Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Are They Twins?

I've had a lot of strangers ask me "Are they twins?" over the past few years.  I actually get this a lot less than I used to, simply because Cort and Reid look so different in size and appearance that people think they are siblings, not twins.  On our recent visit to see my aunt and uncle, I took some pictures of their dogs.  I got home and started looking at the pictures, and for the life of me, couldn't figure out if I'd been photographing the same dog.  Two of them look very similar.  They could be twins.
I finally put them in a collage, to see if they were different (the middle dog, Abby, causes no trouble of course).  One of them has a slightly fluffier coat and is more black than the other.  Yes, I think they are two different dogs! 

No doubt my aunt and uncle have no trouble whatsoever telling the two of them apart.  Like when the twins were infants - people asked how I told them apart, but to me they were two completely different babies. 

Readers, have you ever had trouble telling two things apart?


Sandra said...

It's funny, my twins look nothing alike but people are always getting their names mixed up :)

Sheep can be hard to tell apart. My daughter can always spot the differences.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Those dogs would be hard to tell apart. Growing up, my best friends were twins. My parents had a hard time telling them apart, but I never had any trouble. To me they were completely different people. I have a nephew and niece who are twins. People used to ask if they were identical.

Anonymous said...

We have friends that have son that are not twins, but look like they could be. I have the hardest time telling them apart.

Eat To Live said...

People mistake me and my sister a lot. One time I was in her town walking with my Husband and people thought it was my sister with another man. Kind of funny but could be trouble.

mail4rosey said...

You've a better eye than I. :) They're cute. :)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I have noticed over the years that it is very hard to find two things that are equal. Things are less boring that way.

andy said...

There great looking dogs !!! Have a wonderful day

Grandma Bonnie said...

Their dog so look the same.
When I call to talk with my granddaughters I get their voices mixed up they sound the same. Although there are 2 and a 1/2 years between them.

Lynn said...

what gorgeous little dogs. Yes my twin cousins when they were young if I hadn't seen them for a couple of months but it soon b ecame apparent who was who.

TexWisGirl said...

that's cute - you got the same wonderment from the pups. :)

Unknown said...

If you are around twins for any length of time, you can learn to tell them apart. But at first glance, if they are identical, I cant...otherwise, I usually can. Little things are what I look, hair, etc. I have been accused of being very observant! lol

Anonymous said...

I bet side by side, they don't look too much alike. But if I saw the different dogs one at a time I'd think they were the same!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The one on the left and the one on the right are Cairn Terriers like my Skye, only a different color. I think it is amazing how dogs are breed and look alike!

Mary said...

What beautiful little dogs! I definitely wouldn't becable to tell them apart.

And yes, i've known a couple of sets of twins, and i could never figure out who was who.

Sally said...

Oh goodness, they both look so much like our Katie that we lost a few years ago. Beautiful dogs.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, we are friends with 14 year old twin boys and have known them all their lives. I would never call them by name till just a year or so ago when one gained weight. Not that I WANTED him to gain weight, but now I can finally call them by name!

Sharon Wagner said...

Only when I drink too much!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Woah, they do look very similar! Cute dogs :) I still have trouble telling my twin cousins apart!

Vision By Mila said...

Adorable, all 3 of them!

Angela said...

One of my neighbors that's my age has a twin. I did not know that as his family lives in other states. One day I seen him driving and he was also a passenger! Freaked me out! lol I have never seen older twins to look identical like that ever! They look to be the same size, and they had the same haircut too. Very shocking for me! lol

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'd go by their personalities...that's my secret!...:)JP

Jill said...

They are so cute!

I get more mixed up when a family names their kids with the same first letter in their names, i.e. Ashley and Alicia. I get tongue tied every time!

I Am Woody said...

My SIL is a twin. So many people comment that they can't tell the difference between her and her sister. Like you, I have no problem. But their baby pictures? That is a completely different story!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think those doggys do look alike. I would have to put 2 different colored ribbons on them to tell them apart-- but a funny question was asked of some puggy friends-"how do you tell your pug from all the rest"?
I think the answer is easy!

Anonymous said...

I always hesitate to ask folks, "are they twins?" I know it would be tiring to answer that frequently. It is difficult to tell these 2 dogs apart. Like you say, no problem for their owners who are with them all the time.

Marie said...

The pups are too cute! I haven't had any trouble, I can even tell the difference in my visiting squirrels. lol!

Linda said...

Such cute little dogs!

Nancy said...

I guess when it comes to animals I have no issue in telling them apart.

But with Dylan McDermott and Dermot Milroney -- that's another story! Lol.

Valerie Boersma said...

I remember these twin boys in high school. I couldn't tell them apart-they were equally cute;)

An Apel a Day said...

When Isaak was an infant I called him Mica a few times. With his eyes closed he looked just like his brother did. Isaak's eyes are so different than Mica's. They certainly look like brothers, but not twins.

When I'm in my sister's neighborhood. I get friendly waves. It's no doubt in my mind that they think I'm my sister Terra. We do look pretty much alike. We have our differences, but from across the way I can see how people might think I'm her.