Friday, July 12, 2013

Attack of the Praying Mantis

1.  When we were at the Greensboro Science Center, I had to snap a shot of this high up praying mantis, who looked straight out of a 70s swamp thing movie.
2.  Pierce asked me the other day, "Are all ladybugs girls?"  I said no.  He looked at me funny, and said, "But Mom, they're lady bugs." 

3.  Recently a stranger told Cort he liked his Bob Marley shirt, which was a hand me down from a friend.  Cort said, "Thanks, it's my Bob Marble shirt!". 

4.  Cort and Reid were playing with some little space men figurines from our Toob collection.  They were pretending the space men were going camping.  Pierce looked at them and said, "You guys, you can't go camping in space.  There's no air up there AND there are no bathrooms". 

5.  I've been taking glucosamine for about 6 weeks and it has really kicked in now.  Amazing how much it has helped my knees and hips with my running.  Hoping the effects will last when I wean myself off of it. 

Have a great weekend readers!

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal. 


The Cranky said...

Glucosamine? Hmmmm.

I love the things little ones come up with; it's so fun watching them put together their own unique picture of the world and how it works.

I'd eek at the giant bug but I was the little girl who was out with the little boys, catching bugs and snakes and getting coated with mud in the process.

andy said...

That is such a great place ! I think they opened the new part up last week ! You can pet sting rays and all kinds of new hands on stuff ! We want to check it out soon ! Have a great weekend

Heather said...

I have heard a lot of great things about glucosamine, but haven't tried it yet. I probably should just get some! Is there a brand you recommend?

Cat said...

If glucosamine is working, why would you stop taking it?
Love the boy's comments :-)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE hearing your boys little questions and their imaginations are wonderful.
I should try that glucosamine to see if it will help my hip. Have a nice weekend. B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

your little boy sounds so funny. cute!!

i have taken glucosamine in the past & could give my opinion but i will give you the chance to see how it all goes for you. ( :

Anonymous said...

Pierce just cracks me up!

Maggid said...

Never considered it before - he has a point - they ARE LADY-Bugs . . . what's the deal?

Golly it sounds like a lot of fun at your house.

love & love,

Out on the prairie said...

Fun share, i like the space campers worries.

Anne Payne said...

The photo made me smile then cringe. I would have nightmares if I was a kid :) And speaking of kids, they say the darndest things, don't they? Yours are so cute! Glad you are feeling some relief!

Lynn said...

you've your own personal stand up comics in Cort and Reid, very clever and well thought out comments they come up with, prescious!

An Apel a Day said...

I think it's so funny some of the things kids say! I still laugh when I look back and read some of the posts from awhile back.

Ladybug do seem like they would be ladies. Really it is in their name!

Praying Mantis- They are so cool, yet so freaky! They are related to the cockroach. I captured one catching a bumble bee and eating it alive. The video is here: if you want to see it. Warning if the sound is on it's funny. Some of the things the boys were saying! If the sound it off it's freaky big time!

Melanie said...

Enjoyed your Random 5, the kids comments were my favorite! I miss having a kid around! They say the funniest things!

Nancy said...

What a hoot! I think you all could have your own reality show. I would definitely watch it. :)

Slamdunk said...

Looks like a place my crew would enjoy. A few years ago, older boy ordered praying mantis eggs from a catalog and hatched them in the backyard. We have had them around ever since.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I agree with Nancy--y'all could have your own reality show! I love the things your boys say and the things they imagine. It's fun to see how kids figure out the world.

I'm glad the glucosamine is working for you. I've thought about trying it for my joints, especially my hip.

Mary said...

Very cool praying mantis! And Nancy is right about the reality show. I'd watch too! :)

Eat To Live said...

Kids sure do say the funniest things. When I was younger there was a show that was named... Kids Say The Funniest Things

Unknown said...

Kids do say the funniest things dont they? Glucosamine worked great for me for years.

TexWisGirl said...

the mantis is cool! bob marble. :)

why don't you want to stay on glucosamine?

shirley said...

That creature looks like something out of a horror movie - WOW!

My BIL was taking glucosamine, then stopped (maybe he stopped cold turkey - I didn't ask) and he could tell the difference - he's taking it again. I'm curious to know how it works out for you.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Bob Marble shirt, haha! Too cute. I'm glad the supplements are helping with your knees and hips!

Valerie Boersma said...

No bathrooms in space would be a huge turnoff-even for Bob Marble!! ;)

I'll write soon-Amy's guinea pig is much better. I really pampered her to make her feel as comfortable as possible, and she recovered! I was really surprised! :)

Sally said...

Your little guys light up your world, I know. And, they're so smart & funny. I love reading about them.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This picture is totally cool, I love it! At first I thought you had bought the boys a new toy and it was trying to escape! I LOVE the marble shirt, I hope you are writing all these down somewhere.

Grandma Bonnie said...

No bathrooms in space. Ha ha!
I need to pick up some glucosamine. I wonder if it would help my hips.

Unknown said...

What a great random list! Love the things your boys say.

Ida said...

Children really do say the most interesting and fun things.
Oh wow that is one big praying mantis!

Monkeywrangler said...

Glad the glucosamine is working for you. It never did much for my joint pains, but I am finding some relief with turmeric (curcumin).

born imaginative. said...

That praying mantis scares me! You have a comical bunch at home, huh?!

Angela said...

Woot! No bathrooms! lol Love your boys and the things they say!

Anonymous said...

You make me miss having my little boys (who are now 27 and 24!) around! So cute! I'm glad you mentioned glucosamine - my knees have been acting up and I only run 3 miles! Why are you going to wean yourself off of it, though?

mail4rosey said...

LOL at the funnny sayings. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Awe the kids say the cutest things don't they? No air or bathrooms and lady bugs. How sweet. Love, sandie

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

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I am honored. Please visit again and add comments.

You have a beautiful blog here !

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Good observation by Pierce with lady bugs...I have never tried glucosamine for my aches

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

A sports doctor told me once that I should take that glucosamine for the rest of my life. He said he told all of his patients that. I took it for about six months, but it is costly so I quit. Now (having issues with both of my knees) I wish I had listened to him.

Anonymous said...

Your whole post made me smile today!

Lin said...

Watch the movie "Bugs Life"--they have a grumpy ladybug who is a boy. He's hilarious.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

#3 and #4 are so cute!!!