Monday, February 8, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I decided to try out the muffin tin theme from this blog (you can push the button above to take you to her blog and join in!), because it seemed like a fun way for Pierce to have lunch.  Today's Muffin Tin Monday had no theme to it, so I created one of my own.  I went with a farm theme.
Corn, Chocolate milk, shredded pork with mushrooms, "ranch hand" avocado (just used a hand shaped cookie cutter to make this shape), and rice pilaf.


Anonymous said...

I love your theme and the cow. The ranch hand is just a clever idea. Thanks for stopping by.

Mama to 5 said...

very cute theme! :)

Unknown said...

WELCOME to Muffin Tin Monday (trust me, with creativity like yours, you're gonna comae back for more!)...

Sandy said...

Great theme! I love the "ranch hand"!

Jamie said...

What a great idea for a theme! It turned out wonderful. :-)

LeAnn said...

OK, I just love your little critter peeking out of the tin. Too cute!!!

Unknown said...

Love the "hand" idea, that is too cute. Hope the little ones are feeling better soon, we go through a lot of the baby Vick's ourselves. :)

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

"Ranch hand" - that's too funny! Adding the toy horse for decoration is great too. Thanks for joining in! :)

w said...

it looks great! the farm theme is great... and am i the only one who snickered when i read "shredded pork"? i totally get that pigs are on farms...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

W., I'm glad you appreciated the piggy pork ;-)

sarah in the woods said...

Very cute! Your boys are adorable. Hope they get better quick.