Monday, March 22, 2010

MTM - What do Bears Eat, and Elvis gets his Bling

Well, it's Muffin Tin Monday again.  This time there was no theme.  So we came up with "What do bears eat?" as our theme.  My mom got us these adorable bear muffin tins which fit in just perfectly today.
Bears eat honey, even on heart shaped whole wheat bread.  Bears eat all berries, especially blueberries.  Bears eat citronella.  As we found out when we left some out on top of our mountain one summer.  Lest you think I fed my child citronella, I will let you in on a secret....really just lemon curd ;-)  But doesn't lemon curd look JUST like citronella that has turned semi-solid in the cold?  And bears eat salmon.  Only my little bear likes his salmon in a casserole with mac and cheese, tomatoes, and peas. 
This tin was a huge hit and everything was eaten.

Want to join in on MTM?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

So last week, Wendiwinn suggested that Elvis needed a gold chain.  And maybe a VW to drive around in.  So Pierce and I went to work with some beads.

Pierce was really happy with his 'transportation' necklace.  He wears it

And apparently, Elvis was happy with his bling, and his Hummer.  No lie, check out the chick's topper.  Does he have attitude or what?  Now he just needs a theme song.

Paul has suggested Elvis get a name change.  He says he looks just like Beaker from the Muppets.  Paul does have a point.
So let's take a vote.  If you all think his name should be changed, let me know, I'm game.  And if you think it should stay Elvis, too bad for Paul ;-)


Anonymous said...

I love the bear tin! Lemon curd is so yummy!

Alison said...

Cute tins, and I have to go with Paul, Beaker is a great name!

Andrea said...

I LOVE your theme! LOVE it!!! Happy MTM!!! Great necklace, too!

monica said...

Love teh bear tins! What a great theme!

Leah said...

Love your tin. I think Elvis should stay.

Sandy said...

Great "tin"!

w said...

hahaahahaha! um. i vote elvis. you're gonna give him a complex if you change his name this late in the game. love the bling.

also. i was seriously scared with the whole "giving your children citronella to eat" thing. whew.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, he does look like Beaker! But I agree with others that changing his name would confuse him. :)


Kelly said...

What a fun tin and a great way to remember a funny family story.
Elvis or Beaker, he's too cute!