Thursday, August 22, 2013

A First Grader

Pierce had his first day of school last week.  Here he is waiting for the bus on his first day, full of excitement.

Aside from the fire drill (he hates them), he had an excellent week.  This year, Pierce was allowed to take a water bottle to school to keep at his desk.  Camelbak sent us some nice, BPA-free ones.  I have been using their Eddy bottle myself for over a year, and it is very durable and spill proof.  When kids get dehydrated, they don't think as well, so I'm glad to know Pierce will have water when he needs it.
In our back to school preparations, Paul welded some hooks for the backpacks from old horse shoes.  Didn't they turn out cute? 
I figure they are sure to have a lucky year, with their school backpacks on hooks like these!  If you are interested in having a similar hanger, you can find them in the Two Bears Farm Etsy shop

Poor Cort and Reid, they have to wait until after Labor Day to go back to their 3 days a week preschool routine.  Boy are they ever bent out of shape about it!  It's just not fair! 

Readers, have your kids (or grandkids) gone back to school yet?

Disclaimer: I received two Camelbak Eddy water bottles for back to school purposes.  The opinions above are my own.


Nancy said...

Hoo boy! Water bottles at the school desk. I bet that makes for some interesting days for the teachers. :)

Pierce looks so cute -- have a great day Lisa.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pierce looks so excited! I'm glad he had a good week at school. My grands all seem to be having a good first week too.
The hubs uses a Camelbak water bottle too- they are very durable!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I like the photo of Pierce waiting on the bus with the dog. I remember our daughter climbing on the bus with a backpack as big as she was.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am glad they allow a water bottle at his desk. I know up until recently they did not allow the high schoolers to bring in reusable water bottles. They had to buy water from the school cafeteria. I love your back pack hooks. Everything in its place. That's a great start to organization for the boys. My oldest granddaughter started back to school. She is in first grade also. My grandson starts back to preschool in September.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh a boy , his dog and that smile yes it says it all. Hope the twins time goes fast.Those are awesome coat hooks. Lucky indeed. B

Lynn said...

what a fabulous shot of Pierce and your dog, and everyone should have horseshoe pack hooks, what a clever idea. Nope school is still out here.

Sandra said...

We still have some time before back to school :)

Nice dog waiting for the bus with Pierce!

Love the back pack hooks, FUN :)

Sally said...

Awwwm, Pierce looks SO cute. Such a big boy now in first grade!


TexWisGirl said...

so cute. i like the backpack hooks. :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

The photo of him waiting for the bus with his dog is just priceless! The hooks are just the cutest thing....and anything that helps us/them stay organized is a good thing.

An Apel a Day said...

Yes my boys are into their second wk. I posted about it on my WW this wk.

Isaak started Kindergarten and Mica started 2nd grade.

I just love those hooks!

Pierce looks so cute and ready for his big day.

Z@KickingKilos said...

I think those horse-shoe bag hangers are pretty interesting.
I think Iam more excited when school's re-open as then life gets more disciplined LOL.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, what a cute first day of school picture! And even the dog seems sad and seems to know he is going. Never knew you could buy water bottles with purifying filers in them!! I really do love those hooks...are you still thinking f selling the house? I think I had forgotten you had an Etsy shop, so you have been to China? Or maybe the crumb catcher was acquired some other way. Yet another thing I have never heard of!! I thought it was a hand mirror at first.

Mary said...

How exciting for Pierce! :)

And i love those hooks! Very fun.. and lucky for sure!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel is supposed to have a water bottle too. He started yesterday and loved it.

Harry Flashman said...

It's been a long, long time since mine were that age but I remember how worried we were that they would not be happy at a public school. In the end we wound up home schooling.

Mary Ann said...

My youngest grandson started Tuesday... he was so proud and happy to be a kindergartner!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is such a good picture of Pierce with his dog. :-) I hope he has a great year at school. And hope the twins can hold on until after Labor Day!

Those hooks are great! That's a wonderful way to store things so they can be found!

Water bottles at the desks--I like that! I bet kids do get dehydrated sitting in class for most of the day.

Liz Mays said...

He just looks so pleased about school. Too cute! I like the horseshoe hooks and you have an Etsy store? Neat!

Rob-bear said...

Pierce looks like a regular scholar, complete with water bottle and dog (thought I suppose the dog doesn't get to go to school). Yes, your boy is growing up on you.

Our grandchildren are home-schooled, and I suspect schooling won't start until the house is a little more settled. Hard to focus on school when surrounded by the noise of workmen renovating the place.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Unknown said...

What memories this post brings back so vividly! We had a local volunteer fire department where I grew up conducting "surprise fire drills". I remember being Pierce's age and watching the firemen supervising the drill. Always an interesting exercise. :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww how cute! Love how he is posing with the dog :) My husband is a teacher and just started back to school yesterday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the backpacks and Pierce's photo with the dog is precious.

camp and cottage living said...

Pierce looks excited and happy!
Cute hooks.

Eat To Live said...

How cute he is all ready for school. Cute Hangers for the back packs!

Valerie Boersma said...

That picture of Pierce is adorable! I bet your pup is sad though-it will be quieter around the house now:) I think Paul's hooks are wonderful (If he ever wants to sell them on Etsy I'll be first in line!)
Amy starts back a week from next Wednesday. I'm having a hard time with the fact that she'll be a senior. In fact, I've been pretty depressed. If I seem scarce, please believe me when I say I'm reading and thinking of you-maybe once she gets back in the groove of school and I start some projects at home I'll feel like the world is looking a little brighter:)

Chatty Crone said...

I hope he has a great experience in first grade!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

That is a great picture with the small chalkboard!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Pierce looks so happy and proud of himself... How neat to be a First Grader!!!!

I'm sure the twins hate having to wait until after Labor Day to go to pre-school....

Love your backpack hooks... Neat!!!

I Am Woody said...

Hope everyone has a great school year!!

Out on the prairie said...

Tugs on those purse strings a bit doesn't it Mom?

Angela said...

Love the hooks for the backpacks! My kids started school today. They both seemed happy when they got home so this year started out good! I for one don't know what I'm going to do with all of my free time now! hahaha

Tanya Breese said...

aw what a cute and happy first grader! love the hooks! we started back on wednesday, blah! :)

mail4rosey said...

Back to school, hurrah! My son is getting so excited, and yours looks happy too.

The hooks do rock, what a great idea.