Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January Running Recap

Need I say that it has been a challenging month for running outside?  All these polar vortexes are messing with me!  One day it was 6* outside, and windy.  I had all the good layers on, and was totally comfortable except for my feet.  They hurt so badly from the wind blowing right into my shoes that I only made it 3 miles.  I need to find a better way to keep my feet warm when it's that cold. 

I ran on the treadmill a lot. Thank goodness it is fixed.  The treadmill is in the basement, and it has been rather cold even in the basement lately, because it is unheated.  Usually our basement stays between 60-70 degrees regardless, but with these polar vortexes our basement temperature dipped down to around 50 degrees.  I know this because of the thermometer that hangs right in front of my treadmill.  At least I stay cool while I run!

I had some issues with the top of my left foot having sharp pains this month, but I'm hopeful it will correct itself.  My shoes had high mileage, so I switched to new shoes and it seems to be getting a little better.

I ran 138 miles total in January.  I guess you could say I was running from the demons of January.  It would be nice if February had milder weather, but I'm not counting on it.


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I don't run but the cold would really do a number on my feet while out feeding in the cold, they would hurt, almost a cramp like feeling before I could get back in and warm them. The rock hard ground probably didn't help either, nothing like frozen tracks to walk on. Now we are back to mud.

Buttons Thoughts said...

LOVE the old thermometer. I understand a little about not being able to run well in my case snowshoe that darn Arctic Vortex has had me second guessing about going out in it. I tried a few times but did not get too far. Hope your foot feels better. Hug B

Nancy said...

I've managed to run outside every day during this horrible weather spell -- no treadmill here -- glad your feets are feeling better! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You ran a lot despite the cold weather.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That is quite an accomplishment, considering the cold weather you've had! Go easy with that foot pain, Baby Girl...:)JP

Monkeywrangler said...

Cheap simple trick to keep your feet warm while you run. Bread bags. My FIL used to do that way back when he delivered the mail on foot. Works best with crew-length socks.

My whole house has spent much of this winter in the 50*F range...but then again, I live in the South, and do not turn on the heat....so it is to be expected!

Jeanne said...

Great running accomplishment for this cold weather! hope the new shoes help... My daughter runs,and replaces her shoes every 3 months. Keep warm!

Lynn said...

You Runners are a special breed and I mean this in a good way :-) inspiring, you do seem to run against weather, pain, other odds, and I am glad your foot is improving.

Bas. said...

een prachtige thermometer maar als je een beetje doorloopt voel je de temperatuur niet meer.

Michaele said...

I think you are right not to get your hopes up for Feb. I imagine it would be hard to keep your feet warm in running shoes. Glad I can wear snow boots - no running here.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

138 miles sounds GREAT to me. It is hard to run in the extremely cold winter months for sure. Glad you have a treadmill.

Speaking of heavy socks,I have two pairs of really heavy hiking winter socks... Ever seen them??? Google heavy winter socks and see what you an find....

Foggy morning here on the Cumberland Plateau. Have a wonderful day.

TexWisGirl said...

my exercise (walk/jog) has taken a hit these past 2 months, too. lots of hard freezes, some rain, other intrusions. sadly, my weight has gone up a bit, too! :)

Unknown said...

That is amazing. You did a great job running this month. You are truly an inspiration.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Lisa I am so proud of you - not rain nor sleet or (I forgot) will stop you from running. Take care of those feet. sandie

Out on the prairie said...

They make a running snow boot. Otherwise a good pair of insulated boots until it warms.

Gail Dixon said...

I wish we had a basement to store a treadmill. Lord knows I need to be walking at least, but it's been too cold here for that, too. You really put in a lot of miles despite the inclement weather. Good for you!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Good job, Lisa. I admire the way that you find a way to make exercise happen. I let the cold talk me out of even DRIVING to the Y. :-)

I like that thermometer!

Harry Flashman said...

I have a treadmill in my family room. I always get on it and say "I'm going to do 30 minutes this time!" Then I do fifteen and I say "well, that's enough for today."

I don't run anymore, but I used to eons ago.

The Cranky said...

Putting in 128 miles in January?!? You're my heroine!

Sally said...

You're amazing! I need to start walking again very soon.

I wonder what causes the pain on top of the feet. Have had that happen a few times myself.

Anonymous said...

Great job Lisa despite the weather. Hope your new shoes help the foot pain.

Unknown said...

My daughter Arlene is a runner and is currently training for her 2nd Boston Marathon. She was running this week and heard something snap...went around in pain several days before going to doctor and she damaged a calf muscle...she is bummed to have to only ride her bike now. I will have to ask her how many miles she ran in January.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Too cold for running! You are amazing keeping up with running even in the cold. I can't seem to stay warm so I have hardly ventured out.

Michelle said...

You are a motivated person!

Linda said...

My husband finds that the insoles of his shoes flatten out after a while and need to be replaced.

I'll bet you keep busy just keeping the boys' boots a-dryin' and their mittens in order.

Slamdunk said...

Wow, you are awesome for overcoming the January blahs and getting in 138. I am a whimp and am waiting for spring before I find my runs again.

Annette said...

Congrats on logging in those miles!! I love to walk, but I'm seriously lucky if I walked a total of 8 miles for the month. I haven't been brave enough to face the elements! I need a treadmill...

Yes, this month has been a tough one already with snow storm after snow storm...and it's only the first week!

Barbara said...

Still a pretty great month! So glad your treadmill is fixed.

aki! said...

I live in Arizona, which doesn't really have a winter. However, I tried running outside this winter for the first time ever!

7% Solution

Unknown said...

Gads, that is admirable for January, Lisa. I have some Triathlete friends who are "sponsored". That term never really connected with me until a couple of summers ago, when I learned that this was how they changed shoes so often! The last one to know! :)

An Apel a Day said...

That's great that your shoes made a difference in you pain.