Friday, March 1, 2013

A State of Confusion

Pierce has an inexpensive rug of the 50 states in his bedroom.  He begged for this last summer, and I broke down and bought it, figuring it would be educational.  It took me this long to notice something awry.  Can you guess what it is?
Okay, I'll give you a hint.  What type of butterfly do you suppose that is on the state of Virginia?  If anything, I guess it looks kind of monarch-ish.  Now while West Virginia's state butterfly is the monarch, Virginia's state butterfly is the tiger swallowtail.  Go ahead and google the tiger swallowtail if you'd like.  I'll wait.  Hmmm, yes, this looks nothing like the tiger swallowtail does it?  Then again, check out North Carolina.  That doesn't exactly look like a Wright brothers airplane - which is what I suspect it is supposed to be. 

The moral of the story is:  rugs don't make a good educational investment.  Now you know. 


The Cranky said...

But they do make a good educational opportunity as you point out the mistakes and show him what they should look like!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Maybe the more expensive mat had the right butterfly:) B

Heather said...

That's a riot! It is still kind of a cool rug :-) At least the states seem to be in the right place!

Samantha said...

at least WV is included as a state. Several years ago, I found a US map table runner in a thrift shop- WV was not listed! LOL

Barbara said...

Well, hopefully the States are in the right place. That's a start right? It looks like those are grapes in NC? Maybe because of their know, because that is child appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it could be a game. It could be called "Where do the pictures belong?"

andy said...

Hey but it's a cool rug !!!! Have a great weekend !!!

Unknown said...

That is funny! I didn't even know VA had a state butterfly! It could be a good "Where's Waldo" Trivia game, to find what is right and what isn't!

Gail Dixon said...

Oh no! Can't believe everything that's printed, even on a rug. Well, I hope you used it as an educational experience anyway.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, that is too hilarious. was it made in China? my brother would say a reason to buy American. but these days it is so tough to find American made items.

i will admit i like it. i understand about the not made right. it's cute. guess you could get him a map to hang on the wall or something & see if he can figure out the differences? maybe make up the butterfly correctly? make it a teaching/learning lesson? just a thought. ha. ha!!

have a great weekend friend. ( :

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Maybe it could still be educational--you could look for things that aren't right and look up the correct picture/fact. And it gives a general idea of where the states are. :-)

I didn't know what the state butterfly was. I probably would have guessed it was the Monarch!

Eat To Live said...

I guess the makers of the rug didn't do their homework before they made it.

I bet I would never have noticed... you are very observant.

TexWisGirl said...


Sally said...

LOL! You're much smarter than I am, and evidently smarter than the rug maker. :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Haha too funny! I don't think I ever would have noticed that. Good eye!

Myya said...

Well at least the states are in the right places... right?

I got flashcards from the dollar store one time & the answer to a simple addition was wrong... seriously 4+4=9... Ummmmm since when???

Unknown said...

A buddy of mine was dating a flight attendant, and he asked her to assemble a wooden map of the USA. She couldn't. That was a little odd. I left the room before an argument began. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-You are a pretty sharp cookie! I'm going thrifting today, and I hope I notice lots of good finds:) I'll tell you all about it after I get back, too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Guess those types of things (like that rug) aren't drawn to scale.. In fact, some people think that one butterfly is just like another... Sad, isn't it????

Glad Pierce is learning the REAL choices...


Grandma Bonnie said...

Its a nice rug just not very educational. Hope you have a great weekend.

warren said...

Maybe this is a bit of a protest, but I also think Virginia should actually be labelled East Virginia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's very interesting. I wonder why they didn't do it correctly. Anyway I do like the rug!

Jill said...

YOU get an A+ for even noticing those items!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

a mystery butterfly!

Are We There Yet! said...

To me, the butterfly kind of resembled a moth more so than a butterfly.

mail4rosey said...

LOL. The cardinal could be on Ohio that's their state bird. ;)

Michaele said...

You weren't supposed to notice - just walk on it.

Chatty Crone said...

Well - at least he will know the names of the states - lol!

Arti said...

Haha! You have a keen sense of observation Lisa!!! Kudos to that.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

My son enjoyed a rug like this one...nice for Pierce to talk about states

Anonymous said...

I spy something else...although we are known for horses here in Ky - our state bird is a Cardinal. I think that Cardinal should've been on Ky. :)

Angela said...

At least they got West Virginia right on the map! lol I bought my daughter a really nice wooden puzzle map of the United States when she was 3 or 4. She loved working that puzzle and would get it right. There weren't the state outlines of where to put the pieces either! Not sure if she could work that puzzle now! lol

Linda said...

Well, that doesn't look like a plane or anything else either. LOL. But at least he can learn where the states are. We had a big wooden states puzzle when I was little and I actually learned them all.

An Apel a Day said...

Someone didn't do their research before making this! We have a Melissa and Doug USA Puzzle that has no Wyoming and 2 Colorado's. I bought it for my nephew. They noticed. Melissa and Doug sent them another one; we got the defective one.

Sandy said...

I don't think I would have ever noticed that.

Anonymous said...

Uh-0h! Sorry to read about your vertigo. No fun at all. Take care.

Liz Mays said...

Hmmmm, I guess carpet fibers do not make the best working surface for details.

Nancy said...

Was the rug made in China? Maybe that explains some of the confusion.