Friday, April 26, 2013

A Silent Gray Tiger in the Woods...

1.  I know I'm not supposed to have favorites.  But out of my 4 cats, this one continues to extensively charm me with his personality.  One of the particularly funny things he does is randomly attack Paul in the evenings.  Maybe he wants me all to himself. 

2.  In June it will be a year since I've bought a loaf of bread.  I have been making our bread in the bread machine.  It's quick - it takes me 3 minutes to load it up and turn it on.  A few hours later we have our preservative-free bread.

3.  I have also done rolls and hamburger buns in the bread machine, but on the dough cycle, so it's slightly more time consuming.

4.  I don't think I could do a low-carb diet.  Oddly, high protein snacks make me very queasy.  I can't tolerate things like nuts for snacks.  But I can eat peanut butter.  Strange.  It's a good thing I exercise a lot, huh?

5.  I usually try to schedule my blog posts a week in advance.  So by the time you read this, at least a week has passed since I wrote it.  If I'm not scheduled out at least a full week, I feel like I'm behind.  How far ahead do you like to write out your posts?

This post linked with Random Friday and Nancy at A Rural Journal.


Nancy said...

Your attack-cat has some beautiful markings. :)

I generally will have maybe one post scheduled ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

I finished today's post last night. Some I write in advance, but Read.Explore.Learn posts are written on Thursday.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I love your kitty. I think a runner needs carbs and I wish I could make bread regularly like you.
I schedule my posts at least a day ahead sometimes more depending on my time with my Mom and how busy I am. I like to see it sitting and waiting, it makes me happy to be prepared. Have a nice weekend Lisa. B

Jill said...

He does look like a tiger creeping through the woods! So cute.

I'm trying to work 3-5 days ahead. It makes it easier for me so I can try to keep up with commenting!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I like the idea of the bread machine...perhaps the Pres will get his out more often! Sometimes I schedule ahead but not as religiously as you, Baby Girl. I too had a male cat who attacked my husband, who I divorced...I loved that cat who was a rescue...:)JP

andy said...

Gotta love cats !!!! Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

I make the majority of our bread. The Hubby still needs a slice of white bread once in a while and I buy hamburger buns.

I usually make the dough in my bread machine. I think the bread machine is a more consistent environment for the dough. I almost always form my own loaves or rolls.

I plan my posts out a few days in advance. I have my SHS post 90 done and started editing picts for my Apirl 30th post. I will write a day or two ahead. I like to keep on top of my pict editing as it is time consuming.

Snap said...

Kitties know best!!! :D :D I very rarely schedule my posts a week ahead. Sometimes, I put them together the day *of*. I'm just not that well organized!!! I used to make my own bread -- it was delicious ... no bread machine though.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gosh I wish I was that organized! I don't buy bread either, but it's because dh is a diabetic and won't eat it anymore.

Monkeywrangler said...

All the bread machines I've ever had all failed miserably when confronted with 100% whole wheat home ground flour. Too dense, and I have no white flour to when I make bread, I have to really do it the old fashioned way. I made all our bread for a year or more, but got out of the habit after finding the "Used bread store" (day old bread outlet).


Jori said...

I need to be better about making our bread. I just read a story that said a guy has had a McDonalds hamburger for 14 years, and it hasn't aged a bit. Eeekkk! Can you imagine the preservatives?????

I like to have a week ahead too, but sometimes I am scrambling the day of. :)

Marie said...

Beautiful kitty! Maybe one day I will make bread or maybe hubby will. :) Happy Friday!

Sandra said...

Great Accomplishment on your bread making. I have went months but not a year!!
Do you have a recipe for your buns that you could share?

Eat To Live said...

Cats can be so entertaining... Poor Paul has to pay the price for your nightly entertainment..

I usually do my posts a week in advance too....

Anonymous said...

I usually do my blog post just before I post it to my blog, that being said.... sometimes I have a few extras sitting unpublished, just in case I am away or sick and need a post for that day. I think there may be one hiding in my unpublished files even as we speak. :0 Happy Random 5 Friday!!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the cat photo! That's so funny that he attacks your husband. Yep, he wants Lisa to himself.

I tried a low-carb diet once. I got really irritable and felt awful. When I finally ate some bread, it made me feel better. I probably should have stuck it out a little longer . . .

I like to have posts written ahead of time, but lately I've been writing them the night before. I have dreams of having an "editorial calendar." I even bought the calendar.

Gail Dixon said...

I've always wanted to make my own bread. Is it hard to slice? I rarely schedule posts but lately have been using it one day ahead. I only post 3 x a week.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you wouldn't have a favorite cat!
I lost a part to my bread machine...should order a new one so I can use it again!
I write as I go...which is horribly sporadic sometimes, but such is life.

TexWisGirl said...

i feel great if i can get at least 7 - 10 days scheduled ahead! when it slips to 3 - 5, i start to panic. have hit the 'internet outage' before that takes several days to correct. never like going without a post.

and i LOVE snacking on mixed nuts. low salt, of course.

Mary said...

Your ninja kitty is marvelous. Tiger-like!

Homemade bread is yummy. I should make it more often. It's great that you make it all the time and don't eat the store bought. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I love homemade bread too! I try to bake it as often as I can. I need to prepare my blog posts in advance, though. Many times I write them the day I post them...

What a gorgeous photo of your kitty!

Have a wonderful weekend, Lisa!!

Vision By Mila said...

We've started to make our own bread as well, but I need to find some low calorie recipes..

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Love that cat ! :)

I sometimes have one or two posts done ahead / it varies.

Come to think of it I usually just take a bunch of pictures from time to time then do posts from them : )

there's a pasta post sitting in my camera ! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, I do think that cats (just like people) have different personalities.. I had one cat once that was almost MEAN. Jazz didn't like me and I definitely didn't like her!!!!!ha

We use a bread machine also --and keep a fresh loaf on hand most all of the time.

I think we all need a good balance between proteins, carbs, fat, fluid, and fiber...

I schedule my posts about a week in advance --but sometimes, update them before they publish.


Our Neck of the Woods said...

So cool that you make all your own bread. With my blog posts, I actually write them the day before or the day of! On my best weeks, I'll get lots of photos over the weekend for posts during the week, then I just write them out right before posting. My husband thinks I need to plan the posts out better, but I tell him my creativity doesn't work that way!

Sally said...

I just do one when I feel like it, no planning as I'm sure you can tell.

Good for you on making bread, Lisa. I've never even made biscuits! But, now that we "talking" about bread, I think I'll make biscuits for dinner.

Hope you guys have a great weekend.


Betty Manousos said...

a cat full of character!

such a cute kitty.

happy weekend~

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Our bread machine broke twice so I just use a dough board when I make bread which isn't too often. I am a biscuit guy so that's what I make. My favorite bread right now is oatmeal bread from big lots, cheap and good!

Candy C. said...

What a pretty kitty! :)
Shoot, lately it seems I'm a day BEHIND on my blog posts! LOL!!
I honestly can't remember the last time I bought bread at the grocery store, says the lady who bakes for a living!

Michelle said...

I feel fortunate if I can get a draft post together the night before. Most times, I wake the kids up, and while they dress I finish up a post. Life is crazy.

Angela said...

I need to start making my bread again or at least more often than holidays. I haven't baked it in the bread machine with the new one I had to get a few years ago. I should try it at least once. I do find that we eat more bread when I make it homemade than the store bought that I admit that I toss at times because it gets moldy!

I write my blog posts usually right when I put them up. If it is late at night I will schedule it for the next morning. I also try to schedule a few blog post when we go on vacation so people will think I'm home! lol

Linda said...

What a nice picture!

I usually have an idea of what I'm going to post but I don't write it until I'm ready to post.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with you making homemade bread & staying so organized on your posts!

Kudos to you girl!

Veronica Roth said...

Love that tiger cat! :) Holy smokes, you're somewhat amazing for scheduling your posts. The truth is I'm so hopeless at planning that, besides a nice cup of tea, I have no idea what's going to happen in the next ten minutes. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

hi its me tweedles...
to be honest,,, i never know what i am going to say until my paws hit the keyboard,,, nothing is planned ahead --- except for my treats!

Lin said...

LOVE the cat--that's funny. We've got a cat that attacks if you try to pet him and he doesn't want to be petted. (What is with THAT?!) so, I guess we are used to that.

I post the night before. If we go on vacation or I have a busy week, sometimes I will post ahead by one week.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I have a favorite cat too! And he is the baddest one, a real rascal! But the heart wants what it wants. I have toyed with the idea of a bread machine for years. I don't really plan my blogs ahead. I post at bedtime usually, so I will be thinking that day what to do. I would love to do it so far ahead, that is real organization, which you just have to have with your three boys and now your job.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think it's okay to say you have a favorite pet, just can't do that with our children :) How awesome to make fresh rock! Doing low carb for 15 months now I've actually don't miss bread but I have found a low carb one that isn't too bad for when I want a grilled cheese sandwich.

mail4rosey said...

Most of my posts are just written on the day I post them. I'd like to be more like you with that though. :)

Michaele said...

I like your list : ) A week ahead!? I guess I would feel good about being that organized. Good for you!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I do like a fresh loaf of bread. I wore out my last bread machine. Your cat is beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

I like learning more about you. I will write Monday's post tomorrow. sandie

Willow said...

Wow a week in advance. I never thought about that. For me ~ 95 percent of the time I blog on my smart phone. I blog and post the right away when I get the urge to write ... probably why I make so many mistakes lol

Maggid said...

Low Carbs??? Driving me NUTS.
Bread machine??? hmmm . . Maybe it's time to go shopping . . .

love & love,

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the picture of the cat!
The only time I ever schedule blog posts is when I'm on vacation. I just write everyday!

An Apel a Day said...

I write a lot on Mondays and Thursdays. On those days I don't teach. I post some right away, and others I schedule out.