Monday, November 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - The Food Pyramid

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme is the food pyramid.  I'm no nutritionist and I was too lazy busy to look up proper balances on the various food tiers.  I think the meals I make at home tend to be fairly well balanced, but when I fall short it is always in the area of protein and dairy.  I'm a huge fan of carbs, fruits and veggies though. 

Here's what Pierce had:
Hard boiled egg from our chickens, roasted balsalmic brussel sprouts, stuffing (I had a craving because of all the Thanksgiving hype), a clementine orange, a sugar pear, and some carrots.  And no, I didn't forget about dairy this time!  Pierce had a glass of milk to drink on the side.

If you'd like to join in on MTM, go here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

This looks great! I have been craving stuffing too.

They call me Mommy said...

those bears are adorable! great job!

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe you should start a catering business? Looks great. sandie

Angela said...

Looks good to me too! I did notice that the pear and the egg look to be the same size. Either your hens are laying some really big eggs or the pear is on the small side! lol The little bear holders are so cute! No wonder you can get him to eat his brussel sprouts!

Have a Great Day!

Leesa said...

Will you post how you make your brussel sprouts? I'm usually not a fan, but yours seriously look yummy! Your bears are too adorable and are perfect for you!

Andrea said...

Looks like a good covering of all the necessities to me! :>

SnoopyGirl said...

Cute lunch! I really love those bear muffin cups!