Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Case of the Missing Pencil Case

Most of you know I make pencil cases and sell them in my Etsy shop.  One of the first cases I made was for Pierce, an outer space case.  He picked out the material.  He took it to kindergarten, and loved it.  This year, he wanted to use the same case in first grade.  All was going well until about six weeks in, when the pencil case disappeared, even though it had his name on it.  The teacher sent home a note in everyone's backpack, but the pencil case never showed up.

I hate to assume....but I can imagine what happened to his beloved pencil case.  It's somewhat surprising to me that thievery happens at such a young age.  Fortunately, I was able to make a new pencil case for Pierce.  I told him he could pick out any material in the store.  You know what he wanted?  Another outer space pencil case.  And so it was.

Here's his pencil case, stuffed to the gills and bulging with newly purchased crayons and scissors and erasers - Pierce really likes to fill his case up!
Let's hope that this one makes it through to the end of the year!

Readers, have you ever had someone take something dear to you? 


Anonymous said...

I am happy that you were able to make another space case for him. Sad that someone would take his.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That is a good one, a lot better than the ones in the store. Kids would steal stuff like that back in the 60s when I was in school, most of them grew out of it and I guess others got good at it.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad they had outer space material for a second one.

Nancy said...

Sad to think someone took his beloved pencil case - nice that you included him in the new fabric choice. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh poor Pierce that is very sad and sadly there was not a parent who noticed that it was not their child's pencil case and sent it back. It may turn up but I love the new one. Great job. B

mail4rosey said...

You're a good mama to make another. :)

Monkeywrangler said...

I would not be at all surprised to learn it was stolen. Kids these days rarely get any moral foundation to build upon, and there are limited consequences to them too.

I Am Woody said...

So hard to learn that not everyone is honest, especially hard at such a young age!

TexWisGirl said...

good thing he has a handy mom to save the day. :)

An Apel a Day said...

That's great that they had the same fabric; since it's one he liked!

Something dear to me: I had my first painting here at work hung on the wall. When I went on maternity leave they reconstructed our walls. I'm pretty sure my first painting made its way to the trash. :(

jp@A Green Ridge said...

AWESOME! That old one was just "lost in space"...:)JP

Karen said...

Yes... a boyfriend... but that was a loooong time ago :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Well, I can see why someone would want to take this from Pierce. It is super cute. Glad you were able to make a new one for him. I've had jewelry is painful. ;(

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-I'm so sorry that happened! It really sucks, and it is sad that unfortunately kids do steal at even such a young age. Amy had her coat stolen when she was in the 3rd grade. She took it off at recess and when she went to get it, it was gone. I could not understand the parents of the child who took it though-I mean, if Amy came home with a coat that wasn't hers I'd want some answers. I guess this kid's parents either were too apathetic or clueless to notice, but it made me so mad!

I love Pierce's new pencil case though-awesome job!!

Out on the prairie said...

Way to go Mom.

Lynn said...

wow this is so cool and I like the idea it is unique, which is why his first one can't run around in public, do hope it is being loved as Pierce loved it.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you got to make him another one he liked.

Harry Flashman said...

During my short stint as a fifth grade teacher, stealing was a constant problem. I usually knew who was doing it, but by strange coincidence it seemed that the children who stole had parents who didn't care if they did.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

It's really cute! Too bad his went missing. That must have been so frustrating!

Renegades said...

It's not dear to me but for awhile tractor weights were disappearing in this area. They think they have finally found the thief. Disgusting when it's one of our own in a small farming community.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Lisa, You are such a talented young woman.. You are a fabulous mother, a runner (who takes care of herself physically), a part-time employee, creative lady --who can do so much for her family, the finances, and herself.... I'm impressed. (You can pay me later!!!! ha)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's sad that someone may have stolen the pencil case. I'm glad Pierce was able to find the material to make another he liked.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is really sad that kids would steal at such a young age but I'm glad he has a new to the rescue!

Tracie said...

My Hope Chest was stolen from our storage unit. It had all my wedding jewelry in it.