Friday, May 30, 2014

My Glasses are Full

This is the time of year when my glasses are full with flowers the boys bring me, on a daily basis.
Some might call them weeds.  But I don't think of them that way.

Next week is our first full week of summer vacation, for all three boys.  We have lots of fun activities planned, starting with signing up for the summer reading program at the library.  We also need to get to the duck pond, because that was on our bucket list last summer, and we never found the time!  So we'll make sure to do that first this time around.  Pierce is signed up for swim lessons for the month of June, and Cort has a dance recital. 

What do you have planned for June, readers? 


The Cranky said...

Those were always my favourite kind of bouquet! June? I'll be walking!

Harry Flashman said...

I hope you all have a good summer. It's the best time of the year when you have small kids.

Roan said...

I love wildflowers. Lucky you to have such sweet boys to bring you flowers. No definite plans for June. I would like to take a weekend and go see my son in TN during the latter part of the month. We are on the wait and see plan right now. Depends on work schedules.

Bas. said...

maar hij is toch ook vol genoeg?

Endah Murniyati said...

Lovely bouquet! Lovely sons...

Steve Surratt said...
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Steve Surratt said...

Your cup runneth over this summer!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I will be cutting weeds. lol
We haven't thought too far ahead yet, there is marching band camp though.

Gail Dixon said...

I remember my daughter bringing me windflowers. Glad I snapped a photo of it. Have fun and enjoy your activities with the boys. Sounds like a full month.

TexWisGirl said...

daisies, fleabane and clovers. your cup runneth over. :)

Linda said...

June already? Time is racing by!

Sally said...

Okay now, I want to know more about this dance recital! :)

No plans here, really. Just enjoying being alive and well. What more could I ask for. Hoping the "greats" will be here for some of the summer.

Love the boys bringing you flowers. I feel the same way you do about the wild ones; I put them in glasses also, and love the thought behind them.


Anonymous said...

Sweet flower bouquets from your boys. I always loved visiting the library when I was a kid during summer. Sadly, I never learned to swim. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Lisa.

An Apel a Day said...

We're going on vacation. I have a graduation to go to for where I work. The boys start an acting camp soon. My birthday is in June to.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sounds like they will have a great summer! I think we will just hang here. Well, I like t go to Richmond at least once a summer, maybe a few other short trips. I was thinking, how far are you from Lexington? Every Fourth of July, they have a big hot air balloon festival. Lots of trucks come to the field and you can be right there to watch them inflate the balloons and at one point, they all take off at once. You can also get a tethered ride...there are lots of vendors and such. They have an online schedule. Would you be interested in meeting there if the weather is good?

Montanagirl said...

You have some swell boys there! That's very sweet.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Flowers from the hands--and hearts--of little ones are the best!

June, unfortunately, has a tight schedule for work. Hope to get some fun in.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm trying to get a family vacation planned, but so far not getting anywhere with it..LOL schedules don't jive. I know you and the boys will have a wonderful summer!

Michelle said...

We have softball and the start of basketball practice....already! More trap shooting and I hope a few days of at least sleeping until 7am. Enjoy June with your young men!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Between your jobs and taking care of the kids--you will have a busy summer...

Now that we don't have any children around us, we don't really have a full summer schedule... We do have a couple of trips planned --but not many.. We don't hike much during the summer.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its fun to bring spring and summer flowers into the house,, they just look so pretty- everywhere!!

Vision By Mila said...

Well then, they're pretty weeds.. we used to get those when we were kids as well, in Romania. I don't see them much in Finland though.

mail4rosey said...

We just finished swim lessons yesterday. :)

We still have two weeks of school left here.

Anonymous said...

We are doing swimming lessons and a science camp.

Chatty Crone said...


Anonymous said...

For us, summer holidays finish on June 10th! ANd Aarya starts Junior KG! phewww! I am so excited, it is going to rain too :)

Annette said...

That's the best bouquets ever! This month we'll be going on a much needed family vacation to Florida. (We've been saving up for this trip for the past two years.) Other weekends will be filled with going to the park and swimming at a nearby lake. We can't wait!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Flowers brought in by your kiddos are the matter what kind they are. SO sweet.

Willow said...

Aw that is actually quite touching and beautiful to have them bring you wild flowers :))

Jenn Jilks said...

We went to a funeral Sat. for my ex-husband. My granddaughter kept bringing me dandelions! It was quite an event.

Cyndy @ Back in the Bush said...

I believe there are flowers, and there are wildflowers. Never weeds. =)
Sounds like a fun filled summer!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Your flowers look so nice, especially if they are coming from your children.
It's awesome to know that your children will start school in September.
It looks like your Summer will be a busy Season filled with many activities planned for your children and yourself.
Teaching is an amazing job, because you will share your knowledge with new learners.
I have got golden rewards from my former teaching career in the past when I was younger...
I used to teach ESL English to foreign learners overseas.
Now, I do many new different things as I've grown older.
We are a stay-at-home couple.
Have a terrific time, Lisa with your beloved ones!
Poet Starry.

Slamdunk said...

Sounds like a busy fun week. Daughter here has been picking wildflowers and putting them in water for mom. Unfortunately, the kittens think it is a salad bar for them.

We are finishing up school and thinking vacation which starts next weekend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The flowers are beautiful and so sweet. I'm going to Florida for 17 days in June. Enjoy your summer!

Unknown said...

My Arizona "Bucket List"--however long I stay here has included:
1.) Visits to The Grand Canyon
2.) Frequent trips to Sedona
3.) One trip two days ago to Tucson.
4.) A summer of riding Arabian horses (2009).

This summer, I joined a hiking group, a cycling group (but haven't settled on a used hybrid bike quite yet), enjoyed buying hiking boots, a cycling helmet, and a Camelbak back pack (that is the correct spelling too!). Also working out regularly. Aren't you glad you asked! :)