Monday, May 10, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Swamp Days

No theme today for MTM, so we came up with a swamp theme. 
Swamp water, alligator peanut butter sandwich, green spanish moss Ramen, boggy chocolate pudding with a gummy frog, mossy broccoli, and snake bologna. 
Slightly creepy, but edible.

Hey, wanna see how our chickens sleep?
I knew you would.
You've been wondering, haven't you?

The upper deck.

And the lower one:

I'm still working up the nerve to inform Paul that he's going to have to extend the lower deck so there will be room next to Elvis for Wendiwinn if she comes to visit.

Want to participate in Muffin Tin Monday?
Click here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

I love the swamp theme. The frog in the glass is priceless.

Robbins Zoo said...

OMGSH! I'm so happy to see that other Moms were creative! After seeing your post I wish I had been more inspired.. LOL Will have to keep this theme in mind for a later tin :o)
LOVE the chicky pics. They look rather comfy!

Anonymous said...

I don't think in a million years I would have thought to do swamp theme! I really like it, so clever.

Rachael said...

That is so clever, really imaginative!

Jamie said...

Very creative theme, it turned out great!

Alie said...

Wow! I love it all - especially the alligator!

The Princess said...

I love this! Great theme. Your chickens are so beautiful. We are trying to decide if we want to get some now, or wait until we move up to the property. For now, I will just watch yours =)

Lisa said...

Great theme!

Keeslermom said...

By boy would love a swamp lunch! Great tin!

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

I want to do more lively themes but Audrey still turns her nose up at different things. Great idea! Maybe someday soon I can do something similar.

w said...

first. i'm honored that you'd create room for me next to elvis.

second. i'm sleeping in the main house.

third. so is elvis.