Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Crack the Whip Sculpture in Chicago

One of the sculptures that we saw in Chicago that the boys were very drawn to is called "Crack the Whip" by Jo Saylors. 

 It shows a group of children, holding hands, and running haphazardly in a line.  It's a lighthearted work, and the boys seemed to identify with the kids.

Because what child hasn't felt the pull and tug of a friend, in the joy of an exciting adventure? 

It's sort of hard not to join in with that kind of fun.

One interesting detail was that one of the girls had lost her shoe.  This is an intentional loss on the part of the sculptor, but the boys were a little distressed.  They kept trying to put the shoe back on, but it was anchored to the ground. 
We finally decided that she would have just as much fun running through the mulch in her bare feet, as with a sandal. 

Readers, what is your favorite sculpture or statue?


Lynn said...

oh I love these...and what great photos...looks like too much fun!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That is a neat sculpture, much nicer than the ones that look like a load of scrap metal was dumped on the lawn. Anyway, it is nice when they are made to be interactive with kids.

Steve Surratt said...

Now that is what art is all about!

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to see this sculpture through your guys eyes.

Cat said...

Ha! That shoe is a Dr. Scholl's exercise sandal, popular late '60's early '70's. I ran out of mine many times. What an adorable sculpture. "Crack the whip" was the game of choice on any grade school playground in the 1950's. It was especially fun if the playground was muddy. Love how your boys interact with the bronze kids!

Anonymous said...

Neatest sculpture ever! Whoever made this was a genius. xox

Anonymous said...

Kids playing is a neat sculpture idea. Look at all the details.

The President sculptures in Downtown Rapid City are neat. Kevin Costner has a museum called Tatanka. There is a sculpture containing several buffalo running/almost jumping off a hill. It's life size.

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is so cool. I noticed the shoe first thing too and wondered if it was part of the sculpture.
I'm a fan of the HUGE Marilyn Monroe that I saw the last time I was in Chi-town.

Michaele said...

That is simply awesome I think I could look at that statue for hours

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, I love this! I think Crack the Whip is a sort of game where the end of the line gets going and then slings back fast. It is really an amazing sculpture and what a cool surprise to see the boys as part of it! And they are just the same size! The lost shoe there is brilliant.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Beautiful sculpture! It seems to flow with life. And your boys are so cute interacting with it!

The Altavista downtown group just installed a sculpture near the library--a bench with two children on it reading. Very pretty, and I like public art.

I Am Woody said...

My favorite statue is located in one of my favorite places - Rutledge Falls TN, a magical place from my childhood. A statue, The Lady of the Falls, overlooks the beautiful falls. She was originally a gas light standard for the TN state capitol building built in the 1850s. During a renovation in the 1950s, the standards were tossed in a pile to be buried as garbage. The owner of the falls happened to see the 'garbage' and rescued her from her untimely demise.

Mary said...

Very cool sculpture! The artist created a truly fascinating and fun work of art!

Anonymous said...

What a creative and talented sculptor to engage children. I remember that rather dangerous game of Red Rover, where you tried to break thru the arms of the other team of kids! That's what this kinda reminds me of.

Maggid said...

Flat Out beautiful AND Inspirational.
Thank you for taking time to share.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that is now on my have to do list the next time we are in Chicago. I have never seen it yet we were at Navy Pier last September!

Anonymous said...

VERY cute. We have a similar sculpture in the downtown park here of kids playing in a fountain and it's terrific.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awe how sweet the boys wanting to put her shoe on. I remember playing crack the whip with my friends. Thanks for sparking the memories.

Nancy said...

This one reminds me of those at Pioneer Park in Omaha. Love the lost shoe. :)

Mari said...

What a great piece of art! I love the sandal off the foot. It's a great work when you see the kids interacting with it!

Jill said...

How could you not love this! Your boys fit in perfectly! :)

Jeanne said...

oh I just love this sculpting and have never before seen this in chicago. Where is it at. Your shots of your boys with this are adorable. I remember being on the end of one of those whips when I was a kid, and it was not pretty.

Eat To Live said...

I am as amazed as your boys are at that sculpture. You don't very often see one that can make you say WOW!!!

Tanya Breese said...

fun sculpture and so cute that they wanted to put her shoe back on!

Sue Frelick said...

That was a great sculpture. When I was a child we played crack the whip on ice skates. I didn't like being the one stuck on the end. Haha!

Liz Mays said...

That is a FANTASTIC sculpture!