Friday, August 1, 2014

A Rainbow in My Pantry

I can't believe it's already August and I have not yet specifically blogged about my garden. 

The truth is, I didn't plant that much.  But the things I've planted have done well.  Kale and lettuce, peas, yellow summer squash and radishes (to battle the bugs), cucumbers and an assortment of tomatoes.

I have been rather busy canning.  Below you can see (from left to right) strawberry jam (from our strawberry picking), jalapeno jelly, dill relish, wineberry jam (these grow wild on our land), pickled beets (thanks to a big batch of beets from Sunnybrook Farm), and sweet summer squash relish.  I've also done a number of squash pies for the freezer and some squash refrigerator pickles. 
I plan to plant a few crops for the fall.  Beets, spinach, lettuce, and maybe some more peas.  These are all things that tend to do well in the fall in my garden.  Broccoli does well too, but picking off all those caterpillars kind of gets to me after a while.

Readers, what's growing in your garden this summer?


The Cranky said...

Mostly weeds in the garden this year; the cool temperatures have not been at all conducive to successful ripening. Even my peas are only half grown!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL! My here was nothing that made me gag more than seeing those broccoli caterpillars float to the surface of my par boiled goodness!!!!...:)JP

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They look good, glad that you could use the beets, they look so nice canned like that.
We have been eating the wine berry jam (just had some on toast for breakfast) and the dill relish is perfect for hot dogs. Glad that we could do a swap, this rain will be good for the garden.

Steve Surratt said...

Brings back boyhood memories of grandma's cellar. Love those colors. But grandma's cellar had a blacksnake named Fred so I had mixed feelings about that cellar.....

mail4rosey said...

I didn't know caterpillars liked broccoli. Some of those little buggers sting! Your rainbow looks great, you can tell you've been doing a lot of work. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

as a kid my parents had a huge garden. miss that. they travel to much now to have one ... only flowers. ( :

wow, those beets. my next door neighbor as a kid got me into liking beets. yummy!! so delicious.

curious - what do you use the spinach (i am guessing that is tiny green jar?) jar for? is that like a spread? are these family recipes? so fun!!

Out on the prairie said...

Bt is an organic for cole crops to keep the caterpillars at bay, you can eat the same day.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

COngrats on a great harvest. My thumbs are still brown tinged, even though I did win the battle against the grape fungus! The summer squash relish sounds interesting..does it have sugar in it?

TexWisGirl said...

i like your rainbow! good for you!

Bas. said...

Je bent wel heel goed bezig geweest, dat word weer smullen.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow--you have a great group of fresh veggies --and you'll enjoy them all winter!!! That is SO neat..

Our garden is full of flowers.. We can't eat them--but we certainly enjoy them all. It's been a great Spring/Summer for our flowers this year... Now--the Roses are showing off...

Happy August.

Sally said...

Girl! You really have been busy, and everything looks & sounds SO good. You're amazing, Lisa! :)

Endah Murniyati said...

Jalapeno jelly and dill relish, sounds so interesting! I have never known about it before. How about the taste of the jelly and the relish. I really want to know.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have been busy!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such a pretty array of the fruits of your labor! Hmmmm, jalapeño jelly? We've had a good crop of jalapeño peppers. Wonder if I could make that?

Our tomatoes didn't do well. Our cucumbers and lettuce did well. I hope to plant some more lettuce for this fall.

Maggid said...

wowzer!! those jars look magical!

Isn't it funny how our plans change?

Happy August to YOU!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your rainbow! Everything sounds so yummy....enjoy.

Busy Bee Suz said...

A rainbow of goodies indeed! My garden is done and I just covered the dirt hoping to keep the weeds at bay. I start again in October. Enjoy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot believe how much you are able to do!!! I guess it is your running. Did I tell you that the boys are SOOO much cuter in person? I know that has nothing to do with canning, but still..

Michaele said...

That is a beautiful lineup! I will have to consider squash pickles this year.

Marie said...

I need a garden! Yours is so pretty!

Karen said...

Lisa, you are making me look bad with all your canning accomplishments! We have tomatoes (all still GREEN!!!).. green beans, peppers, yellow squash, zucchini, basil, parsley, onions, garlic, pathetic corn, blackberries and raspberries.

Texan said...

Your jars of goodies look great!!

Michelle said...

This all looks so good to me. LOVE pickled beets!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Woooww! Your garden is a rainbow of goodies indeed, I agree!
I love blueberries & veggies...
We don't grow anything in our apartment, apart from plants.
We'd surely love to have a farm.
One more month to go, and the Summer will be over. Enjoy August!
Have a happy Summer month with your lovely kids, family & loved ones! Did you get my email?...
You must be a happy lady, Lisa.
Greetings from Starry.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Our garden is not doing very good at all! Well we do have blueberrys!
You really do have a rainbow!

Rob-bear said...

That is, indeed, a colourful collection of good things for your pantry. I'm not very good at growing things. And useless at preserving them.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Jenn Jilks said...

Weeds, yes. Milkweed, a Monarch caterpillar (just one), asparagus, otherwise my veggies pretty much failed. I'm very happy to see yours, though! sigh.

Unknown said...

As a single guy in a condo, only three plants arranged in clay pots baked in a kiln with cool purple exteriors that are set inside small antique wooden crates! This is a great post that reminded me that my parents boiled and canned red and green peppers for the Winter in Ball jars, in our basement! A nice memory for me!!

Harry Flashman said...

My little test garden plot was a bust. A big rain came and washed all the black potting soil and the seeds out of the boxes.

Slamdunk said...

I like your harvest. We did not do a garden this year which is nice and disappointing--the latter when we don't have any fresh fixings for the nightly salad. Fortunately, our friend has given us lots of zucchini which the Mrs. turns into zucchini muffins--a popular treat enjoyed by all here.

An Apel a Day said...

My husband grew a lot of things. I should can. So far I've been chopping, and freezing.

Anonymous said...

Sunnybrook Farm had beets? Oooh, would have loved some!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

Someday when I am successful and live with a house that actually has a yard...loving all those colors.