Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

The twins had a blast during their field trip to Jeter Farm this year. 
They really loved petting the goats.  I still hope that one day we can have a milk goat.

The twins had fun climbing all over and running around the farm.

We also did the corn maze.  I love that their corn maze isn't too difficult.  I really hate being lost in the corn maze.

Course a big hit of the day is the slide.

You should've seen the drama that unfolded when all these four year olds discovered a daddy long legs in the middle of the slide.  Too funny.

Luckily, the teacher herded it to the other side, and sliding was resumed again.
Bittersweet, to realize this was our last year for a field trip to the pumpkin patch.  Next year the twins will be in kindergarten.  I suppose we'll try to visit on the weekend at some point. 


Steve Surratt said...

Great pictures, great memories.

Anonymous said...

You captured some wonderful photos of the twins at the farm.

The Cranky said...

It looks like a wonderful time, daddy longlegs drama and all.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That slide looks like fun, they are the kind of kids that can have a good time about anywhere though. They aren't glued to electronic devices for fun. You will have weekends and teacher work days.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Sweet photos. The boys really seem to take to any new adventure. I love that tractor. I'd have to play on it too! :-)

I Am Woody said...

I love the pumpkin patch. Looks like a wonderful day!!

Harry Flashman said...

Beware the goats! I had two black nubians. I really liked them, but if there are more destructive creatures on the face of the earth I've never run into them. I eventually had to give them to an old guy who kept all kinds of animals for companions. He promised he wouldn't sell them to anyone (Mexicans eat them in this part of the mountains), and he kept his promise. We called them "the goat buddies". They liked to sleep under the porch, down on the ground level and to this day we still call the security lights down there "the goat lights."

Sharon Wagner said...

We picked up the cheapest and biggest pumpkins ever at our out of town farm visit this year. That was my highlight.

Sandra said...

I miss those days!
I haven't even picked up pumpkins yet, such a slacker!

Anonymous said...

Cute post... and this is the first time I have noticed the difference in the boys' hair... one straight and the other much curlier... Cute guys!!

Valerie Boersma said...

I know too well the feeling of a bittersweet fall. I wish there was a way to hang on a bit longer to these golden days:)

It looks like the best possible kind of field trip-daddy long legs and all:) Thanks for the wonderful pictures of your wonderful boys:)

TexWisGirl said...

so cute. the spidey made me laugh. :)

Endah Murniyati said...

That was a really funny day. Playing together and have fun on the farmland.I love the goats and sunflowers

Anonymous said...

The bug on the slide made me laugh! I can't believe they are starting kindergarten.

Out on the prairie said...

What a fun experience.That spider is totally harmless

Renegades said...

I hear the bittersweet. The older mine get the more I say goodbye to the simple just us trips.

Gail Dixon said...

They are growing up too fast! Sweet and cute little boys.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

These photos are so cute! I love the one with the goats :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

How fun for your boys and all the kiddos. I'm still a corn maze virgin....not something they do in Florida. :)
The slide looks fun; I would have tried it once the spider was removed.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I have some sweet memories at the pumpkin patch and the apple orchard. I am sure you will find some time to visit next year. It would not seem like Halloween with out a visit to a pumpkin patch.

Chatty Crone said...

Lisa - these days go so fast - and become memories - glad you will have a ton of them.

Sally said...

Awww, Lisa, that really is bittersweet isn't it. They are so very cute, and growing up fast!


Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

LOVE the photos! Such wonderful memories.......

My boys think its boring to go now so enjoy these moments while they are young.......

An Apel a Day said...

How fun! That slide looks like it's a blast! I love baby goats.

Tiggeriffic said...

We took Ben to a pumpkin patch Pizazz this year.. Oh what fun that was ..I think you saw it on my blog..
Can't believe the twins are going into Kindergarten next year..time flys.
Grand daddy spiders are so cool. and harmless.
Have a tiggeriffic Day...ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Jeanne said...

Your boys are just toooooo cute. Glad they did not get lost in the corn... I remember that happening to me a long time ago when I was much shorter, and also younger. great shots

Jenn Jilks said...

I don't know how you do it! Kids, blog, the rural life!
I love it!
I did the leaves today and I'm tired!
Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Marie said...

they're really growing! so cute!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Great pics, Lisa! And, goats are not alot of trouble, you oughta get one or two!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a fun time they had, love all the pictures! Sunflowers are so pretty.

Nancy said...

My boys always enjoyed the pumpkin patch visits. Great photos!

Eat To Live said...

Those slides sure look like a lot of fun.

Linda said...

Such cute pics of the boys! Great series.