Friday, February 20, 2015

Spinach and Scallop Angel Hair Pasta Recipe

I am always on the lookout for quick and healthy recipes to pull together for dinner.  I tossed this combination together in about 10 minutes, it was a big hit with the boys, and total cost for a family of five came in at under $5!

16 oz. angel hair pasta
3 tbsp. olive oil
1/4 cup chopped garlic
9 oz. package fresh spinach
4 oz. frozen scallops, thawed
1/2 tsp. black pepper
freshly grated parmesan

Cook pasta according to directions, drain.  Heat oil and garlic in large skillet over medium heat.  When garlic starts to sizzle, add 1/2 cup water and spinach and scallops.  Cover and cook 5 minutes or until spinach is tender.  Add pepper and toss with pasta, sprinkle with parmesan to taste.

I found frozen scallops at the dollar store, which is what I used for this recipe (and why it was so cheap).  I think it would be awesome with large scallops, too, albeit not quite as budget-friendly.  If you didn't have spinach on hand, kale would be a good substitution. 


The Cranky said...

Making this! Pasta, scallops and spinach? Probably making it this weekend!

Sandra said...

Love when a new recipe turns out, especially a frugal one :)

Out on the prairie said...

Sounds real good Lisa, I would cook my scallops at the very end to keep them tender maybe. I like to use the bay scallops for something like this, but like the big ones even better.

Atlas said...

That sounds like an excellent meal and I really like the idea of using Kale. Plus the big one for me being a graduate student is it being cheap and quick. Time is something I seem to have so little of (don't we all) and to find a balanced quick meal is always great. Thank you for sharing.

TexWisGirl said...

i used to make a scallop pasta w/ cream sauce years and years ago. it was delicious! i bet this is much healthier. :)

Bas. said...

het ziet er echt heerlijk uit,geen wonder dat ze graag bij je eten.

Unknown said...

This looks awesome. My daughter loves anything with pasta. I am sure it would be a hit!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This looks really good! Larry would like it too because he especially likes scallops. I didn't know you could get things like that at the dollar store. I need to do more exploring!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That sounds delicious. Enjoy your weekend.

mail4rosey said...

I haven't had angel hair pasta on our dinner menu for awhile. This one looks good!

21 Wits said...

Me too, and this looks and sounds so very delicious too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This looks awesome!!! AND I have two bags of spinach in the fridge! I have no scallops, but I am making salmon tonight. So I will use the leftover salmon tomorrow night instead of scallops, cannot WAIT!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Looks and sounds great, Baby Girl!...:)JP

Sally said...

I am so glad for the reminder of dishes like this. Love spinach and scallops. I've done it with shrimp also. Thanks a lot, pal, now I'm wanting this also. :)


Tweedles -- that's me said...


Unknown said...

Looks like something I will try!

Marie said...

I'd have to swap out the spinach. lol Looks tasty!

MOJO33 said...

I'm not a fan of scallops but I think I'll give it a try with shrimp! YUM!

Harry Flashman said...

When I was a young man we used to go "scalloping" off the coast of Florida. You took an orange sack, one of those they sold oranges in, made of nylon mesh. Then you swam along the bottom in about eight feet of water, running your hand through the sand. The scallops would move and you'd see them and put them in the sack. Then we'd have a big fish fry and boil them up , have mullet and crab at the same time. Your post brought back some good memories.

An Apel a Day said...

This does look great. I like spinach in pasta.

Gauri said...

The Angel-hair pasta!!! Thats a new name to me :) The dish looks terrific though and easy to make :)

Anonymous said...

This really looks yummy!

Linda said...

I got some smoked scallops in a tin at Dollar Tree and they were tiny but tasted good. Not like scallops though, milder.