Friday, April 25, 2014


I've blogged before about littering, and how it frustrates me.  We live on a mountainous road, and it always shocks me the stuff that people will toss off the sides of the mountain.  Not just your average beer cans.  We're talking entire tables, tires, and -- it has been there for at least ten years now -- in one instance an entire boat.
If this were my land?  I'd be tempted to post signs all along the road with very specific instructions of how to get to the country dump. 


Bas. said...

ja en waarom doet men dit?

Sunnybrook Farm said...

The problem is that they charge people to take that stuff to the dump but if they would take it to a metal recycle place they would get paid for it. Well except for tires. Anyway if the junk is easy to reach someone will grab it to sell for scrap but when you can't get it to the truck it lays there.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that makes me sad and angry yes we have litterbugs around here too and posting does not work I think most of them either cannot read or are just plain not nice people. A boat that is sad someone would have used it I am sure. Hug B

mail4rosey said...

I don't like litter either. We're on a country road and people chuck fast food bags, cigarette packages, cans, etc. into our yard while they're driving by. Not a lot, but enough to be annoying.

The Cranky said...

I have always hated that! Not far from my Granny's house, when I was young, was a deep hole by the road. We'd often find things like old refrigerators, etc.... just dumped there. Fortunately that has changed over the last decade.

Cat said...

There is really no excuse now that you can put stuff like this on freecycle or Craigslist for free and people will come and get it.

I hate that you only blog 3 days a week now. I miss starting my day with your posts on Tuesday and Thursday. :-(

Roan said...

When I still lived at home on Mom and Dad's farm, I caught a guy from town dumping stuff in a ditch by our barn that was clearly on our property. After all, he had to drive a quarter mile down a lane to get there. I gave him a piece of my mind. He picked his trash up and left. Hate littering!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just disgusting that people won't even take the time to take their unwanted items to the county dump? I could just scream sometimes at the garbage I see along not only smaller country roads, but along major roadways as well. A boat?? What is wrong with people???

Alica said...

You hit a sensitive spot with this one! I'll never understand how people think.
We get soooo frustrated with people throwing their junk/litter in our fields! They seem to think that if it's an "open field" it's available for dumping. It's not huge stuff like you have, but it's the little stuff that causes us problems. Soda cans...plastic...and then they get in the haybine or chopper and can cause hardware disease in our animals! Even yard waste...we can't plant through it! (Ok...I'll get off my soap box now!)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I don't get the laziness and non-caring of some people. Is that really easier than finding the correct place for things when we are done with them???
*shaking fists in the air*!!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is so frustrating. We have the same problem here. I wonder what people think they are doing throwing trash on other persons property. If they don't want to pay to take it to the dump why do they think someone else should do it for them?

Lin said...

I'm with you. I watch people in their cars, stop at a stoplight, open their door and empty their ashtray right there on the road. Who do they think picks it up?

Steve Surratt said...

That's the scourge of this area. I love finding little out of the way places to run and it never fails someone has dumped track there first!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I hate littering! It burns me up to see trash along the road. It bothers me too to see people throwing their cigarette butts out their car windows. Yesterday, I went by the town library, and as I was leaving, I saw a crumpled potato chip bag and other trash in the flower beds by the library--within sight of a trash can! I picked up what I could, but I didn't have gloves so I didn't touch some of it.

Sally said...

It just always makes me wonder what kind of people would do such as that!

Have a great weekend, Lisa! :)

TexWisGirl said...

we have a lot of dumping here, too. on the back road near our place, folks drop tires, trash bags, old furniture. funny, one day i saw someone dumping a couch. came back from town and someone else had stopped, looked at it and were loading it into their truck. :)

Sandra said...

We live on a country road and we have found televisions, tires and a few times loads of garbage bags full. We have to call the sheriff and they do the clean up. They told us a lot of times this stuff is dumped from crack houses and it could be dangerous material inside.
It makes me sad!!

Rob-bear said...

Sorry you have to out up with that nuisance. But I suppose it costs money to take things to the dump, and people are too cheap to pay the fee.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Texan said...

This is a chronic problem here as well! It makes me just nuts.:O(.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is really sad and when I see things like that it upsets me. How can people not care about our earth!

Angie said...

We live on a country road too and see the same problem. It's ridiculous at the stuff people just throw out wherever they take a notion

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happens around here, too. But your place seems the worst.

L.L.E said...

Ugh! Our neighbor has trash everywhere like that. I don't know where he gets all that junk, crates, old canopy frames, tons of broken down cars. Can't wait til our laurel bushes grow and block that mess out!

Especially disheartening to see trash thrown off the hill sides out on the DNR roads. That and all their crushed Milwaukee's best ice beer cans.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Is that part of Mr S's property at the top crossing the ridge? He owns a lot up there...:)JP

Michelle said...

This type of thing is always sad to see. Here, people will put things into sink holes.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

People are so sloppy and uncaring. They do NOT take care of our environment at all. We are always finding their 'crap' along hiking trails... Drives me nuts.


Gail Dixon said...

So sad. I see this in certain areas around here and it makes my blood boil. I think your idea of signs pointing toward the dump is a great idea!

Michaele said...

I deal with complaints like this in my job all the time. Sometimes I actually get to find the person who did it and make them clean it up.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

People do that here too- and also with animals.
Mommy put up a sign on a post that said Dumpers will be prosecuted,,,
!! It did not help

Harry Flashman said...

I can remember in the early 50's that everybody tossed their trash out of the car window. The roads were horrific. The chain gangs cleaned them up about once a month. I think it was probably the only good thing Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson ever did when they started campaigns to teach people not to litter. I remember the commercials with "iron eye Cody" really impressed folks. It's not common here now, and when it does happen it isn't local people.

Anonymous said...

The place were we live is neat. People will be charged if they throw anything outside in the road. It will be watched through the camera!


Je comprends ta révolte et m^me s'il est difficile d'éduquer les gens en matière de propreté de de respect de la nature, ça vaut toujours le coup de se battre contre ce genre de comportement. Après tout, propriétaire ou non, nous n'avons qu'une planète et nous devons la respecter.



Lynn said...

We a huge free easily accessed dump and almost each village has one but still no more than a half kilometre we passed an old fridge, a car bumper and two full plastic garbage bags that were all tossed on the edge of someone's vineyard-

Elizabeth Edwards said...

littering is very frustrating for me as well. we live on a property that is lower than most of our neighbors so most of their trash ends up in our yard. now i don't know exactly who's trash it would be - but it is very annoying. i was gardening the other day & picked up a bread bag, candy wraps & other junk. we usually find beer bottles & other rubbish. you wonder why folks don't get that trash goes in the garbage not someones yard. i always think of the camping saying "what you bring in - you take out" it can go too all aspects of your life. makes tons of sense.

have a nice weekend, Lisa. are the boys excited about school? next year is kindergarten, right? ( :

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

One of my pet peeves- preach it!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I realize that many folks are filthy. When I lived in Queens,
New York, I remember people dumping bed mattresses, chairs, tables, sofas, clothings, old tires, all kind of things...
I guess it happens everywhere too.
It is sad, because our planet Earth is our common home,
not a litter box or rubbish.
Have a nice weekend!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That is crazy! I saw a chair on the side of the road as I was driving last night. People are so disrespectful.

Vision By Mila said...

Very annoying! Isn't that public space? Maybe authorities could start putting signs.

Out on the prairie said...

one would think it would be hard to do this, but it is all over

Endah Murniyati said...

Oh please, very annoying! Sometime people don't care about the effect of what they have done to others. I hope next will ne better

Slamdunk said...

Yikes that is awful. What is even worse is when volunteers try to clean the litter up and have to call in Haz-Mat teams because the litter is a meth lab.

Annette said...

Oh Lisa, I hear you on this one loud and clear. This is an issue that makes my blood boil. I walk about four miles around my house everyday, and I see all sorts of litter on the side of the road. One day a few years back, I decided I was going to try picking up some trash by one of our streams. What I thought could be handled with a simple kitchen garbage bag turned out to be an endless amount of trash. Under the leaves were large bags of beer cans, tires, small appliances. I thought to myself...if this is what I can find in such a small area, I wonder how much garbage is really out there... How do people simply not care?

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm with you. I regularly go around with garbage bags and clean up our ditches.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad too. It wouldn't take long to put it in the right place!

Linda said...

I'll bet we could come up with specific suggestions on where these people could put their trash!

An Apel a Day said...

That annoys me to. My husband grew up in the middle of no where, and people used to dump stuff like that to. What the heck?!