Friday, October 24, 2014

Behind the Fence

Francie, with her oddly twisted ears.
I've asked around, but I never did manage to find someone who had an idea of why her ears are tilted backwards on the tips.

Linked with RunARound Ranch's Good Fences link up. 
A happy 8th birthday today to Pierce!


Harry Flashman said...

I'll ask Elizabeth. She spends so much time at the stable with Seamus that maybe she has picked up something about that.

Seamus has a girlfriend now. A mare that is in the same paddock during the day as he is. She groomed him and pulled out his mane! I guess she wanted a new look for him.

The Cranky said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!

Her ears are unique, but she's still beautiful!

Annette said...

Oh my goodness. Her ears are cute!! I think they're a part of her charm! By the way, happy birthday to Pierce!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh she is so beautiful Hug B

Steve Surratt said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce!

Lynn said...

Perhaps she is just a very special girl with very special ears, such a sweet sweet photo of her.

Bas. said...

dat is de nieuwe look.

Rob-bear said...

Happy Birthday to Piece! I hope he has a wonderful time today.

Francie is a very particular horse; why should she not have particular ears? She's looking reasonably good from that picture, so that is great news in itself.

Blessings and Bear hugs.

P.S.: I always thought a fence was what you took when people insulted you. Perhaps my grasp of Human language is not as good as I think.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday Pierce!!!!!!!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Happy birthday Pierce

TexWisGirl said...

sweet little girl! cute ears. :) thanks, lisa!

Unknown said...

very impressive article you shared here, as a owner of baby beanbags I found an interesting information over here. thanks for this post.

Sally said...

Awwww - sweet boy, 8 years old! Happy Birthday, Pierce!

Regardless to her ears (since I have no clue) Francie is a beautiful horse and wonderful thanks to all of your hard work, Lisa.


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Her ears are so delicate looking. Happy Birthday to Pierce! I hope he has a wonderful day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Maybe it is just part of how we are all different. But it is so cute! Hey, I got your package yesterday. Thank you so much, it all shipped in perfect shape!! And the best part, there is a cookbook so I can make things with it!

Gail Dixon said...

Hmmm...there must be a good reason. In any case, they're pretty ears and I would have never noticed how they're tilted back.

Happy birthday to sweet Pierce!

Anonymous said...

Part of her charm!

Eat To Live said...

I haven't been around a lot of horses, but that is strange that the ears tilt back.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

She is unique!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce!!

mail4rosey said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce! And the ears make your horse look uniquely special. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a nice and successful weekend

Montanagirl said...

It certainly sets her apart from all the others!

Willow said...

She sure is cute ~ I have to say I have never ever seen a horse with ears like that and I've seen a lot of horses !

Willow said...

The Kathiawari breed has odd ears I wonder if she has a distant ancestor in there somewhere??

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I was thinking maybe a birth defect, or something happened to them when she was young. It certainly makes her unique! She is a lucky horse to have you as a guardian.

Michaele said...

The better to hear you with my dear.

Linda said...

She just wants to be different.

Hope Pierce had a special fun day!

An Apel a Day said...

She was probably born with ears like that. Just the way she is. I googled the ear thing. One blog post towards the very end:

says, "Some Indian breeds of horses have ears that tilt in odd directions, and make them look quite distinguished." Maybe she's part of an Indian breed.

Happy Belated Birthday to Pierce!

Anonymous said...

I love that her ear tip.

Anonymous said...

Oh lets say very unique.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce! And the horse looks terrific!

Starry Dawn said...


Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

She's beautiful and I love her quirky ears, too!