Karma she's been giving out! Have a wonderful day.

Sally said...

Beautiful, beautiful!

Have a great day, Lisa.


TexWisGirl said...

that's a beauty. worth getting up for.

Out on the prairie said...

With the recent cold it is hard to get out from unnder the covers for me.Woke up early today and just turned over.

An Apel a Day said...

That is so pretty! I see it almost every Wed, Thurs and Fri when I'm driving. Your photo is the best I've seen for awhile though.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! The sunsets are so much better this time of year as well.


Unknown said...

I hate the cold but I love the way the sky looks against a snowy background.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I have not seen a sunrise for so long!
Thank you for sharing- it is just spectacular.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That is a beautiful time of day

Ginny Hartzler said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH My GOSH, I am blown away and speechless!! This is AWESOME! You really need to start snapping nature more often!

Valerie Boersma said...

Our sunrises have been spectacular too lately-pink and blue and purple! It almost makes the cold weather worth it:)

Gorgeous photo, Lisa!

renae said...

Oh my Lisa! That is a beee uuu tiful photo! The sky is on fire!!!

Yes, we love those cute chubby hand especially when he is feeding himself. Soooooo cute!!!!!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

So gorgeous! I see the sunrise just about every morning and I love it :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...


Myya said...

That is gorgeous. I looove a pink sky too :)

Jori said...

Beautiful!! I need to get out, for some early morning photo's!

Angela said...

Beautiful! I wish I could see the sun rise in the morning but I'm always too exhausted because I stay up too late because I have insomnia now.

Unknown said...

Absolutely! This one is awesome!

Lin said...

I haven't really noticed the sunrises, but the sunsets have caught my eye lately. And the amount of geese flying about at dusk is amazing! I wonder where they are all going at that time of day?

Wendy Annabeth said...

So pretty! I thought you might be interested in a giveaway I'm hosting for BluApple :)

Michelle said...

I will catch it on my way to work in the morning. This is a great capture!

Angie said...

Gorgeous Photo! I'm never up early enough to catch a sunrise. Isn't that sad? It's been really sunny here in Kentucky the last few days but boy has it ever been cold!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is a gorgeous sunrise, Lisa... I love winter---but it's going to be about 12 degrees in the morning.. That's pushing it!!!!! ha


Linda said...

Beautiful photo! Almost enough to make me get up before sunrise.

Debbie said...

WoW lisa, that's just breathtaking!! such rich, deep colors, brush stroked against the sky!!

i have been getting up every morning for the sunrise. i have yet to see anything this pretty!!

Marie said...

That is a lovely photo! I actually enjoy what little winter we get. :)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I see the sunrise almost every day. Back when I was a full time artist, I would ask other artists if they saw the sunrise and I found most didn't get up until after 9. They missed the best part of the day, the light is best and it is just a good time of day.

Grandma Bonnie said...

That sure is a beautiful sunrise. I saw one on Monday as we left early to travel home after a quick visit to see our granddaughters.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's a beautiful picture!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Absolutely stunning!

Haddock said...

Simply love that sky.

Kim said...

I was catching it for a few weeks when it was warm enough to still run outside in the mornings. But then I got sick and started running on the treadmill. Looking forward to a bit warmer weather - way rather run outside.

Vision By Mila said...

that's gorgeous!