Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Blank Slate - The 2015 Garden

A couple of weeks ago Paul tilled the garden for me.  The soil looks the best it has ever looked.  So I'm hopeful it'll be a good year for the garden.  At the corner post, you can see some of my kale from last year that survived the winter.

I sat around eating bon bons in a lawn chair while the boys went to work.  Okay, so there was no lawn chair.  Or bon bons, sadly.  Maybe on Mother's Day? 

I am hoping my asparagus will return this year.  I fertilized the bed this winter, courtesy of the horses.  I planted the seeds pictured below, along with some rhubarb.
In a few more weeks, I'll add more goodies, like squash and cucumber and perhaps some melon.  And tomatoes, of course!

Readers, what are you planting this year?


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Look at those boys, slaving away while you opened seed packets...shame on you!...:)JP

Steve Surratt said...

Hopefully spring is finally here! Nice to see the boys helping, I could not pay mine enough to rake for more than 5 minutes.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I tend to just grow weeks, so I'm planting tomatoes, and not sure what else in planters..which may or may not work..because my thumbs are both purple.

Heather said...

How exciting you are starting your garden! Mine is still buried in snow (i'm supposed to be planting peas right now!). I know there is an awful lot of cleanup to do when the snow does melt. I wasn't able to close up the garden last year because I was definitely in the 10 month of pregnancy at that point :-) This year I am hoping to use your radish trick to make all those stink bugs/squash bugs/bane of my existence disappear. Other than that, I am planning on peppers/tomatoes/lettuce/summer squash - ok it might be too much to list here. Good luck with your rhubarb! We love ours - especially because it comes up year after year with no work from me :-)

The Cranky said...

Tomatoes, of course. Peppers, both sweet and hot. Golden beets, yellow radishes, Tom Thumb container peas, Kentucky Wonder pole beans, and some funky patty pan type summer squash. Basil, dill, and cilantro/coriander. Round (ball) carrots. Oh, and probably some type of greens mix.

Unknown said...

Our son lives next door, and as we are not able to work the garden as in years gone by, he is in charge this year. He has tilled the soil, made beds for different things and just waiting a couple more weeks to get it all in. The strawberries are moving right along tho! Loved seeing your boys get 'into it'!

Out on the prairie said...

Send him over, I need mine done. I am getting my knee injected today, so looking for helpers.

TexWisGirl said...

i like your toilers. :)

21 Wits said...

Busy little hands will be so delighted once their sprouts begin to show!

Eat To Live said...

The dirt in your garden does look great!! I can't wait to get mine started. We are suppose to have snow here on Saturday.

Alica said...

That soil does indeed look wonderful! Horse manure is like gold! :) My garden will be sparse this year...I'm not doing a large one as usual because I'm not about to re injure my back and lose another 6 months! I'll probably put in some zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, cantelope, tomatoes...the "easy" things that don't require a lot of picking, canning and freezing. We'll see.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is looking good and I can't wait to see your harvest!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, it all looks so good. And the boys seem very excited about it. Sadly, we do not have a garden in any year. We may plant wildflowers, though.

Harry Flashman said...

The trees around your place look like those here. But soon they'll be all leafed out. I have a less ambitious garden planned for this year, probably just tomatoes and corn as it's my first serious attempt in a long time.

Karen said...

We have drastically reduced our garden to the two plots in the backyard that are roughly the size of yours. Much more manageable. I've added rabbit manure to our garden soil this year, we've been told it's the best.. we shall see.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish I had a garden - that looks like it is going to be awesome!

Gingi said...

So great that your kids are all helping! They must have so much fun!! This is my first year for a garden, and I am soooooo nervous nothing will grow!! lol! -

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh your soil looks wonderful!
We always have so many weeds take over,, we thought we would do those wooden garden beds,,, But last year we did not have much success. We will try again this year,
You have the best little helpers out there!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

It's great the boys are learning about gardening! The twins' tools are so cute. :-)

We were just talking tonight about our garden. We need to work the soil in the raised bed and start getting some early things planted. Your soil looks rich!

Endah Murniyati said...

You have three great garden helpers! So lovely! Happy gardening,friend!

Small Kucing said...

am planting Roselle and brinjal this year :)

mail4rosey said...

Putting the boys to work is brilliant. :) I've been in the yard quite a bit lately (not gardening but sprucing it up). My helper ended up doing more play than help though, I must admit. ;)

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have wonderful helpers!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fertile plot! I'm jealous of your early planting date.

An Apel a Day said...

We expanded our garden, so we're planting a lot this year.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Oh! Your garden looks awesome.
I wish I had a garden...
I live in an apartment in the city.
Your boys look very busy getting ready
to plant the seeds.
I love veggies!
Good Luck in all you do, Lisa!
Easter Greetings from Starry.

Annette said...

What a great garden! I don't know where you find the time for everything--puppy adoption, gardening, baking, teaching, wife, mother. You do it all! I can't wait to hear about your garden adventures as you start picking yummy crops this summer. So cool!