Friday, November 15, 2013

The Gate to Nowhere

1.  Every time I drive into town, I pass this gate.  It's on the side of a gravel driveway, and it goes to nowhere.  It isn't for the driveway.  Or the property.  In fact, it has no connecting fencing.  I suppose it's just decoration.  Almost like someone planned to have a little decorative garden there, but lost their way.
2.  On Halloween, we decided to drive to this neighborhood we'd heard all the rural folks like to go to for trick or treating.  It was CRAZY.  The streets were lined with cars up and down, and kids in costume were everywhere.  I wonder what the people who live there think about all us country folk coming down from the hills?

3.  While trick or treating, Pierce went up to a house and started talking to the people there.  They started cracking up.  They were really laughing.  Come to find out, he'd asked them for Reeses cups, because he said his mom just loves Reeses cups.  Guess I got busted!

4.  Now that Halloween is over, the boys got to break out the turkey shirts I made them.  They all look very cute.  Pierce wanted to know why turkeys have the gobble hanging down from the beak.  I had no idea.  I told him it was for decoration.  Does anyone know if it serves a purpose?

5.  Today I'm linking up with Friday Fences for the first time (and, as with every Friday, with Nancy's Random Friday).  If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome :-)) 

Thanks to everyone who guessed on my photobombed post last Friday.  No one guessed the correct answer - which was a cow tail!  Many of you were close, though.  The random winner of homemade soap was Monkeywrangler


Steve Surratt said...

That gate reminds me of finding front steps that go where a house used to be. I wonder what kind of house was there? And who lived there? I guessed a horse tail on the photo-bomb close.....

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh girl, you were so busted on the Reeses! Pierce has such a great sense of humor!

Nancy said...

My research on the turkey's wattle:
"A turkey's wattle is mainly used as an ornament during courtship. The wattle is the flap of skin under the turkey's chin. It is common for it to turn vivid red when the turkey is under distress or during courtship."

Nice of Pierce to think of Mom during his Halloween adventures. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh a mystery story holding gate you know I love that:)
"Down from the hills" :)
Pierce is going to go far he is funny and cares so much about his Mom.
Decoration on turkey yes that is exactly what it is:)
Turkey shirts I will have to get one of those:)
Have a nice weekend Lisa. Hug B

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Knowing there's a safe street/area to get treats is comforting. Darn! A cow's tail!!! My sister began their fence with the gate...:)JP

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Pierce was taking care of mom, something tells me there are reeses cups in your future.

Cat said...

The turkey wattle is defined as a cooling mechanism for the bird. It allows for the turkey to cool down since they don't have the sweat glands that humans have.
It hasn't been proven, but it also may be used in a mating dance to attract female turkeys. I didn't know any of this til I googled and found this on Interesting!

Lynn said...

a cow's tail :-), reese cups for Mom that is too cute and funny. Gobble Wobble I don't know...that lone gate is intriguing, is there anyone you could ask?

Monkeywrangler said...

So it was a cow's tail? Huh...I guess the lighting obscured the rest of the beast!

And thank you for my soap. It got here yesterday. My youngest will love it--it's going in her Christmas stocking.

Busy Bee Suz said...

The little gate to nowhere is quite cute....and intriguing.
I love Reese's too; your boy is a hoot! We lived in a 'hood that people came in buses to T or T. It was great; the more the merrier. Where we live now (for 15 years) We've NEVER had a trick or treater. Yikes.
Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Gate's to nowhere ,or so it seems ...but perhaps it is somewhere after all :)
Our Royal palm turkey use to blush with his wattle , really lol if he was upset or excited. Yes though they are used i courtship.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

welcome to FF ... that is too cool that it is your 1st!! a fence to no where ... interesting. i wonder what they were thinking about in places it there? decoration or what? ( :

Out on the prairie said...

Laughed at the Reeces request. I have gotten slower at eating the candy, but almost had to go to treatment to get away.Wait, there are 2 bags in my frig.

Unknown said...

It's a lovely gate ! and would definately have caught my attention as well. Stopping in from Friday Fences...have a great week end.

Tiggeriffic said...

We have a street here in our town that is so popular for the kids.. The people actually dress up and give out their candy.. Such fun for all of us..
The gate that stands alone...We have a house near by that put up a fence like this ..I asked them one day when walking by if they were going to add to their fence and they said "No, it just shows where the corner of our property is after it was surveyed.. ".. The other corner has a tree..
The waddle on a turkey is a fashion statement for the female to be attracted to this manly beast.Just like the male hummingbird..he flashes bright red under his chin to attract the love of his live.. Look out if your husband starts wearing a red bandana around his neck...
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

TexWisGirl said...

cow tail! :)

love the gate that just sits there. poor thing.

Kerri Farley said...

I got the "tail" part right on the photobomb :)
and I don't know if the wattle on the turkey has any significance other than to attract the ladies :)

Michaele said...

I laughed at the country folk coming down from the hills. That Pierce sure loves his mamma!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Poor gate, sitting there looking abandoned. I wonder what the story is?

Pierce looks out for his mom. Such a sweetie, and so funny! :-)

A cow's tail! Now I'm thinking, I should have known. :-)

Gail Dixon said...

Mmmm...Reece's those, too! Cute that Pierce wanted to make sure you got some candy you like. So sweet!

mail4rosey said...

How fun that your son was trying to get candy for his mama. :)

There's a neighborhood in the next city over crowded like the one you're saying because the rural's head on over. We're rural too but we do the trunk or treat at the church up the road. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the mysterious gate.

Erin @ Quixotic Magpie said...

I love little mysteries like that gate. How fun to imagine why it is there.

How sweet of your son to think about his mom on Halloween!

Rose said...

Well, it is a pretty gate...and it gae you a nice fence shot! Chuckling about the Reese's cups! That is just too raised him right!

Maggid said...

Cow Tail! How fun is that? Photobombed by a cow . . . (giggle)

Is there a tag hanging from that gate??? I've seen gates as decoration - to symbolize transition - or going from one place to another - (abstract thinkers like that sort of stuff - and the rest of us like the whimsy of it all . . )

Happy Friday!

Tanya Breese said...

i'm am laughing that you got called out on the resees! that gate looks odd just sitting there, it's pretty though! we all go to a subdivision around the corner. it's big enough, sidewalks and the people are all really nice and it's expected that we all storm their neighborhood on halloween house even cooks hamburgers and hot dogs for EVERTONE! since it's in our school zone, the boys know almost everyone that lives there so it's really fun for them...there are a few lazy parents though that drive house to house and let their kid in and out of the car...i think that's ridiculous!

EG CameraGirl said...

Pierce sounds like such a cute kid! I hope you gave him an extra hug.

I agree the gate-to-nowhere MUST be a garden ornament.

Ruth Kelly said...

Perhaps, it was a project that only got as far as putting in a gate and then they couldn't afford to do more so it sits there just being lonely.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

A cow tail! I was way off haha. It's funny about that gate to nowhere. Wonder why the heck it's still there?

Anonymous said...

That's one seriously random gate.
We bring candy to the house we trick or treat from--it's our donation to the townspeople as our kids go from door to door on Halloween!

Jan n Jer said...

Guess your can call this the forgotten gate...makes you wonder what the story is! Welcome to FF

Jenn Jilks said...

I love that 'gate'!
I bought 4 to put around my magnolia to prevent my deer friends from eating it!

Michelle said...

lol Glad to hear Pierce is looking out for you!

Liz Mays said...

That is the cutest that he wanted to get your candy for you on Halloween! Love that!

Harry Flashman said...

Maybe someone is building a spirit gate. In some parts of Asia little gates that appear to lead no where are for letting good spirits into the home.

I think the wattle is part of the mating display.

hula-la said...

What a fun post. Love the gate shot. There's a story to be told about that gate... Aloha

Anonymous said...

I totally think you need to write a story about the gate. I love your fiction writing.

Vision By Mila said...

What a pity we don't celebrate Halloween here..

Karen said...

Things like that always make you wonder about their story...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the fence! Sounds like a fun time on Halloween and how sweet of Pierce to ask for PB cups.

Anonymous said...

Odd that gate huh?? And a turkey's waddle, well that's a good question... kids do push one to find out things we probably wouldn't on our own... I think is related to the color for mating attraction...

Unknown said...

That gate is mysterious! But I just wonder, without other fencing, how can it stand firmly??

Rob-bear said...

The gate to nowhere got me thinking about the train to Morrow. Glad you had fun with all those conversations.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...


Grandma Bonnie said...

Its the same way here for Halloween. We live in a rural area in a small village the neighboring towns bring all their kids to our area because of safety reason I believe. Hope you have a great week.

Lin said...

We had all sorts of kids and families that didn't live in our neighborhood on Halloween too. I don't care. I mean, if you don't have a "neighborhood" to trick or treat in, you are welcome here. I draw the line at the adults asking for candy though--I didn't like that part. Next year, I'm instituting a NO ADULTS rule. That was crazy.

Linda said...

We have a little gate like that! It came with the house and it was in a garden so we left it there.

An Apel a Day said...

My boys are wearing turkey shirts I made them last year as well.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I like that gate - an entry to nowhere. Or everywhere. It looks like it still has a tag on it?

LOL, I love Reeses cups, too. I considered asking Liv to try and get a couple extra for me! (I didn't, LOL!)