Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dinosaur Cake and Turning Four

Cort and Reid turned four years old week before last.  Cort wanted a pirate cake and Reid wanted a dinosaur cake, but we decided to do a dinosaur cake because in the end, both Cort and Reid love dinosaurs.

We don't have huge kid parties, but we do invite a few family members over to eat lunch and have some cake. 

There were a number of really cute dinosaur cakes on Pinterest, but most of them were made with fondant.  I don't like working with fondant (plus, it's not so tasty in my opinion) so I did the best I could with buttercream. 
It's not perfect by any means, but the twins were thrilled.  Between the chocolate buttercream frosting and the wineberry jam in the middle layer, everyone said it was delicious.

All I have to say is - thank goodness I have two months to recover before I have to create a truck cake for Pierce's birthday! 


Steve Surratt said...

Whew, growing up so fast! I remember dinosaur cakes with my oldest two who were only 10 days apart in birth. They are now 26 and 24.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

It would have thrilled me at that age, wait a minute I would still be thrilled to get one. Boys just like that stuff I guess.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Happy Birthday Cort and Reid. WOW Lisa that cake is awesome the volcano rocks. I am sure it tasted real good I am drooling:) B

andy said...

Now that is a cool cake !!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your boys! And that cake turned out cute.

Eat To Live said...

Very cute cake Lisa!! Happy Birthday to the boys.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday Cort and Reid!That is an awesome looking cake. I can see why the boys were thrilled. I to prefer to work with butter cream but most of my adult children want the fondant look. I do a marshmallow fondant for their cakes. They like it but I think its too sweet. I can wait to see your truck cake.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh they are growing up so fast! Happy birthday to Cort & Reid!!

Monkeywrangler said...

Love the cake! I am sure the twins were thrilled too. My kids love decorated cakes too.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid! And that cake is awesome! I love the river and the volcano and all the activity going on. I bet the boys were thrilled. it looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid! The cake looks delicious! You are very talented and creative.

Anonymous said...

I totally love your cake. The water slide and volcano are over the top. I am going to pin this.

I Am Woody said...

What a great cake! Hope they had a fabulous birthday!!!

TexWisGirl said...

wow... 4!!!!

Lynn said...

the fanciest cake I've ever made was a teddy bear cake for 10 very discerning 6 year old's, it passed the test yet I was a wreck, lol, this is a super amazing birthday cake!

Kerri Farley said...

Happy Birthday to your Boys!!
and that cake looks AWESOME!!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww, happy 4th to Cort and Reid! How exciting. Looks like the perfect cake for them! Great job!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think it is an amazing cake!!! The flavors/filling sounds outstanding as well. I used to make cakes for birthdays....and they were NEVER pretty to look at. LOL
Now I buy them from the bakery because I am lazy in the kitchen.
Happy belated to your sweet boys!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This cake is wonderful! I think my favorite is that volcano, but also they can play with the little dinosaurs long after. And oh my gosh, you even added dinosaur eggs in little nests! And all the chocolate!! For the longest time, I looked and looked at the rock border, wondering where you got such pretty rocks. Then it HIT me, maybe jellybeans!! Can't wait to see the truck cake!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I love the river that has waterfalls and a turtle swimming in it with a croc! The boys must have gone absolutely NUTS!!

Mary said...

I love dinosaurs too! And i'm a fifty year old, old lady. Lol. Their cake looks yummy. And yes, buttercream all the way i say!

Liz Mays said...

That turned out super cute I think, and you're right about fondant. Who needs that ill tasting uck anyhow? Glad the twins loved this dino creation!

Becca said...

Happy birthday to Cort and Reid! I agree with you that fondant doesn't taste very good. Someone should invent delicious fondant LOL. I would be thrilled if someone made me a cake that looked like your dino cake!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your dinosaur cake, Lisa. I"m sure that the twins LOVED it... What a cute photo of them blowing out their candles.....Love it!!!!

Can't believe they are FOUR already!!!!

Harry Flashman said...

After seeing your pictures of your boys birthday, I went into the study and looked at the pictures on the wall. There's one little frame that has my son's birthday party when he was about 10. Not a day goes by that I don't think back to when we all lived together up here on the mountain. Now they are grown up and gone. Enjoy those little guys, too soon they'll be calling you from college needing pocket money.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid. Harry's comment is so true. I often think of my son at this age.

Linda said...

Oh, what a great cake! I would have loved a cake like that when I was a kid.

Marie said...

Happy Birthday!!! Great job on the cake!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to the boys! You did a fantastic job with the dinosaur cake!

Nancy said...

I always wanted one of those cakes with the plastic animals on them, but my mom wasn't into that kind of thing. Love it!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

You are a talented cake decorator. The boys are growing up fast.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy 4th Birthday to Cort and Reid.
The cake came out perfect....really cute.

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Dinosaur cakes are so cool!

Unknown said...

And those photographs will bring so much laughter and good memories in the years ahead, I just know it! :)