Monday, May 20, 2013

Standlee Hay Products Review

Disclaimer:  This is a review written by me, with my own opinions, of Standlee Hay Products.  I was provided with a gift card to purchase their products for review purposes. 

Lately I've been putting our horses through their annual vaccines, along with their every-other-month deworming and hoof trimming.  I have a feeling that when I walk in to the pastures, they're whispering "Uh oh.  Here she comes.  What now?"  And then they heave a big sigh.  So when Standlee contacted me about doing a review, I was excited to have some tasty new feed products for them to try.  This time of year, the horses are full and round from all the green grass, so I don't need to do any feed supplementing, but that doesn't mean they can't test out a new product as a treat.  And next winter, I'll be all set when the land turns brown and the grass is sparse.

Pierce and Reid were my helpers for the evening.  I decided to try the Premium Alfalfa/Oat Cubes, the Premium Alfalfa/Timothy Pellets, and the Premium Alfalfa/Timothy Mini Cubes.  Standlee uses high quality timothy hay and alfalfa grass in their horse products.  We fixed some treat buckets of both for the horses to try.  Pierce smelled a handful of the sweet pellets and declared that they smelled like oats, so he thought the horses would love them.

Phoenix really liked the alfalfa pellets, whereas Harriet enjoyed the alfalfa/timothy mini cubes first.  They both licked their tubs clean.  Pierce and Reid kept saying, "They love their treats!"  Although both Phoenix and Harriet are seniors (both being over 20 years old), they had no trouble in chewing up the pellets, and seemed to love them. 
Standlee Hay Company is dedicated to growing the highest quality of forage products that are available.  Next winter we will be well-stocked with Standlee products, and I know our horses will appreciate receiving their nutrition this way when the months grow cold and long. 


Cat said...

You treat your horses so well :-) Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

I bet they loved getting a treat. The guys look like they were great helpers.

andy said...

Lucky horses ! Have a great Monday !

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

You've got some happy helpers!

Sounds like they both enjoyed the treats.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The boys look like such sweet helpers! I'm glad the horses enjoyed the treats.

The Cranky said...

These photos are so sweet and you have the best helpers ever! It definitely looked like the horsey members of the family were enjoying their treats.

Lisa, thank you for taking the time to read my article and your very kind response. *hugs*

Ginny Hartzler said...

These pictures give me the feeling that the boys do their chores joyfully!!!! A rare thing for sure.

Sally said...

Even though I don't have horses, this was a great review. And, as always I enjoy seeing pics of the boys.

Chatty Crone said...

The horses look happy with it. sandie

Liz Mays said...

I'm so glad the horses took to the new treats (and that the boys did too).

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I'm glad they liked the treats! I love the photo of the boys watching the horses enjoy the treats. So cute!

Nancy said...

I'm so glad they liked it! :)

Mom of 12 said...

I always wanted a horse when I was a kid. My dad thought they weren't very useful animals so even though we had a farm it was full of cows and sheep.

Valerie Boersma said...

Oh, Lisa-I love these photos!! I always wanted a horse when I was a kid-had to settle (happily) for a guinea pig;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Are you spoiling your horses??? I hope so!!!!! They deserve it I'm sure... They look like they are enjoying the snacks ---and your boys are enjoying giving them their goodie!!!!!

Have a great evening, Lisa.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am glad they like their treats. It's nice to test a product before buying a big supply.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love your family of helpers:) B

Eat To Live said...

It sure looks like they loved those pellets. How cool to do a review using your horses.

Anonymous said...

Sweet photos of your little helpers.

Shine Kids Crafts said...

Oh! You have horses! I am living in a city where we seldom see horses. I love your blog, which can let me see other side of the world. : )

Unknown said...

What great helpers you have :). I have heard good things about their products. I think Clinton Anderson did a piece on them? Anyways sure looks like they were a hit!

Rob-bear said...

I'm a Bear, not a horse. Still, those do look tasty.

Lucky horses!

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Linda said...

Well, the treats don't appeal to me but obviously the horses like them. Cute photos!

An Apel a Day said...

What a fun review for you.