Monday, April 28, 2014

Sweetness and Buttercups

Mom?  I brought you a buttercup.
Because you're the best mom in the whole wide world!
Who says it's the little girls who are sweet? 
I beg to differ.


Bas. said...

een mooier cadeau bestaat er niet.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They are a pretty flower and we picked them as kids. Now they are another weed that none of the animals will eat and a problem in my pasture. I really do like the shade of yellow though.

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are so sweet. I do remember my daughter bringing me wildflowers, but never my 2 boys. You are blessed.

Linda said...

I know! My little guy was sweeter than any little girl I have ever known! Hugs for your sweet guys! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Jeanne said...

The sweetest buttercup, and son ever!!! Hope you are having a lovely spring Lisa. Did you ever think it would come???

Annette said...

How precious!! My little boy smothers me with kisses every time I pick him up from school. I agree that boys can be the sweetest! I'm sure you wish you could save that buttercup for eternity!

Out on the prairie said...

Always brought my mom sweets

Roan said...

Boys are sweet, too. And they don't butt heads with their moms as much as daughters. :)

Sharon Wagner said...

Ohhhh. Sweet.

Monkeywrangler said...

Aawww! Too sweet!

Montanagirl said...

Aw, that is so very sweet!!

Angie said...

Agree, my boy has the sweetest heart ever!!!

mail4rosey said...

They're both sweet (the girls and the boys) and one of my all-time favorite gifts is a weed picked from the yard. :)

Sally said...

I love it, Lisa. And, little boys are precious. Yours and ours. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how sweet... LOVE it, Lisa... I raised 3 boys (as you know) ---and I'm here to say that BOYS are SWEET also....

We had a gorgeous weekend --but storms are around us today --and will continue for another day or so... YUK... Hail hitting our windows during the night woke us both up last night... Hope this stuff stays away from you!!!


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So sweet! I know that must have warmed your heart for a good long time. :-)

TexWisGirl said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Isn't this just the best thing in the WORLD? But then of course you are an excellent mom...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a sweetie pie.....

Angela said...

Aw! That is sweet! I will say I have a girl and a boy and my boy is why sweeter to me than my girl. He still blows kisses at me and he will be 10 next week!

camp and cottage living said...

Aw, he sure is adorable, Lisa!

Michelle said...

Boys are pretty sweet :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! He's taken lessons from his Dad and older brother, I think!...:)JP

Jenn Jilks said...


Lin said...

Awww. Such a sweetie. Those are the things you miss the most when they are grown.

Anonymous said...

Little boys are really special. I have dandelion in water by my sink right now.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh, how sweet can he get. I love getting flowers!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

ohhh very sweet!

Linda said...

Aww, he is a doll! In a manly way, of course.

Karen said...

ooooh, melts the heart!

Eat To Live said...

We used to put buttercups under our friends chin and if it showed yellow, we would say... She likes boys. Man... were we ever dumb.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this! {forgive if this is a double comment} You've raised very sweet and caring boys….and that is a wonderful thing.

An Apel a Day said...

What a charmer! :)

Willow said...

Buttercups ~ ode to a great mom !

Rob-bear said...

Aw, that is just so sweet, Lisa. Thanks for sharing that a little tidbit of your life.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Slamdunk said...

Lovely--A+ for your son.

Little girl came with me on a dog walk yesterday and picked two purple wildflowers for mom. Unfortunately, after putting them in water, the cats, ate them. It is the thought that counts though, right?

Tanya Breese said...

aw what a sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

The sweetest :)

Vision By Mila said...


An Apel a Day said...

Isaak is like that. Mica - not so much.

Anne Payne said...

Oh, little boys love their moma's! Mine always did things like that.