Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wineberry Jam

It's that time of year again.  The wineberries that grow wild all over our land are now ripe.  Wineberries are similar to a raspberry in size and color, but have seeds like a blackberry.  Paul spent several hours picking berries.  Then I sterilized everything and made some jam.
Nothing quite so satisfying as the sound of the lids popping as they seal.  If I can find the time, I'll do another batch.  I love to use the jam as gifts, and I think it's fun that the berries come from our own land.

Readers, what is your favorite flavor of jam?


The Cranky said...

Anything homemade is my favourite! (Honestly, one of my faves is made by the local Amish, they call it Traffic Jam. Really!)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I wish we had those berries here the sound of those lids snapping has always made me happy. B

Nancy said...

Gorgeous color! I bet it tastes heavenly!

Anonymous said...

I bet it is delicious. Wait! I think I might have gotten to try a jar.

Anne Payne said...

Those are some pretty looking jars of jam. My favorite is seedless Blackberry. I don't like picking seeds out of my teeth :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

I bet wineberries are delicious. I've never heard of them before, but I do like raspberries and blackberries. (My daughter would approve of your jam. It drives her nuts when people remove all the seeds, or chunks of any kind, and then call it jam.) I love just about any type of fruit jam. But I have a soft spot in my heart for plum jam, because my grandmother used to make it.

Unknown said...

Wineberries....yumm! My all time favorite is Black Raspberry!

Eat To Live said...

I have never had a wineberry but I bet I would like them.. I like any berry.

Unknown said...

Looks yummy! I can only imagine some on a hot buttered biscuit! Happy Thursday. (blackberry jam)

I Am Woody said...

I have never even heard of wineberries!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

It looks so pretty--such a lovely color. I love blackberry and strawberry jams.

I remember that popping sound when my mother canned when I was growing up.

Anonymous said...

You're right about that lid popping being SUCH a satisfying sound!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is so pretty, and in the jars, it looks christmassy! I cannot eat jams because of my diverticulitis, can't even eat tomato seeds, bummer...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh, how I loved those berries!....:)JP

TexWisGirl said...


Michaele said...

Those look wonderful! I have to get out and pick mulberries this weekend. It is a job!

mail4rosey said...

I bet this is good!! I love any kind, I think raspberry is my fave.

Sharon Wagner said...

I won't be making Raspberry jam this year. The rabbits thinned out our patch. Just enough to eat.

Patrice said...

We have wineberries too. I can almost eat my weight in the darned things! I love them. I've always been crazy for raspberries, but I like these better. Why do they always grow smack dab in the middle of poison ivy? Murphy's Law!

Chatty Crone said...

Girl I am so proud of you! I can't do that.

Michelle said...

I actually love orange marmelade, not so much other flavors. We have a lot of blackberries here that I freeze. I would love to try your wineberries! Never heard of them!

Mary said...

Yes! Homemade jam made with your home grown berries = best gift ever. My favorite kind is blackberry. Whenever i eat it, it reminds me of my grandmother, who was a jam making dynamo!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Mmm sound so yummy. I love homemade jam. I bet your boys do too.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh yum, and we know how wonderful your kitchen must smell too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That looks so good --and I'll bet your house smelled wonderful. Like I said before, I have never heard of Wineberries... BUT--we have a Daylily named Wineberry Candy....


born imaginative. said...

I can't imagine how much you picked to make jam. That's hard work right there!

Vision By Mila said...

My mother makes all kind of jams, I'm actually gonna carry a couple of jars over to Finland when I get back next week!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of wineberries. The color is gorgeous! Do they taste like any other berry?